View Full Version : Reason for whiplash

07-15-2008, 08:29 AM
Read my first post "I am back" to find out about me getting it. Anyway we were at the one of the Ontario airports unloading our stuff from the back of our friends big van. It is one of the ones with a top hatch and then two doors on the bottom. Well the lifts or what ever they are called are gone are on them so they use a board to hold it up. well the the board slipped out while I was under there and landed right on my neck.

It hurt. Really hurt. But only for about 20 so I thought I was ok. This was 11 at night. Which was the only time our frienk could drop us off. I felt so bad for her because she had beed doing us this favor and of course I have to go and get hurt, Anyway, By about 3am the paim started to come back but not just in my neck. Down my spine, into my head, and shoulders. At first it was mild. Even when we boarded it was bareable. But 20 minutes from landing It became so intense I could hardly handly and I asked for an ambulance to meet us at the gate. Good thing I am on Aish, All is covered.

They did all they could to make me comfortable. But Got me and hubby and Sheena off first. They had a wheel chair waiting for us and after every finished un boardinging they they started to push me forward. While Sheena decided to help, And started to pull. The parametic said said she was oulling so hard she was pulling her too. So I told her to just give me left and right directions so Sheena knows when to turn. THe lady couldn't believe how strong she was.

Any Sheena and I both got into the ambulance and Sneena was well behaved and did as she should by allowing the proffesionals to work with me and she just relax. They let me know it was most likely really bad soft tissue and mussle damage and whip lash and gave me two choices. Go to a hospital in Calgary where I know no one and would most likely freak out and the wait that day were really long or, sign a form promising to see my doctor as soon as soon as I got home. I choose the last one. Which as agong but worth it, Sinch I was in so much pain walking was even harder then usual. So hubby asked if Sheena could come in. Many doctors work there which is why I never asked, Well they all must have said yes because Sheena got to got to go to the clinic for the first and is now welcome each time I come.

I was X-rayed and my doctor diagnosed me with sever whiplash. So along with all my other meds that drug me the T-3 will too. Oh joy,NOT!!!.

Anyway I am so proud of my girl. That I just had to share,
Nicole & Sheena PSD

07-15-2008, 12:01 PM
That must've been so painful for you!! You should be VERY proud of your little girl. She did a good thing.

Feel better sweetie.

Laura's Babies
07-15-2008, 03:58 PM
OUCH! That sounds like it has to be extreemly painful! HOpe you are feeling better..

07-15-2008, 08:08 PM
Good thing I am on Aish, All is covered.

Sorry to hear about your injury!

What is Aish??

07-15-2008, 08:26 PM

07-15-2008, 09:23 PM
What's the :rolleyes: for, my question? I'm trying to think of a health insurance that has that abbreviation, but can't.

07-15-2008, 09:26 PM
Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped.

My sister was on it for her MS...it can also apply to people with disabling physical injuries, as well as the 'invisible' disabilities like depression, OCD, etc.

Each province has its own fund, and a different acronym!

Hope you are feeling better soon, Nicole!

07-15-2008, 09:40 PM
Wow... I would never have guess that one, LOL.

So, does that take the place of a regular health insurance for when you are injured?

07-16-2008, 12:57 AM

Here is a link if you want to learn more about it. It is a secure source of income since I will never be able to work. But they also cover health benifits and so on. Alot of what they cover is on the right side links.

Hope that helps to answer your questions if not let me know.

07-16-2008, 04:22 AM
Ahhhh... so it's like Disibility, Medicaid and SSI benefits here in the States.

Do you think you'll ever be able to work? I mean, if there are treatments and medicines that could help you? You're just so young, it seems sad to be limited so much, so early. :( I'd be worried about income, since they only allow so much per month, and limits on what your spouse can earn as well. Same thing here in the states for Medicaid and such.

Hope they can find something to help you more. I suffer with depression, and it can be so debilitating at times. I qualified for FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act) back in February or March, which was nice because it didn't count against you when you missed work(couldn't threaten me with losing my job), but you also didn't get paid. So, in a way, it was more depressing because you knew you weren't getting money, and if money is a stressor to begin with, it just compounds the problem. Ah well.... hopefully I can find something that will help me before school/work starts again in the fall.

07-16-2008, 09:24 PM
Catty 1 - your posts intrigue me. You mention your sister was on disability for her m.s. I'm from Ontario and darn if anyone gets anything for m.s out here. If you got in the system yrs ago it still might pass but otherwise forget it. They just passed a new bill 6 yrs ago and many people that were receiving disability for this were cut off. Two examples of the questions that were asked...are you able to dress yourself, feed yourself and are you able to walk with an aid for a distance of 4 ft. If yes to these questions, no disability benefits. Many people are now living very meagerly because of this. People with m.s. are expected to have their employers adapt to their disability and give them easier jobs, most people that I see with m.s. don't have the energy to work even at an easier job.
Flagrant misuse of our tax dollars but that's the way it stands.

Someone was asking about medical insurance - everyone, working or not is covered by OHIP. Ambulance costs are usually in the $60.00 range and come out of our pocket but no one was ever turned down for an ambulance if they couldn't afford it. As for hospital coverage, we never see a bill, it's sent directly to OHIP.
Even people on welfare aid get the best of care, actually more than the working person, since their eyeglasses, hearing aids, etc are all covered by welfare also.
This is one reason our taxes are so high in Ontario....sad to say, but the ones who most need disability benefits are the ones left out in the cold...

