View Full Version : seeing the neurologist

07-08-2008, 06:31 PM
I'l be seeing a neurologist (another doctor!) on friday morning. I'm going to see why my hands shake especially when I hold something in my right hand. I'm praying it isn't serious.

07-08-2008, 07:19 PM
Okay, are you eliminating all caffeine in your drinks twixt now and then?

07-08-2008, 07:25 PM
Okay, are you eliminating all caffeine in your drinks twixt now and then?

Karen, not only between now and then, but between now and forever!! I had some diet Pepsi two hours ago ands that's it for the caffeine!

07-08-2008, 07:29 PM
Excellent, may I recommend Fruit-2O if you can tolerate sucralose? I know some people get an aftertaste, but I never did - it is fruit-flavored water, and is yummy.

07-11-2008, 01:07 PM
Karen, I saw the neurologist this morning and he told me that he thinks I have pre-parkinsonism. I don't have Parkinson's yet, but it could develop into it. I see him again on the 31st where he's going to take a MRI of my brain and a couple of other tests. I also have another prescription to take. Karen, I'm still going to lay off the caffeine!

Laura's Babies
07-11-2008, 03:32 PM
WAIT for the MRI to see what they says before you start worrying about anything. At least your doctor is following what he is suppose to do.

The pilot we have on the boat last trip told me his mother had been diagnosed with parkinson disease and so had a good friend of his. He said his mother kept getting worse and worse and was finally hospitalized. He realized how much medication his mother was on and researched each and every one of them on the internet. He also researched Parkinson disease and found out the only real way to diagonse it was through a MRI and his mother had never had one... there was another so called disease she had been diagnosed with and recieving medication for so he researched that also and the only way to confirm it was a test that she never had. Armed with that information, he faced the doctor the next day and within 30 minutes, those tests were done. He also discovered that one medication she was recieving when combined with another her doctor had given her was a deadly combination. It turned out she had neither disease but the medication had already done harm and she died within days. (his friend had never had a MRI either)

So, ANY medications you are on NOW, research fully on the internet for side effects. Those shaking hands could be a side effect. Then research combining drugs. Look out after yourself, you have all the tools to do it with. ...and again, lay off the sodas, regular and diet. Get yourself on a healthy diet and stick to it. (I have been on a diet for these last 2 years, I eat ALL day long, just make healthier choices and can hardly eat all I list to eat in a day because I am alway so full. In 2 years, doing this, I have lost 40 pounds!) You are what you eat so watch what you put in your body!

07-11-2008, 03:42 PM
Okay, good to know, David! And not only should you not worry about having Pre-Parkinson's, Parkinson's itself is not as it once was. There are now medications that truly, truly help some people, like my former pastor. He was made to retire when he was very sick - Parkinson's, Depression (that he had had prior to the Parkinsons) and he has a problem with his vocal chords as well. But a couple years after that, with the then-experimental treatment, he was much stronger, and looked years younger. And three years ago, he was able to feel strong and steady enough, because of the new medication, and certain dietary changes, to officiate at the baptism of his twin grandbabies! It brought tears to our eyes, because four years before that moment, his hands shook so much he was afraid to hold a child.

So we will keep you in our prayers, and hope things stay managable with you for years to come!

07-11-2008, 04:48 PM
Prayers are going up for you, David. Try not to worry about all this. With all the advancements in medicine now, Parkinson's can be managed much better now. Get that MRI and, of course, keep us posted. :)

Daisy and Delilah
07-11-2008, 05:18 PM
Best wishes all the way around to you David. I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. I hope the MRI comes back with good news. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}

07-11-2008, 08:03 PM
My father's side of the family has an issue with tremors. I have it myself, and have had it since I was a teen. I'm horrible when it comes to threading a needle (another reason NOT to sew!). It's not Parkinson's, but something else I can't remember the name of, I've had this for so long, I just don't even think about it anymore. The kids at school notice it, and it is definitely more pronounced when my blood sugar drops.

Definitely hold off on getting worried till the doc does the MRI. It could very well be a combination of drugs too. I know that some of my antidepressants I was one, combined with other meds, made me tremor even more.

Good luck with the MRI, and hopefully, it shows that you do NOT have Parkinson's.

07-11-2008, 08:25 PM
David, here is a link where you can check drug interactions:


Also, drop in and chat with your pharmacist. They know their drugs!

I hope you can make some lifestyle changes, one small one at a time. With any luck, you might be able to reduce some of your meds, in time.

07-11-2008, 08:37 PM
I'd be wary about taking that medication he prescribed before the MRI confirmed anything as well. That's just me.

I know my psychiatrist wanted to give me a med for Restless Leg Syndrome (even though I don't have it... I'm just restless in general, lol), and he said it was a drug also prescribed for Parkinson's. I turned him down on that offer.

I'm really hesitant about taking new meds. I was having issues with being motivated and energetic, and to be able to concentrate better, and he gave me a script for that. I talked to the pharmacist and she said that is was for ADHD people, and if you didn't have ADHD, it basically was just an AMPHETAMINE. Yeah. Can you guess what I did with that prescription?? It went right back to the psychiatrist. Like I needed to add an amphetamine to the rest of my meds... NOT.

07-11-2008, 11:18 PM
Excellent, may I recommend Fruit-2O if you can tolerate sucralose? I know some people get an aftertaste, but I never did - it is fruit-flavored water, and is yummy.

Yeah, Kar..we go through 2 cases a week. It's the only water I can get down.

David, you'll be in my prayers. Good luck with your MRI. Let us know the results.