View Full Version : Killing mushrooms

07-03-2008, 11:43 AM
I'm curious if anyone knows a good way to kill mushrooms. We had a tree removed a few years ago and I guess they didn't get all the wood or something cause we get a lot of gross mushrooms there. We tried digging a lot and removing a good bit of earth...also, I heard baking soda and water work great. However we still have a ton of them. Any ideas?? I'm so sick of seeing them.

07-03-2008, 12:43 PM
The mushrooms are actually doing an important task, and helping break down the roots of the tree. What kind of tree was it, do you remember? Oak roots can have yummy mushrooms that grow on them ... but you'd need an expert mushroomer to tell you.

Just put on some gloves and pick the mushrooms and throw them away. Eventually, they will run out of material to work on, and won't reappear. If you just kick them over, you're distributing the spores to help more appear!

07-03-2008, 09:36 PM
I can't remember what type of tree it was. I believe they've been there for the past few summers. Ever year we pick them up and throw them out. but they don't stop coming up. They now are spreading from where the tree was originally.

07-03-2008, 10:25 PM
If you can find a way to dry up the area, that will discourage them. Otherwise, they are making some good rich soil, free of charge! :)

07-03-2008, 10:33 PM
I can't remember what type of tree it was. I believe they've been there for the past few summers. Ever year we pick them up and throw them out. but they don't stop coming up. They now are spreading from where the tree was originally.

You may want to ask around locally to see if there's a mushroomer - he or she can tell you what kind of mushrooms they are, and how to discourage them. The shrooms are now likely working on the root system - remember that a tree's root system is often even bigger and more widespread than the branches above!