View Full Version : O/T Some People

07-08-2008, 01:54 AM
ya know there are some people who just not even think about haveing a pet or anything like that..
Well there is this 4month old lab mix that hunter love's to play with all the time and they were out there playing today together having a grand ole time,
well hunter went up the stairs and dudley went right up after him no problem there was a water bowl up by the apt door, so they went and got a drink and layed there well brandon dudley's owner started calling him and
so they could go inside well we have like metal rails that is big enough where a dog can stick his head through.
well dudley kept doing that and of course brandon kept on calling him and i told brandon that i would go up there and get him, since i did not want him to try and get through the rails,
No sooner did i say that Boooooooom there go's dudley through the rails i think its about 10feet from my apt to the ground and and he screams and crys and brandon checks him over a couple nieghtbors come out
and so does hubby and i am freaking out and the tears start coming on, and we check him over to see if there are any bones pratruding through, the skin and i told brandon hubby can take you to the vets to have him looked over he said no he is fine he is getting up and walking and wagging his tail and by this time i am steamed, cause of brandon not wanting to take him to the vets..

Now to me this is a pi$$ poor dog owner, i don't care if i was down to my last $ my dog would of been at the vets quicker then anything.
I guess this is a pointless vent but it just makes me mad how brandon was careless and not wanting to take him to the vets to make sure that he had no broken ribs or anything like this, (dudley gos tomorrow to get fixed)
so to me brandon should not even have dudley or get this other dog that he is suppose to be getting here in a few wks...
He could of been killed from the height and brandon acted like it was no big deal now i have been sitting here the last 5hrs wondering if dudley is ok or not...
I hate people like brandon..

Pawsitive Thinking
07-08-2008, 04:41 AM
:mad: I'm with you on that one! some people just shouldn't have animals. Hope Dudley is going to be okay

07-08-2008, 08:36 AM
I totally agree! I would have rushed my dog to the vet! Heck, Beanie was attacked by a cat...Yes, a cat took down my dog...He seemed fine, but I rushed him to the vet I work for. It was his day off too, but I just had to know that he was ok. At least Dudley is getting neutered.

07-08-2008, 08:48 AM
Well i just called the vets and told them about what happened to dudley and they said they would check him over b4 his surgrey this morning..

Yea thank god he is getting fixed and what not today, plus i don't like the way that they treat dudley one bit.... they spank his butt if he doesn't mind all the time and you all know how a 4month old puppy listens not well at all

Whenever i am out there with hunter and dudley is out there i always have hunter do a command and dudley try's and do the same thing and i praise them both like crazy and bradon looks at me like i am nuts.. He is a very good puppy and so sweet

Another thing that irks me about them is that, they are gonna be getting a weiner(sp) dog here soon.. they don't even deserve dudley let alone any dog yea he has toys only because of me but they are just not dog people and it makes me sick..

Well i am off to take hunter for his morning walk around the block to see the lil kid's playing outside he loves those lil ones..

Have a good day and i will try and post some new pic's of hunter here soon

07-08-2008, 08:55 AM
A wiener dog is a Dachshund. A wiener dog is not a breed. Sorry, it just cracks me up when people think a wienie is a breed.

Anyway, Thank you for calling and telling the vet to look over Dudley before the surgery. He's 4 months old? Isn't 4 months a little young for being neutered? Most vets won't do them at that age.

I can't believe they are getting another dog? Is it a puppy too? I know I couldn't handle 2 puppies.

07-08-2008, 09:20 AM
Poor Dudley. Good thing you are around looking out for him.

And Zoee was fixed around 4 months of age. I think it depends on the vet. I've heard some say at a certain age and some say at a certain weight.

07-08-2008, 09:57 AM
yes this dog will be a puppy to it was born around 4 or 5 wks ago..

I told dr.Christi that is his vet too (there are like 3 vets in the same office) that i was looking out for him and that i was very very concerned about him

So hopefully he will be ok the vets is gonna let me know if everything is ok and i don't care if brandon gets ticked at me cause i told them i not worried about his butt

well actually he is between 4 and 5months old from what brandon said the shelter told him

He is such a sweet puppy loves everyone he see's.. i will let you all know what i find out when i get the call..

07-08-2008, 09:58 AM
A wiener dog is a Dachshund. A wiener dog is not a breed. Sorry, it just cracks me up when people think a wienie is a breed.

Anyway, Thank you for calling and telling the vet to look over Dudley before the surgery. He's 4 months old? Isn't 4 months a little young for being neutered? Most vets won't do them at that age.

I can't believe they are getting another dog? Is it a puppy too? I know I couldn't handle 2 puppies.

lol well i could not think of the name of the breed at the time so i just wrote weiner dog.. but yes you are correct Dachshund is the breed

07-08-2008, 11:26 AM
Oh How sad!
I hope the vet calls you after he's checked over and they say he's fine.

Stupid people should not own pets!!!!
He's lucky to have you keeping an eye on him!

07-09-2008, 07:38 AM
Update and its not good :(


07-09-2008, 08:47 AM
That just makes me want to cry.....there are no words....rest in peace little Dudley.

Pawsitive Thinking
07-09-2008, 08:50 AM
Heart breaking - I hope they are banned from keeping any form of pet ever again :mad: