View Full Version : Trixie <3

06-25-2008, 12:47 PM
Trixie is gone she passed away my little heart hamster is gone.

Trixie has been getting old...Trixie was old. She was about 2 years and 3 months old. Well apparently last night was her time to go. I walked in my room and there was Trixie on her side in her food dish. I immeadiatly knew it was her time so for about an hour I sat holding her in my hand keepign her warm. She began to brux. Bruxing is where they click their teeth and it is a sign of happiness or comfort. It is believed to only be done by rats but I have seen it in other dwarf hamsters as well. It would be like a cat purring. Even though she was weak and old she still managed to brux. Then she oped her eyes and looked at me and something inside told me to put her back into her bed so I did and I made sure she was comfortable. I watched her for a bit breathing still. This morning when I woke up she was gone. I haven't been this upset in a long time.

I got Trixie along with her sister Krista on March 19 2006. I had searched all over the city for a pair of dwarfs when I finally found them at a small chain pet store called Pet Valu. They lived very happily together in a 29 gallon tank with plenty of toys, food, beds and two wheels. I remember they were tame right from the get go. Trixie was chubbier and a little more adventurous but and she loved to run around. But she also loved to sleep, her sister would wake her up when I fed them and they would eat together. On September 27, 2007 Krista passed away. I noticed that Trixie became slightly depressed and would not eat. I thought about how Krista used to wake her up and then they would eat together so every day when I fed Trixie I would gently wake her up and she would come running out for food and for the first month or so after Krista passed away I also made sure to place my hand next to Trixie while she ate. Ever since then until today I have been waking Trixie up to come out for her food. For the past couple of months instead of letting her in her run-around-ball she would come out and eat a few seeds or a peanut on my hand then take a 20-60 minute nap on my hands. I am going to be really lonely now. She was my only hamster to cuddle with me she was a real sweetie and after her sister passed away we really bonded and she became my heart hamster.

I miss her so much that it has taken me all day to write this without having to leave to calm down. I haven't gone into my room since this morning and I still need to feed and water everybody...I suppose my sister can do that for me today. My first day of summer vacation has turned out to be horrible.

If anyone actually took the time to read through this then thank you it really means a lot to me.


And some of Trixie and Krista

Bye Trixie I will always love you. <3

06-25-2008, 05:22 PM
LES while reading this. :(
I am sorry you are having to go through this.
I love the fact that you went out of your way to wake her up for her food and keep her as much company as you did. They say that once one half of a duo passes away that the other half usually passes away soon after. I believe the way you went the extra mile for Trixie helped her live almost a whole year after Krista passed. You did a great job. :]

((((Hugs)))) and good vibes headed your way. Hopefully the rest of your summer brightens up.
Rest Easy, Trixie.

06-25-2008, 09:35 PM
I'm so sorry about Trixie.:( She is playing with Krista again at the Rainbow Bridge. {hugs}

07-09-2008, 10:14 AM
:( poor trixie she is soo cute and im sorry to hear shes passed away i wish you good luck and the best of hamsters