View Full Version : Need Dog Advice

07-11-2008, 01:05 AM
Ok hunter is my first dog since i was little and i am thinking about adopting another golden retriever or this beauitful black lab.. Now i know hunter loves
all dog's and always wants to play with them.. I am gonna be going to the shelter to check these two dog's out should i make the first visit just me and make sure they are what i want and the second visit should i take hunter with me and see if they get along and what signs should i watch out for that they are not getting along..

07-11-2008, 01:50 AM
You should def. take him with you. If they stand off, growl, or stiffen please be careful and seperate them.

ALWAYS keep them on leashes.... Dont push it, and ask the shelter if the dogs up for adoption are known to be good with dogs and other pets.


07-11-2008, 09:30 AM
See what the shelter recommends. I think you should take Hunter with you, but make sure the shelter is okay with that. The shelter I am going to be volunteering at requires any other dogs to come meet the possible adoptee.

Can't wait to "meet" the newbie!! :D :D

07-11-2008, 10:40 AM
ok great thanks i will ask them when i go and visit and see the dog first about bringing hunter on the second visit cause i don't want the 2 not to get along i know hunter will get along but not sure about the other dog so i will keep you guys updated i think i am gonna go and see them next week hopefully they won't be adopted out by then if so then i will keep looking..

07-12-2008, 12:04 AM
IMO, the ideal meeting would be off-leash (maybe muzzled) and on neutral territory. To protect the dogs, it'd be ideal to have an exercise pen between them so that they can sniff each other without getting into physical contact. The reason I'm so anti-leash-meetings is because the leash restricts movement and prevents natural dog greetings. Instead of taking away the stress, it increases pressure and stress.

The ideal meeting often doesn't happen, though, so when the two dogs DO meet, make sure your leash is ALWAYS loose (you might even want to drop it on the ground and let the dog drag it - that way, you can quickly pick it up and pull your dog out if there is trouble). Other than that, see if their bodies are tense or calm and "floppy". The former means trouble. The latter is a positive sign.