View Full Version : Emergency Prayer Needed For Emma... UPDATE

07-14-2008, 04:34 PM
EDIT: Update http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?p=2173589#post2173589

My in-laws cat went missing for about five days, and Saturday morning she finally came crawling home (literally - crawling). She was in a lot of pain and won't eat or drink, and was leaking fluid from her anus and vagina... called the vet that day, described the situation and said it was probably an abscess from a male trying to mate with her eventhough she is spayed, and she freaked out and tried pulling away and that may have caused some irritation or damage on the inside.

Sunday she was moving around a little more but still not eating or drinking very much and still painful when touched. And she hadn't urinated or defecated since coming home on Saturday. Call the vet again and set up an appointment for Monday morning...

Monday she is brought in and has xrays taken, turns out the disc in the very base of her tail is broken and her tail will have to be amputated (she won't even have a nub!) since essentially now it's just a dead limb. That surgery is scheduled for Wednesday.

However, that isn't what alarms them... by Monday she still hasn't urinated or defecated and the vet is afraid that she has some damage to her spinal cord and she can't urinate/defecate on her own. He manually expressed her bladder (which I'm learning about in school now, actually!), and the problem isn't being able to express it because I can do that manually, it's being able to do it on her own...

They're afraid she was hit by a car, or someone while she was missing yanked very hard on her tail or hit her with a heavy object, in other words she has suffered some severe trauma.

If she doesn't urinate or defecate on her own by Wednesday, she will have to be humanely euthanized.....

So please... keep Emma in your prayers... and pray that she goes on her own!!!! The surgery and tail amputation isn't the problem... its loss of her intestinal and bladder function we're worried about... but come Wednesday if she still hasn't gone on her own, it's the only humane decision we can make for her so she doesn't have to go through this pain any longer....


Emma is on the left, her brother Alex on the right.

Please, please keep her in your thoughts and prayers, guys... she is such a sweet little girl and so young, too... only a little over a year old!!!!

07-14-2008, 04:59 PM
Poor little Emma! She'll be in our prayers, that she regains her ability to "go" on her own.

07-14-2008, 05:37 PM
Poor Emma! Thoughts and prayers coming from Connecticut.

Please keep us posted. That poor precious baby.

07-14-2008, 05:39 PM
What a sad situation. I do hope that she improves and is able to have her surgery.

Laura's Babies
07-14-2008, 05:41 PM
Oh MY! This is terriable for poor Emma. Please Lord, help this poor baby!

07-14-2008, 07:29 PM
Prayers for Emma have been said and will continue.

07-14-2008, 07:38 PM
Miracles happen all the time - I hope and pray that with antibiotics and healing, that she will begin to recover function. As long as she STARTS to, there is hope!

HUGS! Heal up, little Emma!

07-14-2008, 07:47 PM
Thank you all so much... it really means a lot to my inlaws.

What's sad is she is still so friendly and alert and... well I don't want to say active because she can't for obvious reasons, but we have her confined to the bathroom so if she uses the litterbox we KNOW its her, and when I go to visit her she just wants so much love and attention and she wants out of the bathroom so bad, haha. Eventhough she's injured it hasn't stopped her spirit.

07-14-2008, 08:49 PM
She sounds like a wonderful and loving cat. Prayers on the way....

07-14-2008, 09:03 PM
If she can't relieve herself, is it possible for you to continue to express her manually? I'm not really familiar with the procedure, but have heard of other animals that need assistance with things like this. Perhaps it has been in one of Critters' handicapped threads. I only asked because you said you were learning to do this yourself. Is it something that can be done long term or not? I'm really hoping she improves. I'm glad that she seems to be in good spirits though.

07-14-2008, 09:15 PM
I'm so sorry to hear about Emma! She is so lovely and it's awful to hear about what she may have gone through (hit by car or injured by a person). It sounds like she is in alot of discomfort and I will certainly pray for her that she will begin to use the litterbox on her own.
Is there anyway to put her by herself in a bedroom with a tv so she has some background noise going so it isn't so lonely for her? Or in a bedroom where other people can keep her company? It sounds like she is so affectionate and maybe 'being' with her family or in an environment that is more normal might inspire her to relax and 'go' if she is able to. Just a thought. Prayers and hugs going out for Emma.:)

07-14-2008, 09:49 PM
Poor Emma! That sweet face of her's just tugs at the heart strings. :(

I hope that she'll be ok, and that you won't have to euthanize her. :(

It's just so horrible that some one would hit her with a car and leave her, or purposely hurt her. I am just so losing faith in our society these days!

Big healing and tender hugs and scritchies to Emma. Get better sweetie!!

07-14-2008, 09:50 PM
Oh, no!

I am so, so sorry to hear about what's going on with poor little Emma! You all must just be going crazy with worry, and the waiting without being able to do anything is SO upsetting.

Sending BIG prayers and lots of positive thoughts from our whole family to yours.

Love & hugs,

07-14-2008, 10:42 PM
Yes, many cats live long happy lives having to have their bladder manually expressed, however I'm unsure about how to manually make her defecate, or if that is even possible... as of now, she is so impacted that even if she wanted to go it will probably be so painful for her... the vet did empty her bladder today, when I checked her a few hours ago there were claw marks in the litter box where it appeared she TRIED to go but didn't...

If its a matter of having to manually express her bladder for the remainder of her life or not, I'm not sure if that's something my inlaws are able to take on to be honest... they aren't heartless people, their lives are just so busy right now running their own business. I live here now but I'm at school nine hours out of the day, but I won't always live with them to do it, you know?

I guess we will just have to see how she progresses and see what the vet has to say on Wednesday.

Thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers, they mean SO much to us right now!!!

07-14-2008, 11:02 PM
I pray Emma makes some progress, and that the vet can un-impact her on Wednesday to give her more comfort.

There are people that will take on a special needs pet - but let's wait and see what the vet says.

Come on, Emma - surprise everyone! :D

07-15-2008, 01:35 AM
I'm so sorry to hear this.:( Emma will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Miss Z
07-15-2008, 05:41 AM
Emma reminds me so much of my RB Brando. I really hope she manages to pull through - cats are resiliant animals and can surprise us all! It sounds as if she is really trying hard to live. I'll keep her in my thoughts.

