View Full Version : Some photos from today :)

06-27-2008, 10:03 PM
I've been babysitting Sascha today, so of course I had to take all three of them out somewhere special. Especially considering Sascha turned 1 year old just a few days ago :D (on the 23rd of June)

Getting Taggart so sit still for more than a few seconds in practically impossible... and Tiki was busy looking for ... I don't know what. She's always looking for something when she's outside. Terrier hunting instinct at work, I suppose :P
So yeah. This is the best "group photo" I could manage XD.

At least Tiki is somewhat obedient, so after awhile I got a good photo of her too... I decided to let the other two have a rest since I had already tormented them enough for today :D. You can see them in the back tho'.

Got lucky and snapped this one of Taggart. I think it's one of the best pictures of him ever. I love that boy. He's a gift from heaven <3

Thought this one was really funny. Sascha preparing for one of her regular sneak attacks at Taggart.

Then play time. And for once Tiki actually decided to join. Not very often that happens. She's getting too old, I think. Maybe she decided to make an exception today, considering it was a sort of late birthday for Sascha ;)


06-27-2008, 10:04 PM
Good thing Sascha has thick skin.. Tiki is practically hanging on to her in that last photo :eek: She didn't mind tho', so it's all good.

Taggart sniffing around.

And one last photo, with no dogs but some wild birds instead. Don't know what you call these in English but I just think this photo is kind of funny. See all the black and white birds... those are the males. The females are just brown. As you can see there is only one female. Apparently she's very popular with the guys! lol! :D

06-27-2008, 10:55 PM
Great pictures! Looks like all had some fun. I don't know where you're located but it's beautiful!

06-27-2008, 11:48 PM
Aww, you got me jealous :) Looks like this bunch had lots of fun!

Ginger's Mom
06-28-2008, 06:35 AM
Fantastic pictures!!! Yes, I really like that picture of Taggart (whom I have a tremendous crush on ;) ), but I really love all of the pictures of the three of them running and playing together. :D It looks like soooo much fun, and they all came out so clear.

Belated Happy birthday, Sascha.

I love that boy. He's a gift from heaven <3

That really made me smile. If I remember correctly, didn't he just sort of wander into your life? I think someone was guiding him there. :)

You saying that you don't know what they are called in English made me more curious about where you live, so I just looked it up. Very interesting. I would love to learn more about it. Were you born there?

06-28-2008, 07:11 AM
This picture had me cracking up:

GREAT pictures!
Happy 1st birthday Sascha!!

06-28-2008, 09:37 AM
Yes, that picture cracked me up, too! Happy Birthday, Sascha! You all look like you were having a blast, and what a fun looking place to play!!!!!!

06-28-2008, 12:49 PM
Yes, Taggart wasn't planned at all :) A friend of mine simply kidnapped him, since her mothers neighbors, who were the ones who had him before, kept him on a short leash outside 24/7 and whenever he managed to break the leash he ended up at her mothers house, begging for food.
So yeah. That one day she was visiting, she had simply had enough and smuggled him into her car. She couldn't keep him at her house because her own dog doesn't get along with other dogs, so she called me and the plan was that I would keep him until we found a suitable home for him. But as you can see... he never went anywhere :D

06-28-2008, 12:55 PM
Oh yeah, forgot to mention, I live on the Faroe Islands. It's a very small country in the north Atlantic ocean. My main language is Faroese, so that's why I didn't know what those ducks are called. We call them Æða here. I figured out what you call them in English tho'. I googled Æða, found the Latin name and googled that one as well.... It's Eider Ducks :D

And yup, I was born here and have lived here my entire life. I do have a wish to try living somewhere else tho' but I haven't figured out how yet. I've been thinking of taking school in the U.K. perhaps. Would do some good for my English :D

06-28-2008, 01:29 PM
Your pups are adorable! It looks like a good day was had by all.:D

06-28-2008, 01:40 PM
Okay, I looked up your country, and it looks to be an absolutely beautiful place!!!!! Learn something new every day!!!!!

06-28-2008, 08:34 PM
It looks like everyone had a lot of fun! And what a beautiful place to play!