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View Full Version : My kids arrived in Aussie today....

07-12-2008, 05:59 AM
After a full year of planning, my children are finally on their holiday, i got several text messages today, saying all is going well, they arrived on time, got their rental car no problem and are more than happy with the accommodation i have got for them, lovely big apartment,nice and clean and modern is how it was put.

My daughter Melissa was very excited, she is almost sixteen, will be in August and this is her very first flight ever, she said she was fine on the plane and found the take-off fun.

Today they have been settling in, finding their bearings, getting some supplies in and just relaxing, Melissa was having a sleep when i last text my son, so i guess getting up at 6 am and all the excitement tuckered her out.

Tomorrow will be a shopping day and then they will hit the theme parks,it will be all go,but lots of fun, anyhow just wanted to share, thanks for listening.:)

07-12-2008, 08:15 PM

That is wonderful!! I hope you have the best time with them.

07-12-2008, 09:31 PM
Donna i am not with them, lol, i am still in NZ, they went over by themselves, son and his partner Amber and Melissa, our turn next, still i have a week with my hubby alone, as he has taken a weeks holiday's , we have many things to do, get his new glasses sorted, take Ash to the vet on Monday and prepare him for his big dental, and many other things, so it will be nice but busy.:)

07-12-2008, 11:10 PM
I hope you all enjoy your holidays in your respective spots! :)

07-13-2008, 04:09 AM
thank you Karen, we will indeed, they have been swimming in the ocean today, so it must have been warm enough for that,and off to mini golf and hitting the theme parks tomorrow, movieworld i believe, melissa is looking forward one ride in particular, we call it the freefall in nz, and it is only 18 stories high, but in oz it is 39 stories high and falls to the ground in five seconds, eewh, that sure sounds scarey to me. lol:):D

07-13-2008, 09:40 AM
Carole that is great everyone got over here safely :D. Movie World is the best, i'm sure Melissa will have a blast there. Enjoy your alone time whilst it last's.

07-13-2008, 07:42 PM
Thanks yes i am excited to get my next text telling me how it was, i am sure she will have a great time, a day full of adrenalin for sure.