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View Full Version : June Small Dog Breed MeetUp

06-29-2008, 10:07 PM
Today was the monthly Small Dog Breed MeetUp. Many bichons, as usual. Our dear friends Eillie & Miley CAME! (Their mom and dad, Cassondra and hubby, came too, :laughing:) MaryEllen & Mattie were there, and many other friends. Ellie & Miley are sisters, litter mates. Miley had a PDA and had to have surgery to correct that. This is the first time we've seen them.

As it was HOT, the organizer set up a kiddie pool. Teddy and Brady love to just LIE in it! Teddy:


Rats! I'm not sure WHICH bichon that is next to the pool!



Maryellen is seated, furthest away.

More coming.

06-29-2008, 10:08 PM

This is Ellie, and my foot:

Miley and friend:


Miley again (as you can see, she was much too busy dashing about in play to pay attention to a silly camera!)

Mattie running toward the camera; Miley to the left of the lady in the black flower dress; Teddy and Brady

Cassondra with Ellie

Emily had an adorable summer dress on - yellow with polka dots, and lacy apron on the skirt

Emily and her new brother, 4 month old Jaeger

I gave all my 4 their baths and blow dry this AM. I found these bandannas at Christmas Tree Shops, they say Independent Dog. So at least I know which dogs are MINE in these photos! This is Marlin.

06-29-2008, 10:08 PM

Ellie & Miley (I SWEAR they were FACING me when I pressed the button! They just kept MOVING!!! )

My Dad with (from left) Lacey, Sugar, Marlin (Ozzy was off outside checking out the pool)

Maryellen tried to get a photo for us. Me holding Ozzy, Dad with Sugar, Marlin is behind Dad's chair, Lacey is facing me.

One of mine, I think Lacey.

Ozzy visiting with all the chihuahuas (they are closer to his size and speed than the dashing-about bichons!)

Miley checking out the chi's. Lucie, sitting, with Emily in her lap, is going to be checking things out on here; I told her about our dear Chopper and HIS Chi MeetUp and she wants to see!

Still a few more coming!

06-29-2008, 10:12 PM


Ellie (she MOVED again! Geesh!)

Cassondra holding Ellie, her husband holding Miley

Miley doing the "frog dog"

I really enjoyed seeing the girls and chatting with Cassondra. And, as I often remind you on here, my dogs all arrived here as adults. I am SO glad the girls came, I got to feel PUPPY FLUFF!!!! OMG, it is SO soft!

MaryEllen has put together FOUR additional meetings for us for the summer, she had handouts at the MeetUp. She has found state parks, parks near an ice cream place which sells "doggie flavors of ice cream" (I can't wait to find out what those are!) and she is also having an end of summer gathering in her back yard for us, with a kiddie pool for the dogs. What fun we have ahead of us!

06-30-2008, 03:53 PM
Sandie, this photo made my eyes all leaky! Hello, Dad, Lacey, Sugar and Marlin!

Ginger's Mom
06-30-2008, 04:04 PM
OMGosh, it's bichon heaven. :D What cuties. It looks like a lot of fun, and I think it is fantastic that MaryEllen already has more events planned. What a fun summer your crew has ahead of them. :) I love that first picture of Sugar in your last post. I just want to pick her up and kiss her.

06-30-2008, 04:28 PM
:love: Too Cute & Sweet they All are.. Everybody looks to be having a great time.. great pics thanks..

06-30-2008, 04:46 PM
How fun! I so wish there were meet-ups such as that around here. Frisk loves playing with dogs his own size(he is more the size of a beagle). Either way, I will just enjoy these pictures, which isn't hard to do at all. :) It is great seeing so many adorable pups in one thread. I love how your Dad always seems to have one of the dogs be his side. They really adore him, don't they?
Thanks for sharing this event with us!

07-01-2008, 06:39 AM
that looks like a lot of fun. I would love to be in something simillar with my dog.

07-01-2008, 08:08 AM
Thanks for all the lovely comments!

Elyse, my dogs don't really interact with other dogs; not even with each other. So they sit on the sidelines and check things out. Sugar took it upon herself this time to keep all other dogs away from Dad. :rolleyes:

Joyce, I gladly delivered kissed to Sugar for you!

Oyster, yes, my dogs all adore Dad, it shows huh.

MaryEllen, who has arranged the additional summer meetings, is not the organizer for this MeetUp, she is just another member like me, and a friend of mine.