View Full Version : What do think I just found on my kitchen floor?

06-24-2008, 11:11 AM
A lamb chop! :rolleyes: I had three of them laying on the counter soaking up some garlic - I had even given Fister a few slices from ends before I went to watch Master Chef on TV.

There he was, sitting looking out of the window and didn't have the slightest of bad conscience. :rolleyes: And yes, I WILL eat them all, luckily my floor is clean.

Off to eat! :D

06-24-2008, 11:16 AM
Randi, you possibly cannot eat a lamb chop that's been on the floor :D
I would give it to the cat.

These lines have been written by Tigris!

06-24-2008, 11:28 AM
Randi, you possibly cannot eat a lamb chop that's been on the floor :D
I would give it to the cat.

These lines have been written by Tigris!


Killearn Kitties
06-24-2008, 11:35 AM
:D Naughty Fister and Tigris.

Once when I came home from work I sat 4 lamb chops on the grill pan on the worktop then went upstairs to change while the grill heated up. When I came back down, there were only 3 chops sitting on the grillpan on the worktop. Never did find the remains of the fourth, not even a bit of bone.

06-24-2008, 11:36 AM
They must have been very tasty. Fister wanted a bigger piece.:)

06-24-2008, 11:47 AM
Now Mommy, how did we know that if a little taste was "ok" a big taste was not?:D

Cinder & Smoke
06-24-2008, 12:04 PM
Boots da Kat (RIP :( ) was both an experienced Counter Surfer AND "Crafty" in his younger years ...

I was building a Dagwood Sammich - ham, salami, Swiss, lettuce, tomato, pickles.
The Swiss slice was on the plate, ready to pile on, when the phone rang. :(
I answered and wandered into the dining room to sit whilst I chatted.
Da KAT was observing from the dining room table.
As I sat, he sauntered past, used my lap as a stepping stone, and did a quick *hop*
onto the counter. :eek: A short walk over the stove and "BINGO!" ... Lunch is served.

He never even paused as he *snatched* the slice of Swiss and leaped off the counter ...
next stop was the tub in the baffroom ... his sanctuary.
By the time I got to him, he was bolting down the last bit of the Swiss slice.

KATZ! :rolleyes:

06-24-2008, 12:36 PM
They were just tasting it for you to make sure it hadn't been poisoned. :p MY RB Peeka used to do that w/filet mignon. I came home from work one day, eagerly anticipating a scrumptious steak dinner, only there was no steak to be found. After searching, I found it, partially eaten, in a hallway under my old stove that was used only for decoration. Peeka was mysteriously invisible. So now I've learned to thaw in the microwave. I don't turn it on; I place whatever needs to be thawed inside just to hide it because if Coco Puff smells even frozen chicken, it's all over but the shoutin'. If your cats and my Fur Posse ever get together, uh oh!

Edwina's Secretary
06-24-2008, 12:36 PM
Dear Meowmie,

I think a bit more olive oil and perhaps some rosemary would nicely complement the garlic.

You're welcome!:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Another misunderstood kitty,


06-24-2008, 12:57 PM
I hope he didn't get any of the garlic - remember, garlic is very toxic to kitties.

06-24-2008, 01:01 PM
Explain to your hooman that you were just making sure it was fit to eat!
That works for me most of the time ;)
Remus K Maru

06-24-2008, 01:05 PM
Well, you would think I had learned by now, but honestly, since it was covered in fresh garlic, I really didn't think he would have made an attempt.

Fister says: Mom, I didn't touch it, it slid off the cuttinboard when the wind blew - you know how windy it is!

Tigris, what a pair you and Fister would be!! :rolleyes:

So Boots went for the cheese? Must have been because he didn't have enough time to get the ham. ;)

Karen, your girls really did a thorough job there! :eek: I was lucky it had garlic on, or I would have gone hungry to bed.

Thanks Redhedd, I'm glad he only sniffed the garlic.

06-24-2008, 01:23 PM
Oh yes Jack was very good at this, he did it quite often. Once he started to eat FROZEN sausages that I'd got out to thaw. He'd bitten off the cellophane and get a sausage out and was crunching away, I didn't hear him because I was hoovering, so I turn around and what do I see, him chomping as hard as he could on half a sausage, lord knows how he swallowed the half frozen bit!

He also stole some Turkey from the counter, we got it out to make sandwiches, went upstairs on the PC, came back down and Kevin was like 'Kate where's the meat you got out, I reply 'it's on the counter, 'no it's not he says, then I realise Jack has had it.

So we searched for about five minutes, went back upstairs too, couldn't see it. Then I hear Kevin go 'I've found it' ....he took it under the table and had chewed off a bit of the plastic bag (but hadn't swallowed that, clever Jack) and eaten some, thing was it was about 5 slices, and each slice had a bite mark in it bigger than the next one!
So I had to cut each slice in half and give Jack the bitten ones and we had the rest!

