View Full Version : Scaredy Pup

09-01-2002, 05:20 PM
Our new puppy, Belle, is the biggest chicken I've ever seen!! We've had her for 3 weeks now, and she is scared of just about everything! When the front door opens or closes, when there are big noises, when strange people approach her and try to pet her. Is this just a phase? Will she grow out of it? Does anyone have any suggestions to help me so she isn't so afraid? We enrolled her in puppy kindergarten and she starts tomorrow(we're wondering if she'll listen. She's a smart little girl, but you know those arctic breeds, they definitely have a mind of their own!) Also, how long did it take any of you to potty train your puppy? Schools starting again, so someone won't always be home with her to let her out, and I'm worried that she'll have accidents. Well, any advice would be appreciated! Once we get our pictures of her developed, I will scan them on here and show everyone!! :-D Thanks!!

09-01-2002, 05:55 PM
She's new to the world, so everything is new and scary to her! Puppy kindergarten will help, socialize her every chance you get. Take her busy places, walk her beside busy streets, always reassuring her that things are okay, everything's fine ... when she is calm, praise her. You've a long way to go, but establishing NOW that you are the alpha will help both of you in the long run - especially with a husky, they grow so strong so quickly that you want to teach her as much as you can as soon as you can, then keep reinforcing!

09-01-2002, 07:20 PM
Thanks for your advice :-D She's an Alaskan Malamute, so she isn't as stubborn as a Husky, but pretty close. When we got her, she was 5 months old, she just turned 6 months about a week ago. I'm sure it'll be harder to train her now she's older, but I knew she was the dog we had to get. I visited her every week, and finally, after preperation, we finally got her. I really hope puppy school helps her!!
p.s. Does my quote show up??

09-02-2002, 05:45 AM
Originally posted by belles_momma15
isn't as stubborn as a Husky

Hey, what are you trying to say here?!! J/K!

I agree with what Karen said, taking them to classes is one of the best things for them. They get to socialize with other dogs and humans as well. I know Roxey (our Siberian) was pretty much the same way. Our Angus (Rottie) helped her get over her fears too. Good luck with Belle, can't wait to see some pics:D

Dixieland Dancer
09-02-2002, 09:17 AM
Originally posted by belles_momma15
When we got her, she was 5 months old, she just turned 6 months about a week ago. I'm sure it'll be harder to train her now she's older, but I knew she was the dog we had to get. I visited her every week, and finally, after preperation, we finally got her. I really hope puppy school helps her!!

Puppies usually have a fear period around 12 weeks of age. What happens to them during this period can be very detrimental to their future inhibitions and how they react to certain things. It sounds to me like something happened in the fear period because at 6 months she should be a confident pup waiting to attack the world with her curiosity. You may need to be especially sensitive to her past and be a little more tender and understanding than normal in your training. Have patience with her fears and help her to realize that you will be there to protect her.

Another thing to consider is that at 6 months you may want to forget about puppy kindergarten classes and start her in basic obedience where she will bond more with you as opposed to socialization with other dogs. The critical socialization period (up to 16 weeks) is past and it is now time to teach her that you are the alpha leader and she needs to trust you. She will get some socialization in basic classes too! Only do positive training with her such as clicker training or positive reinforcement. Stay away from choke chain training methods because they may tend to cause her to withdrawal more and be more fearful.

09-03-2002, 01:00 AM
My pup is also an arctic breed (siberian husky) and YES they DO have a mind of their own! But watching him, there is no denying that he is smart! As far is being scared, he's not really that way. He has his moments. He is terrified of the vacuum cleaner and the hair dryer. Actually he barks at the vacuum cleaner then runs away. He was also scared of a big chocolate lab pup named Moose that lives across the street from Melissa/Lady...I found it rather odd, he actually yelped and hid behind me....and you couldn't find a more friendly dog then Moose. Of course he came over to "visit" us in the dark, which could be a part of it. He has mixed reactions to different dogs, which kind of scares me. He loves new people, and thinks everyone who walks by is there to meet him (of course we need to break him of his jumping up habits). Reggie is scared of just about every loud/strange sound also. He has been since we got him. I know we got him as a pup, but I don't know how old he was.......at least 4 months I believe.

I would do like everyone else said, and let her experience everything. Some sort of class would definitely be great too. I have another puppy kindergarten class tomorrow...I'm not sure that I really want to go to it considering what happened last time....:eek:

p.s. Can't wait to see pics!!!

09-03-2002, 01:30 PM
Bless her heart, that is a terrible feeling to see your pup so scared and you feel so helpless. Best of luck!