07-15-2008, 07:14 AM
My first rescue, RB Peeka, had injuries one of which made necessary the amputation of her tail. There was barely a stub there and my vet feared that she wouldn't be able to urinate or defecate on her own but she was able to, so hold on to that hope. She lived to be 14 so keep the faith. Our prayers are w/you and Emma. :)

07-15-2008, 02:13 PM
We are so sorry too hear, The CREW is sending all our prayers that Emma will recover.

Ginger's Mom
07-15-2008, 02:44 PM
Although I haven't had a chance to respond here, Emma has been very close in my thoughts all day, and prayers have been sent out for her recovery.

07-15-2008, 03:41 PM
I am so sorry to read about Emma!!! Many prayers heading her way, and that all goes well on Wednesday!!!

07-15-2008, 07:08 PM
I would like to thank you all so very much... she still has not gone on her own, but she has tried to, which to me speaks volumes. That means she can feel that she has to go, she just can't...

I know sometimes when animals go through trauma like this they can lose certain functions but can regain them back later, sometimes it takes days to weeks. The Dr was actually surprised when they brought her in yesterday that she WAS up and walking around, despite her injuries. So they do have high hopes still!

Again, thank you all so much, it means a lot.

07-15-2008, 07:58 PM
Maybe she WILL heal yet!

You're able to express her bladder, right?

What about her intestine?

I hope the vet gives her a little more time when he sees her tomorrow. And I hope he can clear her bowel and let it rest a bit.

She is TRYING to go! What a girl...if she can feel she has to, then maybe the rest of the system just needs a bit more healing.


07-15-2008, 08:19 PM
GOOD NEWS!!! Hubby and I checked on her just now, and there is a small amount of feces in the litterbox!! Not a large amount, maybe the size of my thumb, but I'm pretty sure it isn't something that just "fell out" on its own, you know?!


EDIT: Yes, I am learning about manual expression BUT have not physically done it on any animal yet... I was going to talk with my clin med instructor tomorrow and ask if maybe she'll help me during lunch or something and show me how to do it. She's a wonderful instructor -- today she let us microchip all the kitties, and my class got to do it -- its the first time I've used a needle on an animal before and I was able to microchip my kitten Shelly... it was so cool!

07-15-2008, 08:24 PM

Oh, if she can poop on her own, even a bit - who knows what a couple of weeks will do? I am SURE the vet will give her some extra time!

And maybe she will pee, too.


(umm....just realized "go" has more than one meaning....:o:D )

07-15-2008, 08:28 PM
This is great news about Emma!!!:D Now hopefully your vet will give you some good news tomorrow and I also hope that everything will go well. She'll continue to remain in my thoughts and prayers.:)

I do have one question though. Since she still hasn't been able to pee on her own, will she be okay before the vet expresses her bladder again? I'm asking this because I know when male cats become blocked it's very important to get them to a vet and unblocked asap because the urine can build up in their systems and eventually kill them.:( Maybe females are different.

07-15-2008, 10:58 PM
This is great news about Emma!!!:D Now hopefully your vet will give you some good news tomorrow and I also hope that everything will go well. She'll continue to remain in my thoughts and prayers.:)

I do have one question though. Since she still hasn't been able to pee on her own, will she be okay before the vet expresses her bladder again? I'm asking this because I know when male cats become blocked it's very important to get them to a vet and unblocked asap because the urine can build up in their systems and eventually kill them.:( Maybe females are different.

To be honest, I'm not sure, but I DO know that if you aren't comfortable or experienced with manually expressing a bladder you shouldn't do it because it can be very easy to rupture it, and that of course would cause a whole new world of problems for this little girl.

HOWEVER!! I went in to show my MIL that she went to the bathroom just now, and discovered along with defecating earlier -- SHE URINATED!!!!! Again, not a whole lot, but she urinated!!!

She has a vet appointment tomorrow, I'm sure the Doc will manually express her again and/or hopefully do something to help remove some of the feces, and I will also speak with an instructor about showing me how to manually express bladders in case I need to help and will feel comfortable with doing it.

07-15-2008, 11:18 PM

This little one just might make it! :D

07-15-2008, 11:32 PM
Oh my, this poor baby - but all of the signs seem to be so positive now - you have my prayers that she continues to improve.

07-16-2008, 01:18 AM
I'm so glad to hear that she's also peed a little bit.:) This is wonderful news.:D

07-16-2008, 08:32 AM
Poor kitty!!

I'm so glad she is able to go on her own now. Prayers on the way.

07-16-2008, 09:05 AM
What a brave girl she is! I'm so glad she's doing better!!

07-16-2008, 05:12 PM
What great news! Continuing to send love and prayers for sweet little Emma and your whole family.

God bless all of you for the special loving care you've given this precious little girl -- I really believe that the words "as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me" has to count in some way for all of His creatures, and not just the 2-legged ones.

As Catty1 said, "GO EMMA!" (I got SUCH a kick out of that one!) ;)


07-16-2008, 09:44 PM
Not sure of an update today; I know she did go to the vet but haven't talked to my in-laws about what the vet thought, though hubby said its still iffy with her.

I'll be sure to check in with my in-laws tonight if I see them before bed. Went out to dinner and wedding dress shopping with my sis and didn't get home till late so when I came home they were out :(

07-16-2008, 10:02 PM

07-17-2008, 12:57 PM
Any news?

Hopeful prayers being sent...

07-17-2008, 04:20 PM
From the vet's viewpoint, it isn't looking too good, but she isn't done yet. The vet wants her to go on her -own-, not sit in the litterbox and have some dribble out as that could just be the urine or feces coming out because its being pushed out by more, not because SHE did it, if that makes sense. She seems more depressed, my MIL says, thought I didn't get a chance to visit her today or yesterday because of school and family events. :(

07-17-2008, 04:57 PM
Oh, poor little girl. I sure hope she has a quick turnaround and shows improvement with her bowels.

More prayers on the way.

Ginger's Mom
07-17-2008, 05:34 PM
More prayers for that sweet little girl. :(

07-17-2008, 07:36 PM
Fingers and paws crossed for Emma!! Maybe some lactulose would help with making the bm a bit loose!!!

07-17-2008, 07:39 PM
So the vet didn't express her or 'clean her out'?

That might give the area a bit more time to heal before it 'fills up' again.

More PT Prayers for Emma!

07-17-2008, 08:30 PM
So the vet didn't express her or 'clean her out'?

That might give the area a bit more time to heal before it 'fills up' again.

