View Full Version : Please keep fingers and paws crossed for Ash tomorrow UPDATE SAD......

07-13-2008, 04:22 AM
Yes the day has come, Ash will be at the vets tomorrow morning for his blood test and hydration, depending on the blood results, his big dental will go ahead on Tuesday, I am nervous for him and worried about my old boy, he has not been away from home overnight for many years, only ever been in a cattery twice for a very short time, i will miss the ole fella, and hate the thought of him being in a cage all day and night, he will be so scared, so please prayers, good thoughts, wishes will be much appreciated for Ash and his worried meowmie. thank you.

07-13-2008, 06:01 AM
Carole, Pittsburgh thoughts and prayers are coming Ash's way for his visits with the vet. Also prayers for you to be strong for Ash.

07-13-2008, 07:04 AM
Carole, we'll pray Ash (and you) right through it! :)

07-13-2008, 08:40 AM
Lots of good thoughts from Fister and me that Ash will get some fine results from the tests, and his dental work will go smoothly. He will of course miss you, but when gets home, he'll feel a lot better! :)

Gentle headbumpies to Ash, and hugs to you!

07-13-2008, 08:46 AM
Prayers on the way for Ash and for you.

07-13-2008, 06:45 PM
I'll be keeping him in my thoughts and prayers. Please continue to keep us updated about him and try not to worry too much. I know it's easier said than done though.

07-13-2008, 07:40 PM
Prayers and good wishes for Ash are coming from us..

07-13-2008, 07:40 PM
well he is at the vets, have not heard anything yet, regarding blood test, i so hope they can go ahead with the dental, i just want it over and done with, poor ole guy, i hated leaving him behind, it really did make me feel down in the dumps and almost in tears, but i keep telling myself you are doing what is best for him, and afterwards he will be pain free and a much happier ole puss, thanks for your prayers, thoughts and good wishes, i am sure if Ash could talk he would say thanks too, will keep you all posted as i hear anything.

07-14-2008, 03:20 AM
Good thoughts for Ash Carole, I'm sure he'll be just fine.

07-14-2008, 08:00 PM
Well i have been anxiously waiting to hear from the vets, i could not wait any longer so gave them a buzz, he still has not had the dental yet, they have been keeping him hydrated, which is just as well, unfortunately and sadly Ash has some kidney problem, this I suspected, i am not sure exactly how bad, she did say it was higher than it should be and there was some inflammation but not extreme, so i am hoping that is a good sign, will find out more when we pick him up, they are going ahead with the dental and he should be ready to come home about 5.30pm all going well, she is going to keep him on the hydration drip throughout the dental.

I Gotta tell you i am worried about my ole guy more than ever now, please keep those prayers and good thoughts coming.

I guess Ash will now need to go on a special diet, i hope we have caught it early enough for him to continue to have some years ahead of him yet.

07-14-2008, 08:04 PM
Hope you're feeling ok Ash!!!!!!!!

07-14-2008, 08:35 PM
I have been doing a bit of research online about early kidney failure, i am assuming that is what my poor ole guy has, hopefully he is not too far on, and i am quite confused, some say feed what the vet recommends, others say no, others say raw diet,not dry food, i really don't know what i will do, i know a lot of you have experience with cats with kidney problems, so i would appreciate any advice from you all, i just want to make Ash's life more comfortable and happy for the years he will have left, and i read that can be up to five years, which would make Ash a really old cat by then anyhow, so i am thinking positive and hoping that with medication and food ash can live a much better life than he has been,anyhow i have not all the facts yet and will have to chat with the vet to get my information correct, so i know what i am actually dealing with.

07-14-2008, 09:47 PM
My Ripley is in kidney failure and at age 16 is doing well. The first signs were at age 11 when I took him in for his dental - just like Ash. He did just fine and the vet just told me then that his kidney values were a little elevated. It wasn't until a few years later that the levels got high enough that he showed some symptoms. For the past few years all I've had to do for him is take him in for sub-q fluids a couple times a year.

As for diet the vet recommened Purina Pro Plan Sensitive Skin and Stomach because Ripley has a sensitive stomach and throws up easily which makes the kidney failure worse. That food has worked very well and Ripley even gained a much needed pound over the past year and seems to feel better overall.

Hopefully if Ash is in the early stages things will be as easy for him and you as it has been for Ripley and me.

Prayers and positive thoughts on the way.

