View Full Version : We're Gonna Be in the Pictures! Photos #17 Pg 2

07-10-2008, 12:41 PM
Been a lot going on around here the last week or so.

Animal Planet has a new program lined up to start airing late Fall '08, called Dogs 101. Each episode will spotlight one breed of dog. As they have worked with Small Paws Rescue in the past, they contacted our Executive Director (Robin) for a "compelling story about an adoption."

Needless to say, she came up with one (more on that in next post), and they started filming Monday, in Ohio, then the film crew, Robin and the bichon all flew up to Maine for 3 days of filming with the new adoptive family.

Late Monday, I receive an email from the owner of the doggie day care where we go for our monthly MeetUp small breed dog meetings. She was contacted by Animal Planet, they want to film a group of bichons playing and interacting with their owners. A few quick emails confirmed this is for the SAME episode they are working on with Robin!

I posted on the 2 bichon forums I am on, and also on a bichon group on Dogster. I also let my team leader know, and she emailed all the Small Paws volunteers in Mass and RI. Several thousand (well, it SEEMS like it!) emails with the owner of the facility later, we are filming TOMORROW from 10 AM to noon, at a fully fenced in field donated for this purpose by a local Catholic high school. We have 15 bichons confirmed attending (I account for 4) with more sign ups coming in all the time. As one person said, even if the film never gets on the air, we are having a Bichon Bash! WAHOO!! It has been very exciting!

07-10-2008, 12:45 PM
CONGRATS! Now make sure you put on collars or bandannas so we will know which are yours. :D


07-10-2008, 12:45 PM
This is the story line for the "compelling adoption."

Alfred Hoffman, former US Ambassador to Portugal, and his wife, Dawn, have two adopted children from Russia, Sophie and Ava. Mrs. Hoffman has worked extensively with Camp Hope, a two-week cultural and educational opportunity that brings Russian orphans from ages four to 14 to the United States for a vacation with host families and also exposure to a wider group of families considering adoption. (Note from Robin: (By the way, Camp Hope has been responsible for 98 adoptions of children from Russia. The Hoffmans understand adoption and feel the same way about it whether it is about adopting children, or their adoption of Binti. They have made a choice to love and to commit, to both their precious daughters, and now to this little Bichon pup. She could not have a better home or parents with a better philosophy on life and adoption!)

During Mr. Hoffman's Ambassadorship in Lisbon, the family had two 15 year old Bichon Frise dogs. This past year, the female Bichon was tragically killed when a staff member accidentally ran over the dog. The family was devastated, especially Sophie and Ava. (Note From Robin: One of their beloved embassy employees accidentally let one of their 15 year old Bichons out during an official function where there were many guests and a lot going on at the Embassy. Then he accidentally ran over her, backing over her leg. He was devastated, as were the Hoffmans. They rushed her to surgery which she did survive, but due to her advanced age, she began to fail and sadly, died, shortly afterwards.)

Shortly after the family moved back to the United States, Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman decided to adopt a Bichon that was in desperate need of a loving home. They wanted to teach their children that to whom much is given, much is required. They also wanted to teach their daughters the adoption process from the very beginning, just as they were adopted - that is, falling in love with a picture, a picture of someone whom they've never seen before.

After writing a letter to Small Paws Rescue, the largest Bichon Rescue in the United States, the Hoffman family fell in love with a young Bichon Frise puppy in need of a heart murmur surgery. To the Hoffmans, this new puppy has already become part of their family. In fact, they've named her "Binti", which is Swahili for daughter.

The Veterinary Cardiologist, Dr. Thaibinh Nguyenba (pronounced “Tiebin. Winbah”) will lead the surgery at MedVet, a renowned medical center for pets in Worthington, Ohio.

**NOTE: This story is contingent that the Binti will be healthy enough for travel during our shooting period. Robin Pressnall at Small Paws will call the cardiologist tomorrow to see if this is possible. "

Well, everything just sort of fell into place for the filming.

Back when the Hoffman's decided to adopt Binti, we thought she would just have her surgery and then go home to them in Florida.

Well, Binti was too small for the surgery and they had to grow her to 5 pounds before they could do it.