More PT Prayers for Emma!

Hmm, I would assume he did but didn't think to ask.

I'm not sure what type of time frame they're giving this, though :(

07-17-2008, 11:15 PM
Please, dear Creator - fill your creation Emma with healing and power, restore her to health. She has the will, she is loving - grant her more time on earth to be with her people, to give and share with them years of love and companionship.

Hear this prayer, and all other prayers and good thoughts for Emma.

Thank you.

07-18-2008, 11:43 AM
I sure hope that she starts improving and feels better soon. More prayers and positive thoughts are being sent her way.

07-18-2008, 12:42 PM
If she can't relieve herself, is it possible for you to continue to express her manually? I'm not really familiar with the procedure, but have heard of other animals that need assistance with things like this. Perhaps it has been in one of Critters' handicapped threads. I only asked because you said you were learning to do this yourself. Is it something that can be done long term or not? I'm really hoping she improves. I'm glad that she seems to be in good spirits though.
I haven't finished the rest of the thread yet, but you're exactly right!! I know people who've done it for YEARS, although I didn't have to do it very long with Buddy because he eventually recovered enough to do it himself!!

edit: OK, I'm caught up now. You need to get over to the handicapped pets bb ASAP and see the sticky post on the incontinence bb. Poop on Demand can be done tons of different ways, and you can pick one that suits you. I would also keep expressing until you're SURE she can empty herself completely when she pees; otherwise, she can get UTIs. In my experience, the bladder isn't all that prone to rupturing; when Buddy had that funky urethral spasm it took TONS of pressure to blow past it, and his didn't rupture. It takes a fair amount of pressure anyway, to blow past the sphincter.

I wouldn't set a time limit on her recovery; Buddy's injury was a lot higher and a lot more complete (he was 100% paralyzed and 100% expressed for months), but he got it all back. As CarolC says, a slow recovery is still a recovery!!!

As kb2yjx says, lactulose can be a BIG help; it's yummy, cheap, and effective, although you usually have to get it from a human pharmacy.

07-18-2008, 01:24 PM
OK, here's the sticky I was talking about. Don't be afraid to find your own method; I had to scruff ornery Buddy with my R hand, lay him on his back on a quad-folded towel (for padding) on the floor, then express him with my L hand. I haven't heard of ANYBODY doing it that way, but you can't argue with success, and any other way needed 2 people to do it! :cool:


PS: same story as Emma's-- http://handicappedpet.net/helppets/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=11716#unread

07-18-2008, 02:16 PM
i'm extrememly confused here--i know people who regularly express bowels and bladders for their pets, and have done so for years.

it's terrible that she has suffered this trauma--yet another story to remind us all that it is NOT safe to let our cat children outdoors unless they are in an enclosed area, because it really is NOT safe out there--but to compound it by killing her?

if the vet involved can't teach you how to express her, you might want to find one who can! and if you're learning how to do the urinary bladder in school, read ahead a few chapters and you might find the next set of instructions.

or go to HP and ask the people who do this every day. HELP HER, for heaven's sake, don't abandon her again!


07-18-2008, 10:02 PM
If nothing else, Jessika, maybe HP can find her a home. Maybe someone in your vet school can take her. I know your relatives work a lot...maybe it's time for them to slow down.

Remember the one cat who took a year to recover...euthanasia is not the answer here.

I know you are in the middle and Emma is not your cat. But please check up with your schoomates, even the vet that is treating Emma, and Handicapped Pets.


07-19-2008, 12:23 AM
i'm extrememly confused here--i know people who regularly express bowels and bladders for their pets, and have done so for years.

it's terrible that she has suffered this trauma--yet another story to remind us all that it is NOT safe to let our cat children outdoors unless they are in an enclosed area, because it really is NOT safe out there--but to compound it by killing her?

if the vet involved can't teach you how to express her, you might want to find one who can! and if you're learning how to do the urinary bladder in school, read ahead a few chapters and you might find the next set of instructions.

or go to HP and ask the people who do this every day. HELP HER, for heaven's sake, don't abandon her again!


Abandon her again? When have any of us ever abandoned her???

It's not a matter of being able to manually express them or not, she has other medical problems that go along with the trauma of being hit by a car. Maybe she isn't going because she lost the nerve function, maybe she isn't going because it hurts, maybe she isn't going because it's blocked... they don't know...

I've talked to my MIL about manually expressing her and that many cats live long, healthy lives by having to do that. But the vet doesn't feel this would be a viable option for her longterm health and longevity.

Sadly, he is giving her until Monday and if she doesn't improve by then, I actually don't know what's going to happen.

But I really don't think you think I or anyone else involved on this side of Emma's care thinks that we aren't doing all we can, but unfortunately money IS a factor in this; they aren't exactly made of money, they've struggled their whole lives, but they never hesitate to give emergency medical care to ANY of their animals if they need it... and in my opinion, in any case with any person, if the animal is going to suffer because a family can't afford necessary treatment to make the animal better, I would rather it be euthanized than subjected to a life of pain.

Please all of you understand, I'm not the one calling the shots here, and my in-laws are trusting their vet's opinions and advice when it comes to this situation. I really hope this vet will do all he can with what he has, but unfortunately the sky ISN'T the limit here. I keep bringing up manual expression, but I am obviously not a vet, and not that my MIL doesn't trust me or value my opinion, the vet DID go to school a bit longer and he may know something that I don't about her condition.

You've all been to the vet before when your pet is sick or injured and the vet is yammering on about what's going on, what happened, etc etc, but you don't hear every single word - your focus is on your pet and getting it better. So when you go home and people ask you what's wrong, you give them the synopsis and may leave out some information. I'm sure that's what's happening in this case. Unfortunately I do not have the opportunity to go with them to the vet since I leave for school at 7am and oftentimes do not get home until after 4pm; the vet office closes either by then or close to 5. I am not sure if it is open on weekends, I will have to ask her and maybe I will go with them next time and get more detailed information and ask questions that she may not have thought to ask. But with my school schedule it's really, really hard...

For now, all that I ask is that you still keep her in your thoughts, and please know that I'm trying to get all the information I can and give all the help I can for her...

