View Full Version : Am I being stalked?

06-30-2008, 11:50 PM
I was at home the other day when I heard a woman's voice out on the street yell, "Hello!".

The voice sounded like a gal that had a New Yawk accent.
I hesitated for a second then went to the gate, because the dogs will nip at anyone who walks into the gate.

When I got to the gate there was no one in sight. I couldn't figure out who it was, there was no one on the street, no cars - nothing!

I went back to my house really puzzled and trying to figure out who it was.

The next day I heard the same woman yelling, "HELLO!" around the corner. I thought it might be some kooky person that was running up and down the street being a nuisance. This was getting creepy.


A few days later I was at my mom's house when the same voice yells, "HELLO!"
This time I hear the BOING sound that shows up on every cartoon you have seen as a kid, then the ice cream truck jingle fades down the street.

I was being stalked by the recorded tape from an ice cream truck!

Somewhere the driver got a hold of or edited this tape that plays a jingle, stops for a few seconds, then the woman yells "HELLO", followed by the BOING!

The reason that I didn't see who or what it was the first time was the driver trying to make the green light at the end of the block. I have since seen him drive like a bat out of heck to get across the intersection.


Before the summer is over I plan on getting out there and buying something from the Stalking Ice Cream truck, just have to time it right and pray for a red light!:eek:

07-01-2008, 05:02 AM
I wouldn't mind being stalked by an ice cream truck.;)

Laura's Babies
07-01-2008, 07:18 AM
:D That is FUNNY!

07-01-2008, 07:39 AM
The same thing happened to me here, Richard! When I first bought this house, I heard the "Hello?", except that it sounded just like someone was at my door and didn't want to just walk in, so they said "hello" in the form of a question. I was busy putting things away and said "Yes?" and the voice kept saying "Hello?" and I kept answering "Yes?" until I grew impatient and went to the door, only to hear the ice cream truck.

Years ago, a (now) late senior friend of mine went to check up on another senior friend because she hadn't heard from her in a while. She knocked on the door and heard "Yes?" and my friend answered "It's me, Helen!". No answer. Helen knocked again and heard "Yes?" and again she yelled louder this time "It's me, Helen!" No answer. This happened a third time, so she thought she would go around to the back door and when she got there, she heard "Yes?", only this time she could see that it wasn't her friend who was saying it. There was a goat tied up in the back yard and it sounded just like it was answering "Yes?" every time Helen knocked on the door.

There are stalkers everywhere! :p

07-01-2008, 09:25 AM
I wouldn't mind being stalked by an ice cream truck.;)

Sounds good to me too! :D

My late Aunt had a McCaw that would answer "Come in" whenever someone would knock on the door! I admit:o.... I fell for it a few times.

07-02-2008, 03:03 PM
I have some change right by the door, just in case!;)

07-02-2008, 03:29 PM
:p Richard your so goofy & funny.. Is this kind of like looking in the fence??:D

07-02-2008, 05:28 PM
:p Richard your so goofy & funny.. Is this kind of like looking in the fence??:D
LOL, Never thought of it that way.:D IF I ever get mentally stable I'll have to check it out!