View Full Version : Why was she so nervous?

Laura's Babies
07-07-2008, 12:47 PM
Yesterday evening, it got cloudy. Without warning it thundered really loud close by and I saw the reflection of lighting. It did it that one and only one time and there was nothing more. The power went out immediately. Giz got extreemly nervous, pacing the floor and meowing and went to lay down under the computer desk. She would only lay down a second or two, get up and pace, meowing, go lay back down for a second and get up pacing and meowing. She did this for about 10 minutes. I have never seen her so nervous. She was so nervous that it scared me wondering what she was sensing that I didn't know. It didn't rain, there was no more thunder or lightening, no wind... NOTHING... but se carried on like this for about 10 minutes and she wouldn't let me touch her to comfort her..

I still wonder what made her so nervous, she has never been a nervous girl and that is why I am so baffeled.. Any thoughts? :confused:

07-07-2008, 12:59 PM
;) Yes mine get scared like that.. But they go under the beds & or into the walk-in closets that I always keep the doors cracked open.. You know animals can sense things that we humans know nothing about.. Maybe she was telling you Laura to take cover.. Maybe next time get on the floor with her & sit beside her under the table or where ever.. Glad all turned out ok & everybody is ok..

07-07-2008, 01:16 PM
sig hides. usually in my daughter's bedroom either under her desk or her bed. he's scared of everything. which is new to me, because absolutely nothing fased chuck (rb). sig will go and hide when the garbage truck is outside the house.:rolleyes:

Laura's Babies
07-07-2008, 01:29 PM
Thing is, Giz has never been bothered by any storms. We had a bad one the other day that lasted a long time, thunder, lightening, wind and a downpour.. She wasn't bothered in the least by it. She isn't afraid of sudden loud noises either.. This however, had her really nervous and she has never been a nervous little girl. This was the very first time I saw her nervous over anything... :confused:

07-07-2008, 01:48 PM
i wonder if it's because even tho a storm has passed, there is still the threat of lighting sometimes. and you know how your hair stands on end when lightning strikes close? i wonder if cats can sense this electrical sensation more than us. they say that cats can actually HEAR electricity go from a light switch when you flip it, flow to the light before it comes on. their hearing is so acute and they also have elevated senses. you'd think their whiskers would be pulling in all kinds of "data" in a storm. :D

07-07-2008, 04:53 PM
She certainly must have sensed something. Amazing how they do that.

07-07-2008, 05:54 PM
Cats Do Have Senses And Perceptions That Are Beyond Ours And Maybe Something Just Struck Gis As Being Ominous, Something That She Was Trying To Communicate To You.
Twilight Zone Music Here.....

Laura's Babies
07-07-2008, 06:51 PM
Twilight Zone Music Here.....

That is exactly how I felt watching her Gary! I kept waiting for a tornado to hit or lightening to get us but NOTHING happened!

i wonder if cats can sense this electrical sensation more than us.

That is about the most logical thing thought of yet... she sensed something that none of the rest of us sensed or felt. The other girls were watching her, as puzzeled as I was.

07-07-2008, 11:00 PM
With the power off, there were probably familiar sounds absent - small motors or fluorescent elements humming, or the buzz of a transformer in dimmer switch - that humans can't easily hear, but that she knew had stopped. "Seems pretty quiet, Batman." "Yes, Robin, too quiet..."

Love, Columbine

Laura's Babies
07-08-2008, 06:24 AM
That makes sense too... It was terriably quiet in here but the power has been off before and she never acted like that.

07-08-2008, 09:30 AM
Then again, a few Angels might have dropped by, and she was sensing Pets who she didnt know yet. But once they know the Pet Angels,:D they are a lot more relaxed!!:love:

07-08-2008, 02:30 PM
there was an AWESOME show on (i think) discovery channel about cats. and all the things they can hear and see and it was so cool. there was one for dogs too, but i liked the cat one more :D

how they use their whiskers and what the purring and vocal sounds can mean. very interesting.

Laura's Babies
07-08-2008, 02:39 PM
Gary, for the pervious 2 nights prior to that happening, I went to bed and while laying there, trying to go to sleep, I would feel what I thought was one of my babies walk up the bed beside me and lay down. I would put my hand down to pet whoever it was and there was NONE there! I even told Rie that I thought someone had paid me a visit and wondered who it was! I am convinced it was a angel but just which one?

Then this incident with Giz happened and that nightly visitor hasn't happened since so you may have a point there!

07-08-2008, 02:47 PM
Oh, Giz ... You are not only beautiful, but perceptive and smart as well! :love:

07-08-2008, 03:35 PM
i wonder if it's because even tho a storm has passed, there is still the threat of lighting sometimes. and you know how your hair stands on end when lightning strikes close? i wonder if cats can sense this electrical sensation more than us.

That is what I was going to say, maybe she felt the static.