07-19-2008, 12:28 AM
OK, here's the sticky I was talking about. Don't be afraid to find your own method; I had to scruff ornery Buddy with my R hand, lay him on his back on a quad-folded towel (for padding) on the floor, then express him with my L hand. I haven't heard of ANYBODY doing it that way, but you can't argue with success, and any other way needed 2 people to do it! :cool:


PS: same story as Emma's-- http://handicappedpet.net/helppets/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=11716#unread
THANK YOU for those links!!! I'm printing all of them out to give to my MIL and possibly take to the vet next visit!!!

07-19-2008, 04:12 AM
Poor Emma. :( Prayers and positive thoughts on the way.

07-19-2008, 06:13 AM
If nothing else, Jessika, maybe HP can find her a home. Maybe someone in your vet school can take her. I know your relatives work a lot...maybe it's time for them to slow down.

Remember the one cat who took a year to recover...euthanasia is not the answer here.

I know you are in the middle and Emma is not your cat. But please check up with your schoomates, even the vet that is treating Emma, and Handicapped Pets.

Catty has EXCELLENT ideas here!! Spinal cord injury generally isn't one of the more expensive disabilities; expressing is FREE!!!!! Diapers are cheap and can be free from Freecycle, yard sales, etc. Frankly, I think they need another vet who's more willing to work with them; expressing takes a little time and practice to learn, although I didn't find vet demos helpful. Some people do, but I learned more from HP and the other "plain old people" who also had to learn it. Expressing isn't hard, IMO, but practice teaches you how to tiptoe-through-the-innards to find the bladder (a waterballoon I always found right between Buddy's hips. Ace doesn't need expressing, despite his SCI).

07-19-2008, 08:01 AM
Prayers sent for Emma.

Come on little girl.... you can do it!

07-19-2008, 09:40 AM
Abandon her again? When have any of us ever abandoned her???

It's not a matter of being able to manually express them or not, she has other medical problems that go along with the trauma of being hit by a car. Maybe she isn't going because she lost the nerve function, maybe she isn't going because it hurts, maybe she isn't going because it's blocked... they don't know...

I've talked to my MIL about manually expressing her and that many cats live long, healthy lives by having to do that. But the vet doesn't feel this would be a viable option for her longterm health and longevity.

Sadly, he is giving her until Monday and if she doesn't improve by then, I actually don't know what's going to happen.

But I really don't think you think I or anyone else involved on this side of Emma's care thinks that we aren't doing all we can, but unfortunately money IS a factor in this; they aren't exactly made of money, they've struggled their whole lives, but they never hesitate to give emergency medical care to ANY of their animals if they need it... and in my opinion, in any case with any person, if the animal is going to suffer because a family can't afford necessary treatment to make the animal better, I would rather it be euthanized than subjected to a life of pain.

Please all of you understand, I'm not the one calling the shots here, and my in-laws are trusting their vet's opinions and advice when it comes to this situation. I really hope this vet will do all he can with what he has, but unfortunately the sky ISN'T the limit here. I keep bringing up manual expression, but I am obviously not a vet, and not that my MIL doesn't trust me or value my opinion, the vet DID go to school a bit longer and he may know something that I don't about her condition.

Jessika, I have to admit that I've been starting to feel a little upset on your behalf at the tone that one or two of these postings have taken on. Though I'm sure that people do not mean to sound as judgmental as they do, I think some of what has been said to you would make me feel upset and defensive as well in this already stressful situation.

I am going to try leave my own opinion out of this post, except to say that Emma remains in my prayers, as do you and your entire family. It sounds as though your in-laws are trying very hard to do what's best for Emma based on the advice of their veterinarian and their amazing daughter-in-law!

And since Emma is, after all, from the "Show-Me State", I'm rooting for her to "show us" that she's improving!

With much love and big hugs,

Ginger's Mom
07-19-2008, 10:18 AM
Jessika, I have to admit that I've been starting to feel a little upset on your behalf at the tone that one or two of these postings have taken on. Though I'm sure that people do not mean to sound as judgmental as they do, I think some of what has been said to you would make me feel upset and defensive as well in this already stressful situation.

I totally agree with you. I am surprised at how much this little girl's plight has been on my mind. I will keep her in my prayers and keep checking for updates.

07-19-2008, 10:19 AM
It's easy to offer an opinion. It's difficult to walk in another's shoes. Sometimes we have to make difficult decisions and sometimes we have to live w/the decisions that others make. No finger pointing or guilt trips here; just a bit of compassion towards you and your unfortunate situation. I've said this many times before but it bears repeating: sometimes we can only save them for a day. Peace to you and prayers that all will work out for the best for everyone involved. :) After all, it's our prayers and good thoughts that you asked for, not recriminations.

07-19-2008, 10:30 AM
It depends on what Emma's vet says...diapers may not be an option for Emma. Hopefully if her purrents take the links on expressing to their vet, they would get feedback and know what the vet said.

Jessika - would it be easier for them to get a photocopy of the diagnosis and bring it to you? If they said you were a vet student (and you are), the vet might be happy to help your 'education'. ;)

Just a thought.

PT Prayers for Emma and all that love her.

07-19-2008, 01:18 PM
You guys; thank you, you are all wonderful beyond words.

I have printed out some references on diapering and manually expressing bowels and bladder. Today is my little Bro in law's 8th birthday party, so I don't want to talk to my MIL about this today. She is so depressed over this. She takes her animal's injuries really hard, and eventhough she may not show it, she's really upset and depressed about Emma right now. Not to mention I found that their dog, Angel, has an open infected "sore" that I found on her yesterday where it appears her incision from her spay has reopened, eventhough it was healed up and stitches were taken out over a month ago... It's almost too much for her to handle right now.

Hubby and I were talking, and we both strongly agree that IF the ONLY problem with Emma's condition is not being able to urinate or defecate on her own, there is absolutely NO reason why we can't manually express her. I even told him, HJ look, if your parents don't or can't take on that responsibility, *I* will take her, I will teach your mother, I will adopt her, and if down the road I find I can't, I will find someone or some place that will. We both agreed that she needs to go to another vet for a second opinion (and HE said this, not me, though I agree also!!!), and there is absolutely no reason for her to be euthanized *IF* the only problem is her not being able to urinate or defecate.

Now, again, there may be other problems going on with her that I'm not aware about. Obviously her spine is broken; easy fix - amputate the tail. They are/were already planning on doing that anyway, but wanted to wait to see if she goes on her own first.

Also, she has a very nasty infection on her rear end... her anus and vulva are green and purulent and very enflamed. They do have cream that they put on it daily but I'm not sure why that may be an issue or what the cause of that is.

