View Full Version : On a lighter note: I've lost some weight!! :)

07-15-2008, 04:10 PM
During my time at the clinic, I started changing my diet (less fat and sugar, and I ate only the three meals at the clinic, and nothing else). Also, I started doing some sport there, not much because I'm still in a bad physical shape, but at least as much as I could with my damaged spine. And I'm trying to continue this diet since I'm back home, and try to do some exercise.

Anyway, the result is that I lost 10 kg (about 22 pounds) within 7 weeks, and I think that's really a lot! It's also a good motivation to go on. I'm down from 97 kg to 86,7 kg, and it would be great if I could lose 10 more kilograms. :D


07-15-2008, 04:14 PM
Congratulations, Kirsten! I have recently lost 26 lbs. myself. Bascially like you have done, finally eating the RIGHT way and doing a bit of exercise along with it! It's amazing what a difference it makes in your emotional health as well!;)

07-15-2008, 04:18 PM
Congrats, Kim!! :)

Yes, it gives you a very positive feeling, especially as I would never have thought it would happen so quickly! I always thought with the thyroid hormones and betablockers I have to take, it would be impossible to lose some weight at all.


Laura's Babies
07-15-2008, 07:50 PM
Congrats to you Kristen (You too Kim). Loosing weight is not easy and takes work.. Just don't loose so much that it makes you look sick.

Hay girls, in the last 3 years, I have lost 40 pounds without even trying! I walked off 17 of those pounds the first 7 weeks Eddie was in the hospital. We ate like PIGS all day but walking takes it off before you realize it. Since then I have just eaten healthier and the rest has fell off. I am where I want to be now so I am having to eat more so I won't loose anymore... and I am finding it hard to eat more! :rolleyes: I am trying to hold it at 130 pounds now and it is hard!!

07-15-2008, 08:52 PM
Congrats to you Kristen (You too Kim). Loosing weight is not easy and takes work.. Just don't loose so much that it makes you look sick.

Hay girls, in the last 3 years, I have lost 40 pounds without even trying! I walked off 17 of those pounds the first 7 weeks Eddie was in the hospital. We ate like PIGS all day but walking takes it off before you realize it. Since then I have just eaten healthier and the rest has fell off. I am where I want to be now so I am having to eat more so I won't loose anymore... and I am finding it hard to eat more! :rolleyes: I am trying to hold it at 130 pounds now and it is hard!!

Laura, it will be quite a while before I have to worry about looking sick from too much weight loss!:p

07-15-2008, 08:57 PM
Congrats Kirsten and Kim too!!:D I'm sure you both feel a lot better now.:)