View Full Version : Meeting Kimmy at Dog Park

4 Dog Mother
06-22-2008, 10:17 PM
Kimmy and Andy came to Findlay today so Andy could work with his friend on a project. Kimmy called this evening and asked if we would like to meet her at the Dog Park. And so we did even though it had been a rainy afternoon and was continuing to spit rain every now and again.

http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8d803b3127ccec439654a349e00000020O08JZOGrlm1B7e fAg/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D560/ry%3D300/

Dazzi, Kia, Chipper and Pipi
http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8d803b3127ccec438ba7ed52100000020O08JZOGrlm1B7e fAg/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D560/ry%3D300/

Chipper like Dazzi ---- and Dazzi thought Chipper was coming on a little strong so the top of the picnic table was a safe place to be
http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8d803b3127ccec438773714a600000020O08JZOGrlm1B7e fAg/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D560/ry%3D300/

Not a very good picture but it shows the fun Tucker had tonight with new dogs to chase him
http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8d803b3127ccec438b74e958f00000020O08JZOGrlm1B7e fAg/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D560/ry%3D300/

But when they got too close he knew what to do too
http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8d803b3127ccec439f6f574f000000020O08JZOGrlm1B7e fAg/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D560/ry%3D300/

06-22-2008, 10:26 PM
Looks like they had oodles of fun! Great pictures of the whole gang! Glad you guys got together!

4 Dog Mother
06-22-2008, 10:28 PM
Jack came to but after he did his sniffing all the way around the dog park he was ready to go. Tucker wanted to be sure he wasn't left behind
http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8d803b3127ccec4396838747200000020O08JZOGrlm1B7e fAg/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D560/ry%3D300/

http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8d803b3127ccec438434714cc00000020O08JZOGrlm1B7e fAg/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D560/ry%3D300/

Kia & Chipper playing
http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8d803b3127ccec4386719148000000020O08JZOGrlm1B7e fAg/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D560/ry%3D300/

Dazzi & Jack
http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8d803b3127ccec4399fe1344800000020O08JZOGrlm1B7e fAg/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D560/ry%3D300/

Kim petting Jack with Kia looking on saying hey, she's mine!
http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8d803b3127ccec438502fd50500000020O08JZOGrlm1B7e fAg/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D560/ry%3D300/

What's the fun of going to the dog park, if you can't get a little dirty or why you shouldn't have short legs after it rains.

http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8d803b3127ccec43936e0f5b500000020O08JZOGrlm1B7e fAg/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D560/ry%3D300/

Cinder & Smoke
06-22-2008, 10:45 PM
... why you shouldn't have short legs after it rains.

http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8d803b3127ccec43936e0f5b500000020O08JZOGrlm1B7e fAg/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D560/ry%3D300/


Bowser had that chapter in his book, too.


06-22-2008, 10:46 PM
great pics Diana! :D
wish we could have been there! :D
hey kimmy I guess you Didn't miss it!:D

06-23-2008, 12:36 AM
Great pics, but ........... oooooooooo Kia looks like she is giving the "evil eye" :-)

http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8d803b3127ccec438ba7ed52100000020O08JZOGrlm1B7e fAg/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D560/ry%3D300/

06-23-2008, 03:48 AM
Great pics, dog parks are just the best. :)

4 Dog Mother
06-23-2008, 04:40 AM
Staci, after Andy got down here, he realized he forgot some things and so Kimmy brought them down to him. Kimmy didn't have my phone number so he tried calling Amy but she wasn't home so she had to wait until Amy did get home and get the message before she got a hoild of me. Which is why we didn't get to meet until later that evening.

I tried posting another last one but my computer wasn't cooperating so I will try again.

