View Full Version : A Fitting Tribute ?

07-13-2008, 12:10 PM
by John M. Glionna

SAN FRANCISCO -- For many residents of this liberal bastion, President Bush's name is mud. Now activists here want to make that moniker stick.

A group calling itself the Presidential Memorial Commission of San Francisco this week submitted a proposal to rename a sewage treatment plant after the outgoing chief executive in recognition of the political and environmental "mess" they say will be his legacy.

Supporters submitted 12,000 signatures with San Francisco election officials, hoping to place on the ballot an initiative that would rechristen the Oceanside Water Pollution Control Plant as the George W. Bush Sewage Plant.

"We think this is a fitting tribute to this president," said Brian McConnell, a member of the group, whose insignia shows the presidential seal with a bald eagle holding two plungers. "It's fair to say that we're going to be cleaning up a substantial mess over the next decade or more, thanks to Bush. Environmental degradation. A war in Iraq that cost $1 trillion- plus. It's going to be a big job."

Republicans aren't amused by the gesture. "It doesn't dignify a response," White House spokesman Trey Bohn said of the initiative.

John M. Glionna writes for the Los Angeles Times. Read the full article on the proposed George W. Bush Sewage Plant at latimes.com.

07-13-2008, 02:17 PM

07-14-2008, 02:42 AM

I seem to remember the "Dan Quayle School of Spelling", the "Gerald Ford School of Tap Dance", the "George Dukakis School of Tank Driving", the "Gary Hart School of Sailing and Seamanship", so why not?;)

07-14-2008, 09:43 AM
The first thing I noticed was that "An Fitting Tribute" is improper grammar. "*A* Fitting Tribute" would be correct:D

As for the article, the idea is complete rubbish and does not dignify a response.

07-14-2008, 10:04 AM
The first thing I noticed was that "An Fitting Tribute" is improper grammar. "*A* Fitting Tribute" would be correct:D

As for the article, the idea is complete rubbish and does not dignify a response.

The original title had been changed & not all of the old letters removed before posting. Thanks for noticing.:)

As for your answer, I take it that would be a no.

07-14-2008, 10:16 AM
I don't even think he deserves to be named after a dump. ;)

07-14-2008, 11:49 AM
I don't even think he deserves to be named after a dump. ;)

I tend to agree with this. The less I hear and/or see of GWB after 20 January 2009, the better. Let him disappear into a black hole . . . . . . .

Lady's Human
07-14-2008, 12:15 PM
As much as I dislike former President Clinton, I wouldn't support anyone doing something like this. To say it's childish would be an understatement.

The leader of the most corrupt administration in US History is on the $50 bill. Regardless of your opinion of the man, respect the office.

07-14-2008, 12:49 PM
Regardless of your opinion of the man, respect the office.

I do agree with respecting the office.....however, I am honored to live in a country where we don't have to. Thank you to all of the soldiers who made that possible ;)

07-14-2008, 12:56 PM
Regardless of your opinion of the man, respect the office.

I agree completely.

I was watching the movie "Stop Loss" with my husband yesterday and at one point the soldier actually says "F- the president":eek::eek: I felt phyiscally ill even though it was just a movie. Show some respect!!!

07-14-2008, 01:02 PM
Well if they are doing a horrible job its our job as good citizens to NOT respect what is being done, we are not sheep.

07-14-2008, 01:13 PM
Well if they are doing a horrible job its our job as good citizens to NOT respect what is being done, we are not sheep.

You put words to my thoughts perfectly, thank you!

07-14-2008, 01:22 PM
The leader of the most corrupt administration in US History is on the $50 bill. Regardless of your opinion of the man, respect the office.

Nixon is on the $50 dollar bill? :rolleyes: :D

07-14-2008, 01:25 PM
Nixon is on the $50 dollar bill? :rolleyes: :D

U.S. President Ulysses S. Grant is on the $50 - know your American History, or is he just a familiar name to you, without knowing of his administration?

07-14-2008, 01:30 PM
Well if they are doing a horrible job its our job as good citizens to NOT respect what is being done, we are not sheep.

It is our job as good citizens to participate, vote, and if we cannot find anyone worthy of voting for, to run for office.

The mayor of our city is not running for re-election, and hoped that his announcement of that decision would deflect attention from the vote he wanted approved for a huge tax increase. It didn't work, the tax increase got voted down, and he is still a "lame duck."

We need not respect the individuals in office, but those who do not vote have no grounds to complain, in my humble opinion.

And while Mr. Bush did not win my state, he is still my President, as I am not ready to try to lead Massachusetts on a secessionist movement. Write your senators if you don't like the job they are doing - they'll never change if they don't hear what they are doing wrong. Be specific, include your return address ...

07-14-2008, 01:35 PM
U.S. President Ulysses S. Grant is on the $50 - know your American History, or is he just a familiar name to you, without knowing of his administration?

I believe she said Nixon tongue-in-cheek http://bestsmileys.com/wink/1.gif

Lady's Human
07-14-2008, 01:36 PM
They.....define "they".

