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06-28-2008, 07:05 PM
K, I hadda wunnerful day!! I wode on da Harwee wiff my nu fwend Lola. We gotted to da park and dere wuz udder chis 4 me to pway wiff! I runned and sniffed butts and maded wots of fwends. Mommy sayz bearz wiff her as her tooked 420 pikshures!! Now her haz to goes fru dem LOL. Well I iz tired now. Here iz 1 group pikshure.
Lub Chopper


06-28-2008, 08:15 PM
Oh there is so much chihuahua cuteness in this picture that I can hardly stand it! I see you right there in your mommy's arm. :love: Did you ride the Harwee to the chi meet-up? I can't wait to see all of the pictures from today! Your mommy deserves a *Gold Star* for taking so many pictures. :cool::cool: We will all be patient 'cause your mommy has lots of work to do sorting through all of them! ;)

06-28-2008, 09:11 PM
I spy, with my little eye... Chopper and Mom! (waves)

Ginger's Mom
06-28-2008, 09:18 PM
OMGoodness, chi cuteness overload. :) What a big day for such a little guy. I can't wait to see your Mom's pictures and hear your stories. Rest up, little one. :)

06-28-2008, 09:19 PM
Sounds like you had a great day, Chopper! I can hardly wait to see the rest of the pictures, though from the looks of it, you're still the cutest Chi ever. :)

06-29-2008, 12:00 AM
if I didn't :love: you both so much, I'd hate you for being so adorable!

*Taps fingers on table* SO???? Where are those 400+ pictures already??? :p

06-29-2008, 05:28 AM
*Taps fingers on table* SO???? Where are those 400+ pictures already??? :p

Now, now Karen! We must be patient, but......why is it taking so long? :p

06-29-2008, 06:28 AM
So many cutie chi's! I'll bet it was a fun day!:D

06-29-2008, 08:08 AM
K, I hadda wunnerful day!! I wode on da Harwee wiff my nu fwend Lola.

Is Lola a chi or a humom???? Geepers, you sure are giving us anticipation overload, ha haa.

What fun, to be with wots . . . er, I mean LOTS and lots of puppers your size. I know how much fun that is from watching at our small dog breed meetup. I am SO happy you gott to attend, Chopper!

And hey, I see some honorary chi's for the day in that picture! Great stuff, glad you got to attend and have all that fun.