One of my now precious memories of my silly sausage Jack :)

06-24-2008, 02:45 PM
Sneaky little devils, aren't they?:D:rolleyes: My RB Mikey once snatched a huge chicken breast off of a platter we had sitting on a low table! Guess it just smelled too enticing!:D

06-24-2008, 03:09 PM
Scrappy 2 used to be bad for that when she first came inside, as she was always so HUNGREEEEEEEEE!!! If something was coolong off in the pan, Scrappy 2 would be sampling.
I had a photo of Sam and Precious attacking the chicken legs on the stove thats priceless.
As My Found Cats say then are 10 and I am one, I really do get more than my share of the food around here!!!!

Maya & Inka's mommy
06-24-2008, 03:09 PM
ROTFL. My first answer was "a hairball", lol!!
My little Snoopy is such a counterthief too! A while ago, she disappeared to where I couldn' reach her, with Bernard's steak between her teeth :eek::eek:.
And last wednesday, she stole a leftover "drumsteak" from our roast chicken; I normally do not leave any food on the table; but I got a telephone call right after we finished lunch...........:rolleyes:

HEY Fister, did you like that garlic taste??? It is NOT good for your breath ;):D

06-25-2008, 03:19 PM
Cassie wants to know why she is not lucky enough to find anything that delicious.

06-25-2008, 04:01 PM
wow, we've left food out all night by accident and sig has never touched it. of course he's not allowed on the table or the counter. but i always figgered when we're not looking, he'd do it anyway. chuck never did that stuff either. and he, i do know did get on the counter once in a while. but he wasn't a big people food fan.

aki :D

06-25-2008, 04:19 PM
We are very lucky. Out of the 12 only 2 are counter thiefs, Lenny and Boots. All the rest know that the counter is off limits. Daddys food is there and you DON'T MESS WITH DADS FOOD. If you do you get very very wet.

06-25-2008, 05:57 PM
Andy and I were dating and were having dinner at my parents. Reebok sauntered over and when Andy looked away for just a second, a black paw darted up, snagged the pork chop off his plate, and off Reebok ran. :eek: :D

Cinder & Smoke
06-25-2008, 08:33 PM
Reebok sauntered over and when Andy looked away for just a second,
a black paw darted up, snagged the pork chop off his plate,
and off Reebok ran. :eek: :D


Reminds me of a departed :( Tux-Kat name of Boots ...

He could NOT ignore a bowl of ice cream! :rolleyes:
He'd either perch on the arm of the recliner or on my shoulder ...
timing was everything ...
he'd wait for the spoon to be "loaded" and enroute from bowl to mouth ...

**SPLAT** and the white-socked Paw would hit either the moving spoon
or the on-the-lap bowl - whichever he thought was closer.

Long before I could ever react, Boots was happily *lickin off* his ice cream covered paw.


06-25-2008, 09:46 PM
Randi, that is SO funny!!

Remember the 10 second rule. Just brush the dang chop off and toss it back in the marinade.

Oh Fiiiiiissssster, come here and lemme smell your breath, pretty kitty.:p

That reminds me of the time my Mom (bless her soul) made a pan of lazagna and left it on the counter covered with aluminum foil. She called when I got home from school to tell me to put the lazagna in the oven in time for dinner. I said, "Mom, I don't see any lazagna. All I see is an empty lazagna pan on the floor, aluminum foil very nearby and one VERY guilty looking Airedale.

Thanks for bringing back some great childhood memories!!

06-25-2008, 11:40 PM
Oh Fister...two words...TIC..TAC! :)
Reminds me of my childhood cat, Gigi. Heaven forbid you had to get up to get butter or soda or anything at the table. She'd jump up on the chair and non chalantly put her paw on whatever was on your plate. No stealing, no begging. Just knowing FULL well my mom wouldn't let us eat anything she had even TOUCHED. LOL. She'd just wait to be served the "kootied" food on her plate! :D

06-26-2008, 12:58 AM
Cats sure are sneaky.:) I know better than to leave any food on the table unattended because Starr and Ziggy will eat almost anything.;) I guess Fister just thought that this was a big kitty treat for him.:)

06-26-2008, 08:36 AM
Once when I came home from work I sat 4 lamb chops on the grill pan on the worktop then went upstairs to change while the grill heated up. When I came back down, there were only 3 chops sitting on the grillpan on the worktop. Never did find the remains of the fourth, not even a bit of bone.

