View Full Version : Do you ever get over the guilt

07-09-2008, 01:05 PM
Today I have a heavy heart. I've had to come with terms that I'm going to have to rehome my baby. More is posted in Cat General. I just feel so guilty about it and that I haven't provided her the things she needs. Does the guilt ever go away?:(

07-09-2008, 03:53 PM
You'll get over feeling guilty, but honestly, you ARE giving her everything she needs. You are seeing that she doesn't do well with babies, and you are making sure that she will have a happy life, and you know where she's going to, so you can always see her, and maybe some day you can get her back.

Don't feel guilty when you are doing what is in her best interests, and in Cadience's. If you locked her in a room and she would never be able to be out and play, that's what would be sad. What you're doing shows how much love you do have for her. That's being unselfish. That's nothing to feel guilty about.

Big hugs to you!!

07-09-2008, 05:15 PM
How very sad for you. Of course, in this case, you are left with no choice. You can't risk her hurting your baby. It's a shame she isn't good with children, but I guess some animals just aren't :( I'm very sorry that you have to part with your kitty friend, but at least you know where she's going and you can always get updates and visit.

07-09-2008, 05:38 PM
{{{hugs}}} you have no reason to feel guilty but I am sure it still hurts.

07-09-2008, 06:11 PM
Do NOT feel guilty. I've had to rehome a few cats myself and yes, the guilt does go away. Especially when you find a wonderful new home for him.

You are doing what is in your cat's best interest. That's all that matters.