When I learned about this I called the Hoffman's and explained that this could take a few months, and that I knew the girls were anxious to get their puppy, and could I possibly find another puppy for them to adopt?

This is the best part. This is when Dawn told me "Oh no. We will wait on Binti. When you choose to love someone, you wait on them for however long it takes. My girls will be disappointed but they need to learn that in life, things like this happen. When you make a commitment to love, you also accept all of the things that come with it. Oh no. We will all wait on our little Binti."

That was back in May.

Just now has Binti reached a size where they were able to do the procedure and it was done last Thursday morning. She came through it with flying colors and with no leaks! YES!

The Hoffman's are now at their vacation home in Maine.

They started the filming in Ohio, to meet with the heart surgeon who did the surgery on wee Binti. Then they flew to Maine and the filming shows the first time they all meet their new puppie.

Here are 2 photos, one of the film crew working in the Hoffman's back yard, and one of the Hoffmans and Binti.



07-10-2008, 01:20 PM
Oh how exciting!!!!! :eek::D

07-10-2008, 01:52 PM
Oh boy, I can just picture all that white fluffiness! Congratulations!

07-10-2008, 03:00 PM
Hey that's really cool! :)

07-10-2008, 04:38 PM
Woo-wooo! Very exciting! Have fun at the Bichon Bash & be sure to let us know when your adorable fluffies will be on the air! binti's story is really heartwarming. (I lived in Worthington OH for several years, had a great holistic vet there for my kittyboy. I wonder if Bindi's vet works with the same group?)

07-10-2008, 05:05 PM
Wow! This is very exciting. Congratulations!

07-10-2008, 06:05 PM
Keep us posted on the big air date!!! How exciting!!! Television stars!!!!

07-10-2008, 07:19 PM
Hey, that's great! Yes, colored bandanas, please! :) With 15 Bichons playing, we'll need identification help!

07-10-2008, 08:12 PM
May I please have some paw-o-graphs? Your babies are always STARS..now everyone will know! Just remember, we knew you first! Congratulations! Thanks for sharing a wonderful story!

Ginger's Mom
07-10-2008, 08:14 PM
How exciting. Definitely keep us informed. I don't get Animal Planet, but if anyone wants to tape it for me...:)

Scooter's Mom
07-10-2008, 08:27 PM
That's terrific!
Take pictures. :)

07-10-2008, 08:28 PM
Too cool!:cool:Tell your pups, remember you knew us at PT back when!:D

07-10-2008, 08:29 PM
Bichons on the Red Carpet!!!! We want lots of pictures!!!!

07-11-2008, 01:35 PM
This is for K9Karen (she asked for pawgraphs!)

Ozzy: http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q57/sfsamm/Siggy/nav.gif
Sugar: http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q57/sfsamm/Siggy/pawinheart.jpg
Lacey: http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q57/sfsamm/Siggy/pawmov.gif
Marlin: http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q57/sfsamm/Siggy/Cats/paw3.gif


07-11-2008, 01:42 PM
Hi again. Well, this morning was the Bichon Mini Bash, and filming event. We had about 30 bichons attend! It really was fantastic, all you could see was white, and huge grins on all the humans, te hee. A local Catholic high school donated their baseball field for this. We stayed on the green grass in the outfield, and the bichons had a blast!

From my friend MaryEllen: It was a glorious day here, sunny and dry, around 78 degrees. The fluffs blitzed and played and had a generally good old time. I loved the way many of them ran to greet each new arrival at the fence. The cameraman, Harrison, was fabulous. You could tell that he enjoyed everything about the dogs. Sandie was there with her flock, and little Ozzie was especially dapper in his scarf and cap. Sugar was sitting in and protecting Sandie's chair from everyone. Mattie did her wave and blitzed for the camera. Harrison seemed to be filming lots of little bits which I suspect they will use to illustrate characteristics of the bichon breed. He interviewed a few people. One woman wearing a Small Paws shirt had a three legged bichon and one with a cart because his back legs didn't work well. It was simply a beautiful thing to see so many fluffs running and playing on the green grass. What fun!
I was told that Dogs 101 Bichon segment will be aired on October 25th on Animal Planet. I think he said 8 PM. I'm not sure because it is simply too hard to concentrate on people when I'm around fluffs. I can't wait to see the show!