Did you check the bottom of the washing machine? Sometimes I find stuff that I put in my pockets there.:confused:

I have to sneak around eating tuna....the tuna 'juz' is what gets the Edster's attention.:rolleyes:

06-26-2008, 09:17 AM
Oh Fiiiiiissssster, come here and lemme smell your breath, pretty kitty.:p
Ha, ha! That's exactly what I did, but no garlic breath. :)

He probably sniffed it and was so dissapointed that I had ruined it with garlic, that he pushed it off the counter like it was trash. Well, at least I got to eat my 3 lamb chops. :D

Pawsitive Thinking
06-26-2008, 09:49 AM
Nawtee kitty. My RB Cally was a great one for nicking toast out of the toaster. Put 2 slices of bread in and only one piece of toast came out

06-27-2008, 12:58 PM
Ah, Fister, I'm sure that chop just wasn't quite ready to be cooked and jumped off the counter all by itself. :D

(Cooking the chop should have killed any lingering germs by the way!) ;)

01-30-2009, 10:26 AM
I've just read through this thread again, and isn't it amazing... before I lived with a cat, I would have sworn I'd NEVER let him on the kitchen counter! In the beginning when we had Fister, I even said: He's NOT sleeping in our bed! How utterly naive! :rolleyes:

Concerning food a cat has touched... I've never heard of anyone getting sick from eating it. :D

Pinot's Mom
01-30-2009, 10:38 AM
I, myself, would have also preferred the swiss from the Dagwood sandwich. There is no cheese (or dairy product) that's safe! I once came up and asked Mom, very politely of course, while she was eating cottage cheese if I could have a sample-just quality control, you understand! ;)
She didn't cooperate! Well, I can't help it if there was a problem with it! :rolleyes:


01-30-2009, 11:33 AM
Kitties in my house are not allowed on the kitchen counter. Of course they still get up there, but I immediately get them down. Taz, being a senior, is smart enough to get down on his own when someone walks into the kitchen. Paizly needs to take notes. :rolleyes:
We have a small table we eat at in the kitchen. For some reason Paizly :love:'s to be on that table. And we let her. :o However, we don't like her there while we are eating. I think she's learning when she can and can't get up there. :cool:
Then there is the dining room table. Which I don't care if either cat gets on. We never eat in there and it's covered with the cats food and things.

So yeah, I was surprised at myself for even letting Paizly get on the table we eat at. But those darn kittens!!

01-30-2009, 12:12 PM
My RB babies, Tigger and her brother Tony were really good at helping themselves to food. Imagine my surprise one night when I got up to use the bathroom and noticed a light on in the kitchen. I figured that Mark must have forgot to turn off the light so I wandered downstairs to find 2 kitties in the fridge. One had the lunch meat container open and was helping himself and the other was sitting patiently waiting for her turn. How they managed to open the fridge door is still beyond me. Oh well, what ya gonna do?

01-30-2009, 04:08 PM

01-31-2009, 01:08 PM
He he! :D What a naughty - *coughcough* smart kitty Fister is! LOL

Lily says she's really envious. With her mommy being a veggie, she cannot steal such yummy things from the table! ;)


01-31-2009, 02:27 PM
What a great thread! Not too long ago I took a few things out of the freezer for dinner, one was some shrimp. When I got home from church I went to start cooking, everything was there EXCEPT the shrimp. Soncat and I looked everywhere, we even checked to see if the shrimp never was taken out of the freezer. Not a trace of the package anywhere. We even checked to see if it somehow got in the trash. All we can think is that Groucho got the scent and took off with it while we weren't looking but we certainly don't want to make any false accusations. A few weeks later our dinner was to include shrimp so it went from the freezer to the sink. This time it was found on the floor partially under a cabinet, Groucho had that "What, me?" look on his face. Now when shrimp is part of the menu, it goes in the fridge and not out in the open.

Kitties, gotta love 'em :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

Pinot's Mom
01-31-2009, 04:07 PM
"Kitties in my house are not allowed on the kitchen counter. Of course they still get up there, but I immediately get them down.
We have a small table we eat at in the kitchen. For some reason Paizly :love:'s to be on that table. And we let her. :o However, we don't like her there while we are eating. I think she's learning when she can and can't get up there. :cool:"

This is Pinot's Mom, clarifying...we don't "allow" her on the counters and tables, but at times, you don't have a choice. That was what was so remarkable about the cottage cheese incident - she walked onto the table while I was SITTING there! It was a BIT bold! ;)

01-31-2009, 05:06 PM
Oh, Fister! Cassie Cat is jealous - I don't like the taste of lamb, so she never gets it either. I am fortunate because she has never tried to hop up on the kitchen counter. Tables, yes, but never the counter.

True Cassie story: I was part of a progressive dinner for my single adult fellowship at church - I had the soup and salad course, and I had bought French bread and butter to go with it. I went to the door to let in my guests and when I came back, guess who was up on the dining table licking the margarine out of the butter dish. :o

01-31-2009, 06:30 PM
Don't blame the cat, check the closets for Vegetarians!:eek:

01-31-2009, 07:46 PM
Cassie's Mom, I bet your dinner guests were so relieved that Cassie checked out the butter for poison and didn't find any!