That is a good idea, to ask for a "vet report" so I can get everything straight from the vet, and maybe even take it to school and ask my instructors to "translate" it for me and maybe they can give me their advice and opinions.

Don't worry guys, this little girl is NOT going down without a fight, not as long as I'm here and have anything to say about it, and Hubby is behind me and Emma 100%. My MIL does trust and value my opinion and so far she HAS NOT been euthanized, otherwise it would have been done on Wednesday if it were up to the vet. She's just very stressed out right now with other personal issues as well as the issues with her pets, and I'm sure me coming up to her every day with "well manual expression blah blah" and her vet telling her something different probably isn't helping the situation any, either.

07-19-2008, 01:26 PM
All I can say is "what a wonderful person you are - and your hubby too."

And I will continue to offer prayers for Emma.

07-19-2008, 02:18 PM
Hubby and I were talking, and we both strongly agree that IF the ONLY problem with Emma's condition is not being able to urinate or defecate on her own, there is absolutely NO reason why we can't manually express her. I even told him, HJ look, if your parents don't or can't take on that responsibility, *I* will take her, I will teach your mother, I will adopt her, and if down the road I find I can't, I will find someone or some place that will. We both agreed that she needs to go to another vet for a second opinion (and HE said this, not me, though I agree also!!!), and there is absolutely no reason for her to be euthanized *IF* the only problem is her not being able to urinate or defecate.

Now, again, there may be other problems going on with her that I'm not aware about. Obviously her spine is broken; easy fix - amputate the tail. They are/were already planning on doing that anyway, but wanted to wait to see if she goes on her own first.

Also, she has a very nasty infection on her rear end... her anus and vulva are green and purulent and very enflamed. They do have cream that they put on it daily but I'm not sure why that may be an issue or what the cause of that is.
and her vet telling her something different probably isn't helping the situation any, either.

YAY!!! I really suspect she'll be OK in the end, or at least mostly so. If she's expressed regularly, she may not need diapers; what ain't in can't leak out! LOL I only diapered Buddy at night sometimes; occasionally he got into a thing where he slept so soundly he'd drown the place.

The butt infection is NOT typical; I wonder if those injuries came from the same incident that damaged her tail? If she's not on abx already (to prevent UTI), ideally they should pick one that covers both.

As for vets, like everybody else, not all vets are created equal. The BEST vet we've ever had was here during Buddy's first 6 months here, and she is also an RN. Vet med tends to lag behind human med, especially in relation to disabilities, so it was unheard of, at that time, to use gabapentin for nerve and spinal pain in critters. She immediately saw the validity of what I was suggesting and got right on a dose for it, whereas most vets would've given me a hard time. Now, 2 years later, it's rare but not unheard of, and Buddy helped spread the word. It broke my heart when I found out she'd gone to a practice 50+ miles away. :(

07-19-2008, 03:09 PM
i was so happy to see this post--i am sorry that you felt that i was attacking you before, but i was really expressing my frustration, more, i think, with vets who do not, or will not, take the time to admit that they don't have all the answers.

who expects them to? there is no way any one vet can be on top of everyone that is going on in every species--that's understandable. what is NOT acceptable is those vets who will not listen, or actively look for solutions--there are specialists out there, doc, call one of them!

i love my vets, but i expect them to treat me with the respect that i, as the caretaker of my cats, deserve. i can trust them to listen to me, to tell me when they don't have the answer or haven't heard of new research or new treatment protocols yet, and to go look things up or track down the experts when that is what's indicated.

there are too many vets in this country who still consider cats nuisance animals, tho i wouldn't have believed that ten years ago. there are WAY too many who haven't opened a book since they graduated, and in the cases of catastrophic injury, or viruses like FIV and FeLV, find it much simpler to chose the easy way out--immediate euthanasia--rather than taking the time to discover that that is no one's professional recommendation any longer. it's so hard to watch someone whose beloved companion has just been sent to the bridge unnecessarily, because someone used their "credentials" to excuse their own laziness--as the guardians, we have to say, "wait a minute--i KNOW that other people have done this, i want to try."

thank you SO much for hearing what we were really saying: give emma a chance, she's been terribly injured, but who knows--love alone can work miracles. if she sees, in your eyes, that she's just fine as she is, no matter what, that's gonna help her fight to stay. i'm sure you're scared about what it gonna mean, but you are NOT alone, and this little one needs you.


07-19-2008, 03:32 PM
We both agreed that she needs to go to another vet for a second opinion (and HE said this, not me, though I agree also!!!), and there is absolutely no reason for her to be euthanized *IF* the only problem is her not being able to urinate or defecate.

Now, again, there may be other problems going on with her that I'm not aware about. Obviously her spine is broken; easy fix - amputate the tail. They are/were already planning on doing that anyway, but wanted to wait to see if she goes on her own first.

I hope and pray that Emma will make it through this difficult ordeal. It sounds like you and your whole family love her very much.
It makes sense that her inability to urinate and deficate on her own at this time could be due to a number of different issues. I just hope that your MIL and the vet will give her more time than Monday to figure this whole thing out. It might be something that could ultimately resolve itself or be resolved without major intervention but might require a week or 2 weeks rather than 2 more days.
But it sounds like Emma may be going for a second opinion which I think is a great idea. Hopefully this will give your MIL some peace, just having some more information available to her, either way.

Also, she has a very nasty infection on her rear end... her anus and vulva are green and purulent and very enflamed. They do have cream that they put on it daily but I'm not sure why that may be an issue or what the cause of that is.

Do they have Emma on an antibiotic drip? Seems like this girl could use all the infection power she can get at this point. She has sure been through alot but it sounds like she is a fighter! The mere fact that she made it home on her own after whatever happened to her is a miracle.

That is a good idea, to ask for a "vet report" so I can get everything straight from the vet, and maybe even take it to school and ask my instructors to "translate" it for me and maybe they can give me their advice and opinions
I think this a really good idea too. The more veterinary inclined people looking at this case the better. Emma sure has alot of people working hard on her behalf. Especially you! :)

07-19-2008, 07:55 PM
Also, she has a very nasty infection on her rear end... her anus and vulva are green and purulent and very enflamed. They do have cream that they put on it daily but I'm not sure why that may be an issue or what the cause of that is.