07-14-2008, 10:32 PM
Thank you that made very interesting reading,i am puzzled as Ash has been showing symptons that i read on the internet since his last blood test which was fine about two years ago,although i have noticed his weight loss, i originally cut his food down as he was overweight and has arthritis in his back legs,but i have noticed lately he is not eating that much, very fussy about his food and loosing more weight although he is still a healthy 5.2 kgs which is fine according to the vet, he is a large stature cat, he was 6.7, he has thrown up his food for a long time now, but i had noticed it getting worse and he has had days where he is just not well on and off, i had mentioned all of this to the vet at the time two years ago, so i am not sure how far on he is really, it said on the internet that when these symptons show up that 70 per cent of the kidney function is gone by then, however the vet said his levels were higher than they should be and not extreme, so i am hopeful.

I am a little worried about the cost of his food, but of course i will get him everything i possibly can, but now i have two cats on special need diets, eek,maybe the pro plan like you have ripley on might be good for Ash too, i think it is somewhat more affordable to than what the vet might recommend, i am NOT having Hills that's for sure, royal canin maybe.

Tell me is red meat and chicken mince ok, i read on the internet they need the protein and it is good, Ash simply adores both of those, so i am just curious, don't want to do anything to make him worse, just make his life comfortable from now on, having his teeth out and fixed will help his overall health i imagine anyhow, he won't be having to put up with the discomfort of that anymore thank goodness.

07-15-2008, 01:25 AM
I hope that everything went well for Ash and that he'll be able to come home soon.:) I'm sorry to hear that he has a kidney problem:( but hopefully it's been caught early. I don't know much about kidney diets but I have read and heard that cats need more fluids so I would think that you might need to start feeding him more wet food mixed with some water to help give him more moisture. Ash will remain in my thoughts and prayers. Please take care.

07-15-2008, 01:37 AM
Ash is home, the dental went really well, he only lost two teeth and he seems really well, and it cost a lot less than i originally thought as well.

But it is with a heavy heart i tell you the rest, i have been bawling my eyes out, my darling ole fella has kidney failure, he has lost 75 per cent of his kidney function, i am in total shock really, i thought it was caught early, i got it wrong, apparently it is also because of his heart condition, he has a murmur.

We still want to get another urine test done, as the one taken at the vets was after he had been hydrated, so she can check the values again.

The vet did not recommend any special diet just keep him off his favourite treat red meat, he does not get it very often anyhow, and could still have a small morsel.

We have however opted to put him on a heart tablet , a half a pill a day, hoping this will help, she gave us this option, and said if we had to choose between food and the pill she would recommend the pill.

I really cannot believe it, i don't know how long my Ashey boy will have, i should have asked the vet to give me an indication, but i had so many other questions.

Please anyone with experience can you post and tell me what is the best i can do for Ash, i want him to be comfortable and have a good life to the end.

I am so sad right now. Just look at my beautiful grey boy, in my siggy.

07-15-2008, 01:43 AM
Carole, I'm glad to hear that Ash is now home and that his dental went well:) but I'm so sorry to hear about his kidney's.:( I hope that he'll have a lot more time with you and that you're able to help make him as comfortable as possible. Once again he'll be in my thoughts and prayers. Please take care. (((HUGS)))

07-15-2008, 01:47 AM
Thank you, i am doing some research online, and discovered a cat with the same as Ash still living a year down the road, so i am hopeful, i really don't know what i am dealing with yet, but i am hopeful, i am gonna love him to bits.

07-15-2008, 01:50 AM
So sad to hear this about Ash, but I hope that the vet will be able to give you more alternatives, or a more positive outlook on his future (and hopefully it will be many more years).

Will definitely keep Ash in my thoughts and prayers.

Laura's Babies
07-15-2008, 07:07 AM
Love him to bits and spend all the time you can with him, take lots of pictures. Let him know how loved he is. ((((HUGS))))) to him and you.

07-15-2008, 07:33 AM
Maybe either crosspost or start a thread over in the cat section. I know I've read several posts from people dealing with different stages of kidney failure over there. Of all the ailments I've dealt with, I haven't had that one yet. I hope Ash recovers from the surgery and gets to experience many more happy times with you.

07-15-2008, 08:12 AM
Did your vet tell you whether it's acute or chronic? My Puddy has been in chronic renal failure for several years now and she's been on subQ fluids for the last couple. She's even been operating on one kidney for at least a year, so keep the faith, Carole. I'm here to help so, if you need to, please PM me w/any questions you may have. You and Ash are in my prayers, of course. :)

07-15-2008, 08:17 AM
I'm so sorry Ash was diagnosed with such a dreadful thing. My dad's friends dog was diagnosed with Kidney Failure at the age of 7 and he is now 9 years old. Don't give up hope! ((hugs)) and prayers to you and Ash.

07-15-2008, 02:43 PM
Prayers for beloved Ash..

finn's mom
07-15-2008, 02:49 PM
Aw, Carole, I'm so sorry to hear about your beautiful cat. I haven't been keeping up lately, and I'm sorry I'm just now posting. I know you will keep Ash comfortable, and that's all he needs. You guys will be in my thoughts. Hugs and kisses from our home to yours.

