View Full Version : Why politicians are really dumb.

07-11-2008, 12:53 AM
The local Fox Affliiate (KTTV 11) ran a story of a meeting where a white politician was talking about the way a court house was keeping files on traffic tickets. The filing was all screwed up-they ran a clip of the file room and it was all jacked up.

He called the screwed up filing system a "Black Hole".

A black justice of the peace in the group took exception to the term, during the meeting he asked for an apology because he found the term to be offensive and made a comment that BH was inappropriate to use when there were black people in attendance.

The man who made the comment refused to apologize and then he tried to explain that the term had nothing to do with race.


There are ignorant people, and then there are the ignorant people who are elected or are appointed to offices where they wield the power of government.

I know that this JOTP is an idiot and was asleep during his science and astronomy classes.

Just when I think that there is hope for the human race, there is a freaking moron who takes everyone back a few hundred steps.

I wonder if this savant figured out how to have kids.....

"Daddy, a Black Hole has nothing to do with people.......I saw it on Star Trek!"

07-11-2008, 07:40 AM
If things keep going in this direction, our only solution will be to walk around w/tape over our mouths.

smokey the elder
07-11-2008, 08:23 AM
Up in Heaven George Carlin is laffing his tuckus off.

07-11-2008, 08:30 AM
Y'know, it hasn't been that long ago that the color white was considered to be negative because it's the color of dried up bones and dessicated earth, all representing death. If we look hard enough, we can always find something to complain about or get our noses out of joint. It's just as easy to find something in common w/each other but we, as a society in general, don't seem to want to do that. We claim to want unity but our real belief in separateness is revealed in stories such as this. Sad.

07-11-2008, 08:35 AM
A black justice of the peace in the group took exception to the term, during the meeting he asked for an apology because he found the term to be offensive and made a comment that BH was inappropriate to use when there were black people in attendance.

Oh PUHLEEEEEZE!!! Why is it always a "race" thing? I'm so sick of it. It's getting older by the minute.

He shouldn't apologize for what he said. He was describing a thing, not a person. What was he supposed to say to not offend whoever...it's a "Pink Hole" :rolleyes::rolleyes:

I'm not prejudice, but these people need to stop playing the "race card" everytime something doesn't go their way.

This is MY opinion.

07-11-2008, 03:59 PM
They probably didn't hear the l in hole. :rolleyes: and thought they heard something they really didn't.

07-11-2008, 04:59 PM
They probably didn't hear the l in hole. :rolleyes: and thought they heard something they really didn't.


Justice of the Peace is an elected office isn't it? He should not be back next term.

07-15-2008, 01:15 AM
The idiot who wanted the apology made a comment about Angel food cake being white and Devil's food cake being dark/brown. See what racism is all about. Demonizing chocolate dessert.

I hope he gets shamed by people with common sense.

Effin moron.:D

07-15-2008, 02:12 AM
One of our Vice Principals at the middle school I teach at is also a Politician. It makes for a messy combination.

He writes articles for the local newspaper, in the Op-Ed department. He's also written a book. It's titled something like "Good at being bad" or something like that. I know he's hispanic, but not sure if he's from Puerto Rico, or South America or Central America.

His views, and how he treats the kids at our school, have been controversial. He's pro-legalization on marijuana, and is open about that with the kids. I have my own opinions on what is legal and what is not legal, but I don't share them with the kids when it's something as controversial as that.

And while we are supposed to be following the "Code of Conduct" in all of our schools in our district, no matter your ethnic background, this administrator does show favoritism when it comes to kids who are black or hispanic. Heaven forbid you are a white or asian kid getting in trouble when he's your vice principal, because he will not show mercy. He's also openly negative about anyone who is Arabic, and one of the teachers I work with actually was going to be filing a legal complaint against him for harassment (she's Syrian).

I keep hoping he'll just get out of the education field and just focus on his political career.

Laura's Babies
07-15-2008, 07:24 AM
So we can use the word "black" at all or it is a racial slur? GET A LIFE Mister! Everything is NOT about YOU and your race.... We do not sit around thinking of ways to use simple words like "black" to insult you and your race.