View Full Version : Well I did it...I took Minion!

08-30-2002, 10:02 PM
Here is the previous thread in case you are just tuning in:
What would you do? (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=14206)

I was there tonight and the guy who lived below our apartment told me that he is pretty sure the folks who had him, moved out without him about 3-4 weeks ago, because he has been starving for love and begging for food. The guy who lives below me told me that he has been feeding Minion every day for the past week because he was getting really thin. I told him that I would like to take him and he said, "oh please, he's going to die out here without food and claws". He's moving out in three weeks and with him gone, Minion would have no food, unless someone else took up the job of feeding him.

I took him and I feel great about it. I guess I had to wait until the time was right, and the guilt was not there. I truly believe 100% that Minion was homeless. I have included some pics of him after I brushed him and cut off some mats.





08-30-2002, 10:17 PM
Yay!!! I'm glad you did it, he has a great home!!! :) :) :)

Gosh, Minion is sooooo gorgeous!!! How are the dogs doing with him? Is he adjusting well?

He's so cute!!! :D

Cinder & Smoke
08-30-2002, 10:28 PM
:DWay to GO, MawMee LESLIE!!!

Welkome to your New, FOREVUR Howze, Lil Minion! :D

How ya gettin along wiffa G&K Dawggiez - Met em yet??

Sure hope They *LIKE* ya, Minion!

An fur Gawsh Sakes - paLeeze dont be doin any
*Hisssssin* or *Grrrrroooowlin* at Graham or Kersey - :eek:! Ya all gotta lern ta Luv an Live tagether...
Ya knowe - Wun Big Happie Fambly!

Sure looks like ya LIKE the new howze - lookin purdy kumfertabul onna floor there.
Lil bit *Wide-Eyed*, but you'll get used to it.

Hope yur givin a LOTTA HedBumpiez to yer New MawMee an runnin yur *Purrrrr* Motur Full Blast!

Enjoy yur New Life, Minion! :D
An get yer Mom ta show ya where the puter is ~
We wanna hear sum Kat Tails, ASAP!

08-30-2002, 10:31 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
Yay!!! I'm glad you did it, he has a great home!!! :) :) :)

Gosh, Minion is sooooo gorgeous!!! How are the dogs doing with him? Is he adjusting well?

He's so cute!!! :D

Graham is so laid back and easy going...little bothers him. A cat is nothing new to him. Kersey on the other hand is still a puppy at heart. She is 14 months old and she is playful, so she's more curious. I am pretty surprised, I am keeping Minion in my office for a little while to make sure he does not have fleas or anything, but he seems just as curious about the dogs as Kersey is about him. When I do the grand introduction to the dogs, I will start off with bringing Graham in my office with me and Minion. Graham could really care less :) He'll sniff and then he'll walk away.

I gave Minion some food and water just a few minutes ago and he quickly ate some food and he has been drinking water for a few minutes streight. I wonder how long it's been since he's had fresh water. Poor guy :( I'll take him to the vet to make sure he does not have a microchip either tomorrow or sometime this weekend (please wish me luck that he does not have a microchip) and get him checked for worms and fleas.

My x-neighbor only fed Minion noodles today. He didn't have any cat food left so that's all he might have eaten today.

Anyway, wish us luck that Minion does not have a (neglectful) home that wants him back. I will still see if anyone claims him, but I may offer to buy him off them if they wanted him back. He was neglected and he won't ever be with me, Dan, Graham, Kersey & the fishes :)

I'll keep you updated.

08-30-2002, 10:35 PM

08-30-2002, 11:02 PM
I'm so happy to hear you have Minion, he couldn't have a better home . He is one stunningly handsome boy. Better send in some pics for "Cat of the Day".:cool:

08-31-2002, 12:32 AM
good for you, it sounds like you did the right thing, lucky kitty has a good home now:)

08-31-2002, 03:17 AM
He's adorable!!!!!

08-31-2002, 03:58 AM

Sounds like you saved a life AND enhanced your family with a darling bundle of love. Well done, you!!!

The Cat Factory
08-31-2002, 04:30 AM
Aww! He's gorgeous! Congrats on your new kitty! I know he's going to love his new home!