Poor Emma... do you think someone abused her and that is what is causing the infection? It's horrendous to think about, but that's what the description is making me think. :( :(

07-19-2008, 08:14 PM
I hope she can get an antibiotic, a strong one...it may help with healing the nerve areas if they are compressed by infected and swollen areas.

She might be on one already - but maybe the vet didn't want to 'waste' meds on a cat that was going to be PTS.

Could Emma get a second opinion at your school? With vets that are teaching you guys all the NEW stuff - ask around! It can't hurt - especially to get a recommendation on someone to get a second opinion from!

Prayers for all of you. Give Emma a scritch for me.

07-19-2008, 09:13 PM
Poor Emma... do you think someone abused her and that is what is causing the infection? It's horrendous to think about, but that's what the description is making me think. :( :(

I was wondering the same thing. :(

07-19-2008, 09:20 PM
Whatever caused it...I think the main thing is to get it treated ASAP. I am not sure what ointment would do, so I hope Emma gets on an internal antibiotic soon.

{{{{hugs}}}} to that sweet girl.:love:

07-20-2008, 05:19 AM
Whatever caused it...I think the main thing is to get it treated ASAP.

I think what caused the trauma makes a difference as to how it is treated, and what is being treated. If there is internal trauma, if she was abused in such a way, it would be medicated and treated in a different way than if it were just "nerve damage" as you suggest.

Hope a 2nd opinion can get gotten, and that Emma will get better.

Gentle hugs to the sweet girl!

07-20-2008, 05:49 PM
Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are still going out to Emma.

07-20-2008, 05:55 PM
Small update to let you all know that I do not believe my inlaws feel euthanizing her is ethical if her only problem is incontinence since she can be manually expressed and still live a happy life. I believe they are on my side on this; I know my FIL agrees with us and my MIL does as well, and obviously hubby and I feel very strongly against it. I did give my MIL the information I printed out and she's been looking through it. I suggested they go to another vet for a second opinion; however, we haven't "officially" sat down together to talk it over yet.

But I feel fairly confident that she will not be euthanized IF her only problem is incontinence. :)

She still is not going on her own, however, and her infection is still pretty bad. I do not know when her next appointment is.

07-21-2008, 07:50 PM

Emma's scheduled for a vet visit tomorrow. Tonight I talked with my MIL about diaper possibilities for her. She said she tried some diapers on her today but she didn't take to them very well. Considering she still has a spinal injury and tail has not been amputated yet, that makes sense. Even then, it will take some time getting used to wearing a diaper, I'm sure! So we're looking at possibilities there -- my SIL had a baby in December, and so my in laws have a huge bag of diapers from earlier this year that are way too small for my nephew now, I think we're going to try those out.

I have not visited her today, but my MIL said that her infection is looking a lot better and she is starting to groom that area again - I hope this is good news, it appears as though she's either trying to stimulate herself to go or is trying to nurse her wounds. Hopefully it means she has the sensation of needing to use the restroom!

I also asked my MIL if it were possible to ask the vet for a copy of Emma's vet report after her visit so I can read over it and/or bring it to school with me on Wednesday. Best case scenario with copies of the xrays, but I'm sure I won't get those, lol.

Your thoughts and prayers are working, guys!! This girl is a fighter!! I think she's starting to pull through!

07-21-2008, 11:27 PM

I have been following this thread for a few days and you have been doing such a wonderful job. You have been proactive in researching what you can do to help and you have been wonderful in working with your in-laws and the vet. Whatever you do, keep up the hope. Also being a mommy of a sick pet, I know sometimes it can get pretty hopeless and decisions on what to do can get really difficult. By keeping your heart and head high, and doing what you can (which is what you have been doing), this baby knows that she is being taking well care off. I want you to know that you have my thoughts and prayers - please keep us updated!:love:

07-22-2008, 06:31 AM

Emma's scheduled for a vet visit tomorrow. Tonight I talked with my MIL about diaper possibilities for her. She said she tried some diapers on her today but she didn't take to them very well. Considering she still has a spinal injury and tail has not been amputated yet, that makes sense. Even then, it will take some time getting used to wearing a diaper, I'm sure! So we're looking at possibilities there -- my SIL had a baby in December, and so my in laws have a huge bag of diapers from earlier this year that are way too small for my nephew now, I think we're going to try those out.

I have not visited her today, but my MIL said that her infection is looking a lot better and she is starting to groom that area again - I hope this is good news, it appears as though she's either trying to stimulate herself to go or is trying to nurse her wounds. Hopefully it means she has the sensation of needing to use the restroom!

I also asked my MIL if it were possible to ask the vet for a copy of Emma's vet report after her visit so I can read over it and/or bring it to school with me on Wednesday. Best case scenario with copies of the xrays, but I'm sure I won't get those, lol.

Your thoughts and prayers are working, guys!! This girl is a fighter!! I think she's starting to pull through!
This all sounds good! You never know; maybe they'll loan you the xrays, but, actually, I wouldn't expect the xrays to be all that helpful anyway. Congrats on the built-in diaper supply. LOL. 8 pound Buddy wore size 3, and I had to Freecycle several packs before I figured that out!! Buddy had a tail, but it's MUCH easier to diaper without one.

The infection still concerns me some, but at least it's getting better, even with no antibiotics.

07-22-2008, 04:44 PM
I will reiterate and say she HAS been on antibiotics for the infection -- Clavamox I think? And she has been on it since they brought her to the vet for the first time last Monday. I just didn't see it in there on the counter but was looking through their papers yesterday from the first visit and saw it listed on there as being prescribed.

Still has blood in her urine, but that's understandable. Her tail is "dead", but we knew that anyway (hence the amputation). And she has been keeping herself pretty clean, and that's a good sign!!

I believe we're on the road to recovery, even if she never regains control over her bowels, she definitely won't be euthanized :)

07-22-2008, 08:33 PM
I hope the infection clears up quickly - and Emma feels better and recovers...heck, go for FULL recovery for Emma! :D

Are they waiting til the infection is gone before they amputate her tail? Is she seeing another vet - or are you going to just take her records to school? (I am sure one of your instructors would have the 'clout' to get them released to you). :)

Emma is cleaning herself, and that tells me she has no other intention except to live! :)

07-22-2008, 10:45 PM
The vet will amputate as soon as my in-laws schedule the surgery, however he's still against manual elimination according to my MIL and she says he thinks it isn't a good idea. Personally maybe he's just so used to people not caring, but bottom line, they are clearly telling him what they want to do and he's still advising against it... that just doesn't make sense to me whatsoever... her quality of life will still be the same, just a little different!