07-15-2008, 05:53 PM
If it's Chronc Renal Failure, many of us have benefitted from the information at http://www.felinecrf.com/index.htm

Please check with your vet, but my understanding is that the kidneys can compensate up to about 70 or 75% loss. It's at that point that you first see the rise in creatinine -- and so that is considered early renal failure.

The heart condition of course does affect the condition of the kidneys.

07-15-2008, 06:39 PM
Please check with your vet, but my understanding is that the kidneys can compensate up to about 70 or 75% loss. It's at that point that you first see the rise in creatinine -- and so that is considered early renal failure.

That is what my vet told me; that cats have to loose about 70% of kidney function before they show any symptoms. Just like other problems, they are good at compensating and hiding things!

I've had two seniors with kidney failure. My vet has told me that if a cat lives long enough eventually their kidneys or thyroid will fail(or in Beau's case, both!). The condition was manageable for a good time span with both of them. I gave up on the prescription foods for them. They didn't like them and it was more important that they just eat! Chicken baby food was a favorite for both of them, even when they didn't feel well.

My Onyx is currently in kidney failure. He's only 6(almost seven now that I think about it). He's way too young for such problems, but he's doing pretty well right now. He's become a puker--kidney failure can cause stomach upset. Pecid is our friend now! A quarter tablet makes a huge difference for Onyx.

There's lots of hope for your boy to be with you, comfortable and happy, for some time yet! Good luck.

07-15-2008, 06:49 PM
Oh, Carole! Pittsburgh {{{{HUGS}}}} and prayers go out to you and Ash. Nikki, Daisy, and Marigold send gentle headbumps to you and Ash.

07-15-2008, 06:52 PM
I'm so sorry to hear about Ash. You and Ash will be in my thoughts and prayers.

07-16-2008, 01:42 AM
Thank you for your kind words and support and advice, I am coming to terms with it now, it was just a real shock, i knew he was not well, and i even suspected his kidneys, i just did not expect him to have so little function left.

Don't worry folks i am not giving up hope, i intend to make his life as comfortable and wonderful as i can,even though it was already a good life, one can only make it better, the dental has made a difference i can see that in him already, he regained his appetite today and has been very hungry, making up for no food to speak of yesterday i expect.

He really likes the tin can gourmet supreme sardine we have here, it say's on it even for the fussiest eaters and he has been scoffing it down in little amounts all day long, so i guess that is going to be on the menu from now on.

Yes i did read that chicken or turkey baby food is an option, so will keep that in mind, but at the moment he is ok.

I think he is even getting used to being pilled, we have to give him stormorgyl, half a tablet a day for his dental, it is a huge pill even cut in half quite big, and then his fortekor 5 for his heart and kidney in the evening, we will have to give that to him every day for the rest of his remaining life, only a small pill and half a day, i will be watching him closely to see if there is an improvement from taking this medication,he is my hardest kitty to pill, but i think we have the hang of it now, and even Ash is becoming a better patient.

I am not sure if his condition is acute or chronic, i will have to ask more on his check up in a week's time, all i know is 75 per cent of his function is gone according to the vet, we still need to get those values re-checked when i can get a wee sample off him.

His first night home he just wanted out, we let him for a very short period, and he was only out for about half and hour, but then it was getting cold, so he had to stay in for the night, like he usually does, but i guess being caged for two days, he was not having a bar of that, i felt very distressed as he paced up and down to each door for over three hours, and then to my suprise he used the litter box for a pee, poor ole guy must have been holding on, i felt awful, you have to keep in mind he is an outdoor/indoor kitty and never uses an indoor litter box, he prefers the big outdoor one, so i was very suprised, i am wondering if it is he who uses it in the night time now, as often there is one there in the morning, i always assumed it was either ellie or nikki.

Anyhow i appreciate all your advice and he is very happy and content right now, infact he seems better than he has been in a long time, i put that down to the dental work done,one less thing for his body to deal with.

He is at present lying stretched out on his special pillow, it is a pillow i bought for myself for my aches and pains, filled with sand type stuff, and it sinks into your body shape, it was for my neck, but it did not really help me much, but Ash simply loves it and seems so comfortable there, i am sure it helps his old aching bones and arthritis,he is cosy by the oil heater as close as he can get, i am going to buy him an electric blanket when i get some spare cash which won't be for a little while, it has been a very expensive week, but worth every single cent of it.

Anyhow so far so good, keep you posted, and thanks again everyone, i must admit when i see him lying there so content and happy and well looking i simply cannot believe what the vet has told me, just does not seem real.

07-16-2008, 08:37 AM
I'm so sorry. (((HUGS)))

Hopefully with the right care Ash will still have many years with you.