View Full Version : Frustrated with my San Disk Nano

07-14-2008, 02:41 PM
I've been trying to delete all the songs off my San Disk Nano with absolutely NO success whatsoever. I want to put new songs on it. I even called Best Buy's infamous "Geek Squad" to see if they'd help me. I was told that they can't spend that much time on the phone with me. Oh yeah, but they can keep me on hold for 10 minutes waiting for some Geek to pick up the phone and tell me that. I'm just about ready to toss the thing across the room. I want to go to the store and make a scene and tell them I want my money back. Anyone ever hear of customer service????? The OTHER Best Buy Geek was on the phone to a computer customer, and they took my name and would call me back. I guess they'll help you all ya want if you have a computer problem. UGH!!!

Does ANYONE here have a Sansa San Disk Nano that can help me???

07-14-2008, 03:02 PM


07-14-2008, 03:46 PM
I called a different Best Buy and he said it was quite simple (maybe for him). I finally figured it out and have now downloaded the cd's I wanted. I've ordered a new CD by William Joseph called "Beyond". I'll download that when it arrives.

I think the reason why I was getting frustrated is because I'm a bit "evil/crabby" today. I think I need a nap.

Thanks for trying.

Laura's Babies
07-14-2008, 06:24 PM
What is it that the simplest things have to be so complicated... Is is only simple once you know how to do it! Then you go "DUH!:rolleyes:"

07-14-2008, 08:48 PM
Laura's Babies,

Yeah, really. I just got angry that the "Geeks" are willing to spend long periods of time walking customers through problems with their computers. But a simple thing like an iPod Nano isn't worth their valuable time. :mad:

07-14-2008, 08:51 PM
I can't stand Best Buy. The last time I was in there, I must have stood around looking for a sales person to help me for about 30 minutes, minimum. When I finally did find someone, he was like "Don't buy this internal hard drive, go somewhere else." I heard they don't work on a commission basis any longer, so they don't feel the need to be very "helpful". Not sure if this is true or not.

The sales people at the Staples store were wonderful. Maybe they still get commission??

07-14-2008, 09:21 PM
I hope you got your problem figured out, and while I haven't had shining customer service all the time in Best Buy, The Geek Squad is not free technical support type service. They charge for their services and deal with computers and networking, often making house calls to help people with computer issues. They will make a house call to show you how to use ipods, but you have to pay them for the service. It talks about their services here: http://www.geeksquad.com/services/computer/default.aspx

They are based within Best Buy, but it's like calling the Petco Groomer department and wanting information about pet food. They aren't really just a general product help line. You may have had more luck calling the Sandisk company customer service or support line.

07-14-2008, 09:31 PM
The thing I dislike about anything GEEK, is when you present them with a problem, they consider it so simple that they insult you by saying "Oh, that's easy!"

Maybe for you, Mister Dungeon and Dragon, I have a life and don't get turned on by the centerfold of "Computer Monthly".

Go fiddle with your hard drive...:rolleyes::mad:

07-15-2008, 12:28 PM

Thanks. I really needed a good laugh this morning.