View Full Version : Email notifications....

06-23-2008, 04:03 PM
I just wondered.... all of a sudden Iīve been getting email notifications of each and every thread I post on... and I donīt remember having it set to do it...

I did found out that when posting a lil low there is a scroll down menu that says thread subscription and you can check for email notifications and so... but... do I have to click "do not subscribe" or " no email notications" each time??...

cause you know sometimes... well.... most times I post in a hurry and completely forget to "unckeck" that feature.....

is there another way to do it?....

06-23-2008, 04:34 PM
Open your User CP - there you will see a list of threads to which you are subscribed. You can unsubscribe to them there, all at once.

06-23-2008, 05:03 PM
Oh yeah.. but I thought that was just for subscribing/unsubscribing once you opt for subscription....

when I uncheck that do I still will need to uncheck in every thread i post?

ETA: I can still be subscribed but not get email notifications... adn I was doing as you said me to.. and I have 118 pages to go!! :eek:

but do I habe to click every thread I post now on.... or is there a way to have it as default to nor send email notifications or subscribe and i can chose which ones I want to be..

06-23-2008, 05:16 PM
No, what you need to do is go to your User CP and hit the "Edit Options" selection. Then, under the category of Messaging and Notification, the second category is "Default Thread Subscription Mode" - change that to "Do Not Subscribe." That way you will stop getting automatically subscribed to every thread in which you post!

06-23-2008, 05:20 PM
ooops... thanks.... that seemed to work...LOL

I could so picture me going through 100īs pages....LOL :p

08-15-2008, 10:27 PM
I'm having the opposite problem. I'm NOT getting notices of new posts - at least not all the time. This just started the past couple of days.

I remember someone else having a similar problem within the past few months, but can't find that post.

I double checked, and I am still subscribed to certain threads; just not getting notices.

08-15-2008, 10:56 PM
I'm having the opposite problem. I'm NOT getting notices of new posts - at least not all the time. This just started the past couple of days.

I remember someone else having a similar problem within the past few months, but can't find that post.

I double checked, and I am still subscribed to certain threads; just not getting notices.

Make sure that you have petoftheday.com as an approved sender in your email program. Your system is probably filtering the massages into your spam folder, because they are system-generated.

08-18-2008, 11:34 AM
I got the email notifications thing somewhat solved... as Iīm still getting older subscriptions.. maybe I just didnīt check them all :P...

but one other thing Iīve noticed.....is that before there was a lil blue square in every thread I had posted before... and now new thread where I post donīt seem to show this lil blue square.... why?... not that it matters a whole lot but just wondering...;)

08-18-2008, 12:35 PM
I got the email notifications thing somewhat solved... as Iīm still getting older subscriptions.. maybe I just didnīt check them all :P...

but one other thing Iīve noticed.....is that before there was a lil blue square in every thread I had posted before... and now new thread where I post donīt seem to show this lil blue square.... why?... not that it matters a whole lot but just wondering...;)

Where do you see the "little blue square?"

08-18-2008, 12:48 PM
Email notifications....

I know what she is referring to. On the 'front page' of a forum, each topic is listed - see above. If you have posted in this topic, there is, in the upper right corner of the topic box, a small blue square with a check mark in it.

08-18-2008, 12:57 PM
on the right hand side of where the thread/thread starter column is... right beside the thread name... now it only shows that on older threads.. but not in new ones...

for example if I posted in a new thread and then see it a lil later and completely forgot about posting here I wouldnīt know unless i get back in again and read it... and in the "eye candy" thread I can see a lil blue square so I know I have posted there before without havig to open it....

hereīs a screen cap I did and as you can see I just posted in the Lab puppies thread but thereīs no blue square.. and in this one there is..

08-18-2008, 01:06 PM
That is the checkmark to say you are subscribed to that thread. It doesn't have anything to do with what threads you have posted in, it's just that if you have your preferences set to automatically subscribe to every thread you post in, you'll see it. You can "unsubscribe" to the thread, and it will go away.

08-18-2008, 01:17 PM
ooh.... so was there an icon to say you have posted on a certain thread...

Iīm almost positive there was... but now Iīm confused...:rolleyes::p

08-18-2008, 01:28 PM
ooh.... so was there an icon to say you have posted on a certain thread...

Iīm almost positive there was... but now Iīm confused...:rolleyes::p

No, the icon is there to signify that you have subscribed to a thread.

But if you go under your User CP and click the Edit Options link, you'll see, in the second section on that page, titled Messaging & Notification a little box for Default Thread Subscription Mode. If you do NOT have "Do Not Subscribe" as your choice, you will be subscribed to every thread in which you post.

So then, because you are subscribed to the thread, you will see that blue box with the check mark in it.