I'm assuming my inlaws are just waiting for the infection to clear up, so the surgery will probably be scheduled very soon now.

But they told him, bottom line, they do not feel comfortable euthanizing her if the only problem is incontinence, so it won't happen, period. :)

07-23-2008, 12:03 AM
Sounds good!

I still wonder if they might be better off with a second opinion - another vet who will work WITH them and Emma on the manual elimination.

I hope that does turn out to be her only problem.

How is Emma being eliminated now? I think you got the hang of the pee part? (thinking a more cooperative vet would help in this area too). How are her spirits?

{{{hugs}}} to you and your in-laws - good for them for standing up for Emma! :)

07-23-2008, 01:08 AM
I'm really surprised that the vet would be so resistant to keeping an animal alive if their only problem will be the elimination and the owners are willing to manually express her to keep her healthy and happy.

Makes you wonder what he'd do if it were his pet. :confused: :(

Hoping for the best for Emma.

07-23-2008, 04:39 PM
I'm really surprised that the vet would be so resistant to keeping an animal alive if their only problem will be the elimination and the owners are willing to manually express her to keep her healthy and happy.

Makes you wonder what he'd do if it were his pet. :confused: :(

Hoping for the best for Emma.

I think that maybe he's just not used to owners having this type of motivation; many pet owners wouldn't want to do it and would choose to euthanize instead, so maybe he's just had so many that want to give up, he's not even sure how to handle the cases where they DON'T want to give up.

Regardless, he is going to give them the treatment they want, since they are paying him for it, after all. But the way my MIL makes it sound is that he still is against manually expressing her.

I don't manually express her now; I believe my MIL goes up a few times a day and rubs her belly and it does it on its own, it isn't even too hard she says. She's still looking for diaper ideas though, as I said she tried some the other day but since Emma's spine is still broken and tail hasn't been amputated, she's obviously still in some pain, not to mention she would have to get used to wearing the diaper, NO animal would like that at first because they're not used to it. I'm sure the baby diapers will work fine, she will just have to get used to them after the amputation.

I agree they do need a second opinion, but this clinic is offering to work with them financially and that's really important to them, because these bills haven't been cheap for this girl!! Not many clinics in the St Louis area will work with lower-income families, most won't even accept post-dated checks, much less payments!

07-23-2008, 06:14 PM
OK...sounds good. Maybe your in-laws will restore the vet's faith in human nature!;)

Still, would one of your profs take it on just as a class discussion? Is there a class where this would fit? You'd be a TOTALLY informed kitty-aunt by the time that was done.:)

PS - if your MIL is literally just 'rubbing her tummy' and she pees...sounds like she is responding to some stimulation, and is not being 'squeezed'. If that is what is happening, that sounds hopeful.

07-23-2008, 06:16 PM
I love how Catty1 tries to think of every possible angle for every situation. I'm glad to hear the good updates coming from Emma. Does she have her amputation scheduled?

07-23-2008, 08:13 PM
I love how Catty1 tries to think of every possible angle for every situation. I'm glad to hear the good updates coming from Emma. Does she have her amputation scheduled?

I'm not aware of any date set as of right now, however it may be scheduled and they just haven't told me yet lol. But I know it will be soon, because we feel the sooner it is amputated the sooner and faster she will fully recover!

07-25-2008, 03:42 PM
Please keep us updated on little Emma, we are all rooting for her! I agree, once that tail is taken care of, she will be able to move forward towards recover. Prayers and positive vibes for little Emma!:love::love::love:

07-30-2008, 05:09 PM
I have been reading this post and recently joined so I could ask how Emma was? We haven't gotten an update in a few days. :)

08-01-2008, 04:58 PM
I just wanted to let everyone know that Emma is doing awesome. She had her tail amputated today and did amazing. Her attitude even since day one was always great, I just knew this girl would pull through!!!!!

She still can't relieve herself on her own, but maybe she will continue to improve now that her tail has been amputated.

Thank you all SO MUCH for your thoughts and prayers these past few weeks. It's been so rough for this little girl, but she made it!!!!!!!

08-01-2008, 05:34 PM
I'm glad that her surgery went well and that she's now feeling better.:) Hopefully she'll be able to relieve herself on her own soon. She'll continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.

08-01-2008, 06:05 PM
Glad to hear Emma is doing better. Maybe once her surgery area heals, she'll be able to eliminate on her own.

08-01-2008, 08:33 PM
Awww - what a little sprite Emma is! SO glad to hear she made it through.

Praying that more healing will allow her to relieve herself on her own...remember, it took Buddy (whose cat he is, just slipped my mind!) up to a year - so there is always hope! :)

Give Emma a hug and scritchie for me!

08-04-2008, 12:21 PM
That is so wonderful to hear that she is doing well! Little Miss Emma is a fighter. I am sending good thoughts and prayers her way - hopefully she will continue to improve, now that her tail is no longer bothering her. Congrats to Miss Emma for pulling through her surgery like a champ!:love:

08-04-2008, 04:58 PM
Awww - what a little sprite Emma is! SO glad to hear she made it through.

Praying that more healing will allow her to relieve herself on her own...remember, it took Buddy (whose cat he is, just slipped my mind!) up to a year - so there is always hope! :)

Give Emma a hug and scritchie for me!

Buddy is what is giving us hope :)

Emma is doing awesome; she's in a large dog crate now with some pee pads and her litterbox, instead of being confined to the bathroom. She loves being around people but still hates being in that crate because she's so used to roaming the house.

She has an e-collar on and its larger than normal since the vet doesn't want her to lick her back end, and she's so awkward with it on!! She can't eat or drink with it on though so we do allow her supervised time without it on.

I have some pics that I will have to share when I can remember to empty my camera :)

Gibby II
08-30-2008, 12:23 AM
Hi,I am a Catholic and we talk to Saints and ask them to bring our special intentions to God.Saint Francis is the patron saint of animals and I have asked Him to bring Emma's case to God.We are all praying for her here.God Bless! Gibby II

10-14-2008, 08:36 PM
I was thinking about Emma today and was wondering if there had been any updates regarding her health.

10-15-2008, 09:50 PM
Yes, how is sweet Emma doing? :confused:

10-27-2008, 02:17 PM
Emma is doing fantastic, sorry I didn't see this earlier, I've been very busy with school!!! She still has no control over her bowels, but don't let her know that! Aside from trying to take the diapers off every now and then, she's pretty used to them now.


Here she is hanging outdoors with the dogs and I last month or so. :)

She still does have a rash that is hard to get rid of because of inadequate air flow because of the diapers/plastic diaper covers we have on her, so overnight she gets them off and sleeps in a small dog crate to allow it to "air out". We do have ointment to put on it, but this has been a problem since day 1 and while it is much, much, much better than originally, its still a pestering issue, though minor compared to her past injuries!

10-27-2008, 02:21 PM
Oh my!!! She is so sweet. I'm very glad to hear that she is doing well.
I wonder if there is latex in the diapers and if she is reacting to that? The main reaction to latex in those who are allergic is a rash. Maybe there are some hypoallergenic diapers that she could use? Maybe someone could make her a few pairs out of cotton that could be hosed off and then tossed in the washing machine? But that might not be a popular idea for your inlaws.
Are they diapers made for cats or kids diapers? Maybe creating a few holes at the top and side of the diapers would create some airflow would help prevent the rash as well.

10-27-2008, 04:11 PM
LOVE the photo of sweet Miss Emma in her lingerie! :)

With all the really sad news we've had recently on PT, it's nice to see something going really well. Thanks for the update!

10-27-2008, 05:48 PM
Thanks so much for the update! I have thought about Emma quite often and wondered how she was doing.

10-27-2008, 07:29 PM
Thanks for the update. I'm so glad to hear that she's doing well.:)

10-27-2008, 07:35 PM
Good news!

I know another injured PT cat took a year to get his bowel function back. Can you tell if that MIGHT happen with Emma? If her bowels are the same now, maybe not. But she looks cute in her undies! Maybe leopard underwear for the lady? :D

But seriously, I hope you can find some nappies that are more hypoallergenic, or even some liners to put in.

Is her peeing normal?

What a sweet lovely girl! I hope the vet is also glad she wasn't PTS. :)

10-27-2008, 09:00 PM
Look at the face on that girl! What a sweetheart! I'm so glad to read that she's doing well. :love:

10-27-2008, 10:02 PM
Thank you all so much for the comments, I had no idea this many people were wondering about her or I would have given an update sooner!!!

For clarification -- she has an infant diaper on with a hole cut in it for her stub of a tail, and then to hinder her pulling the diaper off from time-to-time they will put the plastic diaper on over it. Most of the time though the plastic one isn't on. Diapers made specifically for cats are just too expensive when we're going through them as fast as we are, and with a new baby in the family (well, he's almost a year now) we have plenty of leftover diapers!

10-28-2008, 10:21 PM
oh, thank you SO much for the update!

indeed, some of us talk about Emma rather a lot--because it means so much when people DON'T give up. i know that i've sent the link to her original story to a couple of people who were SURE they couldn't possibly cope with a similar injury, and that they were all alone in this. emma's story, and yours and that of your whole family, is the proof that that's not true at all.

the photo is great, she look so completely unconcerned!

can't wait to see her holiday card...


07-27-2009, 12:41 PM
I am sad to say that Emma was euthanized this morning.

I found her under my bed, in pain and would not move. I took her vitals; she had a weak pulse, was anemic, and in shock.

The doctor said the tissue was necrosed around her rear due to decreased blood flow because of her spinal injury. She also had internal bleeding, so my mother in law made the difficult choice to end her suffering. The doctor said this was nothing that could have been prevented and he was surprised she lived as long as she did following her accident; he originally prognosed she wouldn't make it a year, and she made it a year and a half. I told my mother in law to take solace in that fact -- she gave her an extra year and a half of life that most others would not have been able to.

RIP, sweet girl. You're in a better place now where you don't have to wear diapers anymore :)

07-27-2009, 01:07 PM
I am so sorry. It's nice to hear from you, but not on this sad note. But Emma is all better now. And like you said, she got an extra year and a half thanks to your mother-in-law.

Rest in Peace Emma.

07-27-2009, 01:14 PM
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear this. She had an incredible spirit and such a pretty girl. I know that the absolute best was done for her and you did even better by ending her suffering. RIP, sweet Emma and peace to your humans. :love:

07-27-2009, 04:38 PM
{{{{HUGS}}}} Bless you and your mom - I remember how all of you fought the vet's immediate decision to put her down, and how he decided that only because you were the first owners that wanted to give Emma every chance in the world!

You all loved her and took her in good times and bad; that is true commitment.

She had another year and a half. That is huge in kitty years.

Play free and run at the Bridge, dear Emma. :love::love:

07-28-2009, 11:00 PM
I'm so sorry to hear this.:( At least she had 1 1 /2 years more with your mother in law. Now she's pain free and up at the Bridge with my Pepper and Starr. RIP sweet Emma.:(

Pinot's Mom
07-29-2009, 08:18 AM
I was not a member of PT when you were going through the original struggle, but I went back and skimmed the details. I'm so sorry you all (especially Emma) had to go through this, but she is now in a better place, free from pain and trauma. Take solace in that.

RIP dear Emma, you were a sweet, brave little Tabby! :love:

07-29-2009, 11:04 AM
Sleep softly sweet Emma....

07-29-2009, 04:41 PM
Thank you all so much for your kind words. The rest of the kitties in the house know something is up. My poor mother in law lost three cats within a year, including Emma, and of course those three were her favorites. It was a hard transition for them having always had outdoor cats to, after Emma's accident, trying to force the cats to stay inside. Thankfully the remaining kitties (including two of my own) seem to have lost interest in going outside anymore.

Thank you all again. I just thought some of you who were involved with this thread back when Emma originally had her accident would like to have an update.

08-05-2009, 07:18 PM
oh, i'm sorry to hear that emma has gone on to the bridge. i remember her story well, and was so happy that you were willing to give her the chance back when she was first injured. she did have that extra year and a half of love and light, and now she can run free of care (and diapers) just like before. GLOW to guide her safely home, and to heal the hearts of all who loved her.

Special-Needs Coordinator, Purebred Cat Breed Rescue (www.purebredcats.org)
Team Member, SCAT (Special-Cat Action Team; too busy to have a website)

08-13-2009, 12:03 AM
I am so sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.