07-17-2008, 12:13 AM
Shepgirl, that happens a lot here in the states too. The ones who need to be on disability have to fight for years to get it. Others, who just don't feel like working or getting treatment to get better, seem to get disability without a hitch.

Here you have to qualify to be on welfare. What I've seen at work (I work for a school district), there are many who miss the financial guidelines by mere pennies and receive no aid. They struggle to pay for food, the kids come to school without breakfast, go without lunch. Our kids who live in the projects, receive welfare and get free breakfast and lunch, they are the ones who come in with new clothes every other week and throw most of what they get for breakfast and lunch in the garbage cause they don't want it.

It's a lovely system.

07-17-2008, 12:48 AM
Catty 1 - your posts intrigue me. You mention your sister was on disability for her m.s. I'm from Ontario and darn if anyone gets anything for m.s out here. If you got in the system yrs ago it still might pass but otherwise forget it. They just passed a new bill 6 yrs ago and many people that were receiving disability for this were cut off. Two examples of the questions that were asked...are you able to dress yourself, feed yourself and are you able to walk with an aid for a distance of 4 ft.

Actually Could you provide some proof to back this up please. Because My AISH worker let me know there is a similar program in Ontatrio that people can transfer to from other provinces as long as they have their paperwork in order, I was also asked how far I could walk and all the things you mentioned but since my disabilities were psych ones this stuff was not consider as the meat of the issue,

If yes to these questions, no disability benefits. Many people are now living very meagerly because of this. People with m.s. are expected to have their employers adapt to their disability and give them easier jobs, most people that I see with m.s. don't have the energy to work even at an easier job.
Flagrant misuse of our tax dollars but that's the way it stands. Agian could you please direct me to the government pages that state that because it goes agianst what my government worker states.

Someone was asking about medical insurance - everyone, working or not is covered by OHIP. Ambulance costs are usually in the $60.00 rangeThis is true if you are covered under something otherwise it is over 200 and I can show you the bill for mine this year when I tried to kill myself and had to ride in an ambulance and come out of our pocket but no one was ever turned down for an ambulance if they couldn't afford it. As for hospital coverage, we never see a bill,This is not true, If you are in a certian pay range then you do have to pay certian coverage. it's sent directly to OHIP.
Even people on welfare aid get the best of care, actually more than the working person, since their eyeglasses, hearing aids, etc are all covered by welfare also.I wish, On Aish the top amount I can get is 1088. Try living on that. Welfare is not designed to give you the best og=f things. Only a step up. And only certian meds are even covered, My hubbies ADD and ADHD meds are not covered under my AISH, So it is not all roses.
This is one reason our taxes are so high in Ontario....sad to say, but the ones who most need disability benefits are the ones left out in the cold...


07-17-2008, 01:12 AM
Nicole, just wanted to say I wasn't commenting anything about you or your situation. I know from your posts you've gone through absolute hell.

I hope things will get better for you.

Do they have anything there like we have here at Walmart and Walgreens pharmacies where you can get generic medications for $4.00?? I wish mine qualified, but of course, none of my generics were on the lists. Figures. I know my friend Brandy asks for meds that are on those lists cause she'd never be able to afford meds any other way. I'm thinking about your husband's meds that aren't covered.

Money is so tight these days. It just makes everything more stressful than it needs to be.

07-17-2008, 10:26 AM
jenn_librarian - I know that was not you inntent so no worries. So far all my meds are covered on AISH and my being in the ambulance yesterday was too. And soon, thank goodness since I have been seeing things blurry for months now, I will be getting a new pair of glasses. My whole family is covered under my Aish for medical. But some meds are not and unfortunately one of the ones hubby is on isn't.

Right now all I really feel is wozzy. My meds mixed with codine do not make me more physicallly stable. Good thing Sheena is accepted everywhere here. And has her new mobility harness,. Wait I forgot to post pictures of her in her new gear. Just whole on and I will.

07-17-2008, 12:11 PM
Pictures of Sheena's new gear in the Dog General Area

07-17-2008, 07:56 PM
Shepgirl, that happens a lot here in the states too. The ones who need to be on disability have to fight for years to get it. Others, who just don't feel like working or getting treatment to get better, seem to get disability without a hitch.

Here you have to qualify to be on welfare. What I've seen at work (I work for a school district), there are many who miss the financial guidelines by mere pennies and receive no aid. They struggle to pay for food, the kids come to school without breakfast, go without lunch. Our kids who live in the projects, receive welfare and get free breakfast and lunch, they are the ones who come in with new clothes every other week and throw most of what they get for breakfast and lunch in the garbage cause they don't want it.

It's a lovely system.

jenn I thought the states was more liberal than in Ontario, guess not. We have the same thing here with welfare...the kids with brand name clothes and munching on junkl all day are referred to as the welfare rich.

When Aid is denied people with real disabilities, like crohn's, ms, brain injuries then something is severely wrong with the system. It burns us to see the people getting help when they refuse to work but like you said it's the new way of life....why work when you can play the system...