We are citizens of a representative republic.

There are 537 people in Washington D.C. who we elect to represent us, either through a direct vote or the electoral college.

The President, constitutionally, has no more power than Congress or the SCOTUS. In reality, the Presidency is a rather weak executive office.

Don't like what's going on? Your vote against your incumbent congressional representatives will have far more effect than any vote for the oval office. Nothing will change while the incumbency rate in Congress remains in the 90% range.

07-14-2008, 01:38 PM
My vote for the next President will be based on one issue - The Supreme Court.

Lady's Human
07-14-2008, 02:07 PM
Just a little data:


That's a better chance of getting a pension than most workers have.

07-14-2008, 02:23 PM
Thanks for the link - fascinating. I got to the page where it listed amounts of money spent on the Presidential campaigns of all those who ran this year - totally obscene amounts!!

Lady's Human
07-14-2008, 02:28 PM
Obscene doesn't begin to describe the money thrown into campaigns, but it's not new. George Washington's campaign expenses were rather amusing, I forget how many gallons of rum and rum punch he had listed.

smokey the elder
07-14-2008, 03:12 PM
I think political campaigns have been controversial as long as they've existed. It's just the way the "game" is played. I agree with the idea that politics, like environmentalism, should be locally focused. If enough people do that, then the national (or global) issues will hopefully sort themselves out.

07-14-2008, 05:15 PM
I believe she said Nixon tongue-in-cheek http://bestsmileys.com/wink/1.gif

I guess the rolly eyes wasn't enough of a tip off for sarcasm.:)

Sorry if the "my President, right or wrong" doesn't fly for me.

My OP was a question on naming a plant, not a question on patriotism.

Lady's Human
07-14-2008, 09:36 PM
Where did patriotism come into this?

Nothing I said had anything to do with "My president, right or wrong"

My comments had to do with respect to the office, not the occupant.

07-14-2008, 09:46 PM
I tend to look at the office of POTUS the same way that I look at the driver of a bus.

Don't get on the bus if you aren't traveling in that direction.

You have that right. IF you are on the bus, don't tick him off or cause the other riders on that transport to feel uncomfortable or threatened by uncommon courtesy. Loud radios, eating, drinking and the other stuff.

Then look at the AHs that are in charge of public transportation in other countries-Venezuela, Cuba, Iran, Pakistan....:o

Take a cab or limo if you don't like the ride.;):eek:


Prez campaigns are just like throwing money at a pimp. He promises you a good time and you get scr---d in the end. Literally.


I have to come back and edit this for a few reasons.

I want you all to go to the nearest place of worship and call the priest, father, mullah, rabbi, whatever, a screwball, insult him until you get tired.

And don't forget to blame them for all the problems their religion has caused. I am not a huge GWB fan. I do hold him responsible for what goes on in the country -the things that he can do something about.

He sent soldiers to Iraq -blood for oil- remember that? Whoever thought that line up was stupid and wrong. I hold most people accountable for where we are now as a nation. We didn't learn about the last gas crisis, or about pollution, air quality or ?????

Write a check to a Greenpeace, WWF, PETA...it's o.k.

No Nukes? Pay higher electricity bills, No windmills? suffer baby.

Out here in El Lay you buy an effing plate for you car that has a whale tail on it. Your extra sixty dollars buys them a nice krill lunch??? You put the plate on a Navigator or Yukon and kill the birds with your exhaust!

The problems that good old GWB is being blamed for are mostly our problems, the ones that we acted stupid when they came up before.

If the San Franciscans that signed the petition were really smart, they'd compost all their turds and do something creative with the compost. Like grow trees and grass....Instead, they try to name a sewage plant after the president-and the plant keeps pumping out the 'treated' water right into their own backyards and ocean.

It makes perfect sense. We'll name a poop processing plant after GWB and smirk about it when it gets done........

Nancy Pelosi deserves to have one of the boxes on the wall in the woman's rest room named after her. BO gets a magazine cover! The stupid Mayor of El Lay deserves a dumpster in SKid Row named after him.

IT's a funny when the 'voters' do it to someone they 'frenzy' about. why not do it for every politician in office? LOL, it's misogynistic? Racist? Age based? Biased by religion?

Tommy Lasorda, the Dodger's cheerleader for centuries has an old saying about team- Twenty five people pulling on a rope at the same time can accomplish wonderful things" I paraphrased it there...

Think about all the idiots who signed that petition and what they could have done CONSTRUCTIVELY with their hate and time.

Boggles the old gourd, eh?

07-15-2008, 06:14 AM
I agree with you Richard. Too many people b!*ch about things without having any clue as to what to do about them, even though there are things they CAN do.

GWB is nothing more than a scapegoat for problems that have been going on for years...as this country spirals further into a sinkhole its a lot easier to blame someone for it than to actually figure out a way towards a solution.

Who we elect to the presidential office isnt going to make things better overnight, although I know a LOT of people who seem to believe it.