08-31-2002, 06:47 AM
OH WELL DONE LESLIE!! So pleased Minion is now in his Forever home. He looks gorgeous too. Bit of feeding up hopefully is all he needs. Still a vet visit will put your mind at rest won't it?
Lots more lovely pics., will go down so well too!!
I'm just so pleased for you! xxx


08-31-2002, 06:48 AM
I'm so glad that you finally found someone with answers at the apt. building so you could take Minion with you. He is a beautiful cat and I can't believe someone would just leave him behind when they moved (and he's declawed and outside even worse!) It looks like he was meant to be with you!:)

08-31-2002, 07:59 AM
Good news and bad news this morning:

Good news: The introduction to the dogs went much better then I could have ever expected! You all are not going to believe this, but the moment I let Graham into the office where Minion is living for the time being, he went up to Graham and headbumpied him over and over, purring all the way, as if they had been living together forever. Graham sniffed him and stood there looking at me while this odd creature rubbed back and fourth up against him.


It almost makes me wonder if something's wrong with Minion? He has absolutely no fears of anyone or anything except for cars, that I have seen so far. So now I know that he must have been raised with dogs, or else he would have been at least a teeny bit scared, you think? Do you guys think he could have something wrong with him, like a brain injury or something, or do you think I am looking at best pre-socialized strey cat that I have ever seen?

The intro to Kersey also went perfect, although Minion only headbumpied back and forth against her three times, as opposed to Graham who he seemed to like more, since he headbumpied and rubbed back and forth on him about 12 times or so.

It's odd that he's so social and outgoing. It make me either think that he has a problem, or he was just born this social, friendly and outgoing.

Here are a few pics of the intro.

It's hard to tell in this shot, but Minion was headbumpy-ing Graham and Graham was being the patient guy that he is.

And here's him meeting Keresy for the first time. You can kind of tell that he's headbumpy-ing Kersey in this pic.

And last, Minion was loving Graham while he sniffed Minion's food and water dishes.

Bad news: I am SO alergic to Minion :( I woke up last night and had to take my inhaler (allergy induced asthma) and that was a first. I have already taken my inhaler again this morning, and I feel as though I could use it again soon :( I am going to get a homeopathic that is good for allergies and see if I build an imunity to him. If not then I'll consider being brave and getting allergy shots (I have a horrendous phobia of needles, regardless of their size).

Sam's My Baby
08-31-2002, 08:21 AM
I am so glad you took Minion in! He is simply gorgeous! I am sorry to hear about your allergies..I hope they get better real soon!

08-31-2002, 08:46 AM
I am so glad you finally found Minion again and took him home.

I have read articles about cat dander allergies and they often say that bathing the cat often cuts down on the production of dander.

You may want to see if the laid back kitty minds having a bath. There are also mesh bags you can buy, to put kitty in, while you do the bath thing.

Again, I am so impressed with your efforts to protect this poor guy. I am sure that if you cannot keep him, you will find a good home for him.

Congratulations on you success and Welcome Little Guy!

:D :D :D

P. S. I just love the pictures of your doggies accepting the affections of Minion! So sweet! Reminds me of my Graemer, being so kind to Gabe, his new big brother!

08-31-2002, 09:10 AM
I wasn't going to even visit Pet Talk today because I have to be at my daughter's house in an hour for my grandson's first birthday, but the addiction is strong! LOL! Anyway, when I scanned the posts and saw this I almost jumped out of my seat! Leslie I am SO HAPPY for you and Minion both! It seems that God had a hand in putting him right in your path at the right time. How fortunate that he picked your apartment to explore that first night. I think, based upon your neighbor's statement that his owners moved out, I would remove all signs, etc. and stop inquiring. I know that sounds bad, but hey no one has been feeding this poor guy or even caring that he exists, except your neighbor, and he deserves a good home, and I know he has found that with you. I just can't tell you how happy I am today.

It's funny but I think back to all of the events in Pet Talkers' lives over the time I have been here and it's been so neat to follow in everyone's adoptions, etc. I remember when I first "met" you your fur family consisted of Graham and Cassie. They Cassie went to 'mom' and we all got to meet Ritz through her. Then Kersey was added, and now Minion. Isn't it so neat that we have come to know and share and care for each other through this marvelous thing called the internet and of course, best of all, Pet Talk! I'll check in tonight for any updates, but give that boy (is Minion really a boy? can you tell?) a great big kiss from me!!