A better picture of Chipper
http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8d803b3127ccec438094e14e000000020O08JZOGrlm1B7e fAg/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D560/ry%3D300/

A couple of Tucker after his first mad dash around the park with Chipper and Kia

http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8d803b3127ccec4386298d5ab00000020O08JZOGrlm1B7e fAg/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D560/ry%3D300/
http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8d803b3127ccec438b74914b800000020O08JZOGrlm1B7e fAg/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D560/ry%3D300/

A weird one of Tucker and Kia
http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8d803b3127ccec438ccf5d59100000020O08JZOGrlm1B7e fAg/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D560/ry%3D300/

And to end the evening we had a beautiful double rainbow
http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8d803b3127ccec4390b77349400000020O08JZOGrlm1B7e fAg/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D560/ry%3D300/

06-23-2008, 05:24 AM
awwww.......such great pictures. There's nothing like watching dogs play :)

06-23-2008, 05:57 AM
What a great bunch of pictures! They are all great, but I think this is my favorite.
http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8d803b3127ccec439f6f574f000000020O08JZOGrlm1B7e fAg/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D560/ry%3D300/
The old "flip on your back trick" works every time. :D

I haven't seen pictures of Kia and Chipper in ages, and it was good to see Jack out and enjoying himself. Give him some hugs from me.

06-23-2008, 07:31 AM
Wow, the double rainbow is beautiful!

I love the picture of Tucker on his back! :D He's a smart pup for sure!
Thanks for sharing the pictures and glad everyone had fun!

06-23-2008, 07:31 AM
What a great looking crew you have! I'm glad Jack could come, too. Great dogs!!!

06-23-2008, 10:22 AM
Great pics Diana! :D Thanks again for braving the cruddy weather. :) At least we were rewarded with a rainbow. Hope Jasmine got to see it!

See you all again soon!

06-23-2008, 10:28 AM
great pics!
Maybe I'll be there next time! :D

06-23-2008, 12:06 PM
Maybe that rainbow was sent special by some of the residents of the Rainbow Bridge. They would know that we would know, right?

Ginger's Mom
06-23-2008, 12:23 PM
Aww, what great pictures. And what a pleasant surprise to get a call that some visitors want you to come out and play. :D

06-23-2008, 12:45 PM
Great pictures, I am jealous!

06-23-2008, 02:46 PM
Its wonderful that you two live close enough to each other to have little get-togethers such as this. It must be nice. :)
The pictures are great! It looks like everyone had a splendid time and it is nice to see so many PT dogs in one thread.
Thanks for sharing.

06-23-2008, 03:31 PM
Kimmy didn't have my phone number so he tried calling Amy but she wasn't home so she had to wait until Amy did get home and get the message before she got a hoild of me. Which is why we didn't get to meet until later that evening.

It wasn't so much that I wasn't at home...she did call my cell phone. It was more that when I dropped my cell and the battery flew out of it, I didn't think to turn it back on until I got home. I may have gotten back to her a little sooner, if I had done that when the game was over....

In any case, I'm glad you guys were able to get in contact and that the dogs had fun!!! Great pictures!!!

06-23-2008, 10:37 PM
Aw, an impromptu PT mini-meet! Diana, all your pups look great with their summer cuts. Dazzi looks pretty smug standing on the table above Chipper! I'm glad Jack was feeling up for the outing, sweet boy. Tucker is such a cutie - looks like he like to run with the big dogs! Good to see them all! Kia's beautiful piercing baby blues make her look like she's got x-ray vision. :D

What a beautiful rainbow!

4 Dog Mother
06-24-2008, 08:44 AM
From Rachel

Maybe that rainbow was sent special by some of the residents of the Rainbow Bridge. They would know that we would know, right?

I haven't responded to your comment because it sent shivers down my back - yes, I think Snoopy, Bowser and many others are happy we are using the dog park and are with us every time we do. But I was also thinking that maybe Snoopy had another message for us too. And it was amazing to see two rainbows together.

Kimmy, Jasmine did get to see the rainbow but I think just the first one - I dont' think her mom waited for the other one.

For those of you that don't know what all that means, that afternoon we had a rain shower. As it was slowing down, the sun came out and I said to Jasmine, we need to go see if there's a rainbow. Just as worldly as a 4 year old can, she looks at me and says, "yeah, right, MeMaw, rainbows are only on TV!" Boy, was I surprised to realize that she thought they were just something else made for TV and not real. I asked her mother if Jasmine had ever seen one and Christy admitted that if she had it was when she was a lot younger and she probably didn't remember it. When the first rainbow came out, I said to Kimmy, I don't have my phone can I use yours to tell Christy to show Jasmine the REAL rainbow? And of course, Kimmy did! Jasmine was so excited to find out that rainbows were real and not just one TV!

06-24-2008, 12:37 PM
What great pictures! So glad you had a mini PT meeting!:)