View Full Version : Blood in Basies ear!!!

08-30-2002, 11:43 PM
I was holding Basil and noticed blood in his ear....I have no idea how it got there....he does play pretty rough with Noah and I heard my husband yell at Noel for being mean to him....is it worth a trip to the vet? He seems OK...is there anything we should do for him???

Poor little guy. :( :( :(

08-31-2002, 12:30 AM
it depends... is the blood from a scratch maybe? is it dark or lighter?(i've heard that makes a difference sometimes) maybe if you can't see a scratch, you should bring him to the vet.

08-31-2002, 01:23 AM
I don't think that you need to worry about this. He probably just scratched himself. Sometimes my cats also get this. If he continues to scratch himself and his ear gets worse then I would take him to the vet.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-02-2002, 06:50 PM
You might want to keep an eye on it, though, it might be ear mites. I don't think it would be since Noah or Noel don't have them, and it's common (at least in our house) to have scratches in the ears that will draw blood, but if you notice tiny little black specs, or if he's scratching his ears a lot, you might want to ask the vet about the stuff to put in his ears for ear mites. :)

09-03-2002, 12:18 PM
Thanks guys! Basil is OK...he just got a scratch from Noel, but it really freaked me out, there was a lot of blood and my imagination thought the worst.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-03-2002, 12:20 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
Thanks guys! Basil is OK...he just got a scratch from Noel, but it really freaked me out, there was a lot of blood and my imagination thought the worst.

Well, better to be safe than sorry as they say. Glad to hear it was just a scratch and nothing serious. I would hate to think cute little Basil was having more problems.

09-03-2002, 12:28 PM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
Well, better to be safe than sorry as they say. Glad to hear it was just a scratch and nothing serious. I would hate to think cute little Basil was having more problems.

Me too!! :) I'm praying he gets to live the rest of his (LONG) life pain and illness free! :)