OK, on with photos and videos!

I arrived early, so my 4 could get acclimated. Yeah, right, they found a GOOD smell! :rolleyes:

http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q57/sfsamm/2008/Jul%2011%20Bichon%20Film/th_MVI_1580.jpg (http://s133.photobucket.com/albums/q57/sfsamm/2008/Jul%2011%20Bichon%20Film/?action=view&current=MVI_1580.flv)

Sugar, Lacey to the Right, Marlin on the left, and you can just see Ozzy's hind quarters.


Ozzy in his baseball cap, from Canine All Stars.

Beyond that, I just seem to have lots of photos of BICHONS!





More coming right up!

07-11-2008, 01:45 PM




Marlin takes a break on my chair (of course, I brought the chair for the dogs!)




Stand by, a few more photos and one more vid.

07-11-2008, 01:49 PM

Here you see Ozzy's stroller, Marlin in my chair, Lacey on the ground in front of him, and Mattie under the chair in front of her.

After 2 hours blitzing and playing in the hot sun, seemed like everyone was congregating in the shade and near the water bowl!



This is the woman who had adopted the older and handicapped bichons, the 3 legged one and the one in the wheel chair among others. She is holding my Ozzy, giving him a tummy rub, and as you can see, he is NOT complaining, te hee.


A short vid; I think this is Mattie blitzing about into the picture.
http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q57/sfsamm/2008/Jul%2011%20Bichon%20Film/th_MVI_1584.jpg (http://s133.photobucket.com/albums/q57/sfsamm/2008/Jul%2011%20Bichon%20Film/?action=view&current=MVI_1584.flv)

That's 30 bichons, and not a bark, growl or grumble in over TWO hours! You began to wonder if they knew HOW to bark. (Yes, just bring over a portable door bell and ring THAT, someone said, ha haa.)
Many other people took photos, as well. Hope you enjoyed!

Edited to add: one photo someone ELSE took, of "The Small Paws Crew," te hee. That's me on the left, my 4, and the other SPR woman and her 3.

07-11-2008, 01:53 PM
It's like marshmellows come to life! How cool is that?! I can just picture someone driving by, having to do a double take because all they see are white, adorable fluffballs running on the green grass. I would have loved to of seen that in person!

These pictures and videos are great. I can't wait to see the show.

Ginger's Mom
07-11-2008, 02:23 PM
Running and kissing, and smiling and playing. Oh what a fabulous morning. :D I would have loved to have witnessed that bash. I bet you and your four will be smiling for days to come, just thinking about all of the fun you had. Ozzy looks adorable in his hat. :) Can't wait to see the video. Your four are going to be television stars.

07-11-2008, 02:48 PM
How cool is that! What a great story, and I like what they are teaching their daughters about falling in love with a picture and waiting for what they fell in love with.

I loved seeing all those fluff balls running and playing, lol. Looked like a lot of fun!

07-11-2008, 03:13 PM
Looks like snowballs in July!! How fun! I bet that was a blast!!! Can't wait to watch! Give all of your little celebrities a hug and a kiss from me, Cassie, and Boomer!

Daisy and Delilah
07-11-2008, 05:12 PM
This is the coolest thing, Sandie!!! You were in Bichon heaven. A sea of white fluff. Fritz and Barry would have had a blast too. I have to agree with some others, that must have been an awesome event to attend.:)

07-11-2008, 07:21 PM
Looks like snowballs in July!!:D They sure do! Cuteness overload! :love: You had a gorgeous day, too, they look great against that lush green grass. Ozzy's quite the dapper dude in his little hat. ;)

07-11-2008, 10:41 PM
*Sigh* Thanks my lovely widdle puff ball pals..I'll cherish your paw-o-graphs forever! Beautiful pictures! I felt I was there with you! Can't wait to see the show!! The anticipation is gonna kill me! Lots of schmoochies! :love::love::love::love: