View Full Version : House training tips anyone??

Toby's my baby
06-19-2008, 04:34 PM
As some of you know I welcomed a new addition to my house on Sunday. She's only 7 weeks old, so i dont expect her to know, but i need all the help i can get to potty train her. The past four days went very well with her not peeing in the house at all except on one occasion, but today has been a whole different story.

I just need some tips from those of you who have done this before. I've never had to potty train any of my dogs, they all just went outside and never ever peed in the house.


06-19-2008, 09:44 PM
We had Boomer when he was that age, and it was almost impossible....he just wasn't ready....he had good days, but then the "bad" days...oh boy...His puppy teacher said to always have them with you on a leash when they are in the house, except when they are in their crate. I found this really has helped because I know when he is making his move to sniff, haunch, or now, run for the door. Maturity is the biggest key....and lots and lots of patience. His teacher also uses the clicker method, but we really don't do that because he has it down pretty well now....he still has a few accidents....but with the clicker method, the second they finish their business outside, you click the clicker and give them a treat...now the smart pups (and to me, they are all smart) will figure out that they get a treat if they go outside so they may want to go outside and piddle all of the time, but eventually you can wean them off of the treat. Consistency and patience is the biggest key! She will learn because she is a smart, smart puppy!!