View Full Version : Diarrhea and Hairballs?

06-17-2008, 12:54 PM
Hi Everyone! I often visit this sight and it's nice to see the same friendly 'faces' and comments. I hope you'll be able to give me some feedback.
Having issues with my girly girl, Bieli. She's been having diarrhea since Thursday. Her appetite, playfulness, etc everything is the same except that instead of having solid bowl movements, she's got well, diarrhea.
I called the vet and he suggested Immodium ID (half a tablet as she's 5 yrs old and weighs 15lbs). I have to monitor her until Wednesday and if nothing changes, I'm taking her in (of course).
My question here is the following... I'm perplexed only because my other boy kitty has zero issues. They eat the exact same, do the same, play in same area etc so it's just odd that she's the only one who's having the issue. However, I think I know the problem.. she has had diarrhea since Thursday which is also when she started throwing up hairballs. She always has one or two every few months but since Thursday she's thrown them up daily.

Ever had some kind of issue where excessive hairballs = diarrhea?

I'll keep everyone posted...
Thanks and happy Tuesday!

Antenita & Bieli's Mommy

06-17-2008, 02:45 PM
I know what I am going to write will sound strange to you and others, but.... as a RN, I have seen patients that have diarrhea have been found to be constipated. There is a hard stool in the colon that cannot move, and the softer bm is squished around it and then there is diarrhea. Could that be a hairball that is blocking her up?? A simple X-ray of the abdomen should show if there is a mass in the colon. Also, if your cat is has been vomiting and has diarrhea since LAST Thursday, she will become dehydrated and that does not help the situation. Please post after you see the vet tomorrow....Good luck!!

08-28-2008, 11:39 AM
Hello All!!
I wanted to let everyone know that Bieli is doing great. She went to the vet and the vet examined her and said it was simply excessive hair = hairball. It is summer here and so the shedding is almost double. (Considering she also grooms her brother, that's almost 4x the excess hair she is intaking??)
He did put BOTH of them on Laxatone and I'm sneaking that into their wet food and no hairballs in over a month!

So thanks to everyone! Have a happy one!

08-29-2008, 12:00 AM
Great news to hear it was nothing that serious! Your babies are so beautiful and they look like quite the pair. :love::love::love: