View Full Version : Blowing a coat issue

06-21-2008, 11:50 AM
Ok, here it is, June 21st and Sequoia has YET to start blowing her winter coat. She is always a tad late but this is getting just silly. Is anyone else having this issue? I keep wondering if it is due to her thyroid meds. Last year her coat sucked because her thyroid was too low. Once we put her on the meds it really grew in thick and soft and full and wonderfully. But now she won't let it go!!!! It is just starting to barely come out on her lower legs where it is shorter. I really need a tuftie fix! ;)

husky 1
06-21-2008, 12:35 PM
my husky bitch mishka hasn't really shed fully this year as yet, usually she is bare with a thin summer coat, not sure whats going on with her, kavik also has a thick coat for summertime . !!:rolleyes:

06-21-2008, 02:02 PM
Huh. Star is actually blowing her coat already, she usually hangs on tight till about November before losing the old coat. I've never seen her shed so early in the year!
After a few days close to 100, Jack blew a ton of fur, but he's still got quite a bit to go, too.

06-21-2008, 05:07 PM
My Gracie is still hangin on to hers. It looks like she's wanting to blow though. She normally blows coat around March/April and again around Nov/Dec. I would give it some time. They don't blow coat like clock work every year. If you do suspect some underline health issue I would talk to your vet.

Louie and me
06-21-2008, 06:07 PM
My RB dog Rocky (a husky mix) blew his coat once a year in October/November which never made any sense to me because we live in Canada where the winters are very cold, but he did that for all the years we had him.

06-21-2008, 06:31 PM
Sequoia is the first husky we have ever had and in the five years we have enjoyed her in our lives she has always blown her coat in June/July. So I am glad to hear your responses.

Do you worry about them in the heat with full coats? I have heard that the double coat of a husky also protects them from the heat. Is this true?

We haven't been walking her as much since it has been pretty warm and I didn't want to stress her out physically and trigger a seizure. She hasn't had one since last August. She is getting bored. She hasn't had a play date with her buddy in months and we haven't been able to take her on Sunday shopping trips since we can't leave her in the car at all now that the temp is above 40 degrees. I am hoping to take her on some picnics here soon.