08-31-2002, 09:48 AM
Awwww...they make a very odd/but cute couple!:D

08-31-2002, 10:15 AM
Originally posted by Pam
I wasn't going to even visit Pet Talk today because I have to be at my daughter's house in an hour for my grandson's first birthday, but the addiction is strong! LOL! Anyway, when I scanned the posts and saw this I almost jumped out of my seat! Leslie I am SO HAPPY for you and Minion both! It seems that God had a hand in putting him right in your path at the right time. How fortunate that he picked your apartment to explore that first night. I think, based upon your neighbor's statement that his owners moved out, I would remove all signs, etc. and stop inquiring. I know that sounds bad, but hey no one has been feeding this poor guy or even caring that he exists, except your neighbor, and he deserves a good home, and I know he has found that with you. I just can't tell you how happy I am today.

It's funny but I think back to all of the events in Pet Talkers' lives over the time I have been here and it's been so neat to follow in everyone's adoptions, etc. I remember when I first "met" you your fur family consisted of Graham and Cassie. They Cassie went to 'mom' and we all got to meet Ritz through her. Then Kersey was added, and now Minion. Isn't it so neat that we have come to know and share and care for each other through this marvelous thing called the internet and of course, best of all, Pet Talk! I'll check in tonight for any updates, but give that boy (is Minion really a boy? can you tell?) a great big kiss from me!!

Well I am so excited that you chose to peek at P.T. before doing what you had to do :) Happy first birthday, Christian! Yes it is neat to see the new additions, and to hear about the before/after stuff. I get so excited when my friends here at P.T. get new animals, and it's so exciting to read about the whole process of getting them. I enjoy it so much myself, and I am glad to hear that I am not the only one who does :)

Minion let me check out his manly parts last night as I was trying to gently get all of his dozens of burrs that are causing him all those huge matts. He is a neutered boy, for sure :) I always had more of a soft spot for boy cats, anyway. The nicest cats I have had growing up were all boys. Not saying that girl cats aren't nice, but in my experience, boy cats have been the most friendly.

Thanks for all the well wishes. I am not planning on putting up any signs. Minion was poorly cared for and he does not deserve to go back there. I will, however, be on the lookout for adds in the paper. If someone wants him enough to pay for and add then I will honor that and call them and see what kind of vibe I get.

Thanks everyone.

08-31-2002, 11:42 AM
What an uplifting story for the holiday weekend! Congratulations to all at your house for a happy and smooth transition for Minion. You are doing a wonderful thing!!!

Sure am sorry to hear about the allergies! If good wishes were medicine, the PetTalk family would cure you in an instant!

Aspen and Misty
08-31-2002, 11:44 AM
O I am so happy for you! O and Minion is so pretty! I am gald teh introductions went well! I hope you don't have to get ride of him cause of your allergies! After all you did you deserve to enjoy this little guy. I am so gald that you took him and that he has a great home now! I know you will love him up to no extent! Give Minion a hug for me!


08-31-2002, 01:04 PM
Minion is just so very gorgeous:) I am so glad you got to find him again and take him home. The way he came to you, one who will love and care for him and how well he gets on with Kersey and Graham, just like he knew them already:) It seems that you were all meant to meet and be together, whether for always or (because of the allergy) just for a while. I pray it is for always.

08-31-2002, 07:04 PM
I'm so glad that I saw this thread since I missed the other thread on Minion. What a heart warming story. I think that you were meant to have Minion in your life. I'm so glad that he's getting along with both of your dogs and that he's so friendly and social. He's also gorgeous. I'd love to see some more pics of him. Since your allergies are acting up, I sure hope that you're able to keep him. If it was me I'd have a very hard time giving up a cat like that. I don't think that there's anything wrong with him. My cat Storm is a very social cat too and Minion actually reminds me of Storm a little bit. Storm also picked me to be his owner. :)

08-31-2002, 09:38 PM
Originally posted by AdoreMyDogs
Minion let me check out his manly parts last night as I was trying to gently get all of his dozens of burrs that are causing him all those huge matts. He is a neutered boy, for sure :) I always had more of a soft spot for boy cats, anyway. The nicest cats I have had growing up were all boys. Not saying that girl cats aren't nice, but in my experience, boy cats have been the most friendly.

Well it seems that his former humans at least had the good sense to have him neutered. He is just a gorgeous cat and I can see why you were smitten. It's so nice to know he has a roof over his head and a loving family now. I am so glad that Graham and Kersey seem to be adjusting so well to their new "brother." Trevor and Andy are the only cats I have ever owned. They are obviously males and very affectionate. I didn't set out to find male cats as both of them just sort of "fell into my lap." I can't speak for the females but I am definitely hooked on boy kitties. :)

08-31-2002, 11:18 PM
Leslie, this is wonderful news! I do hope you can get the allergies under control. Maybe you'll build up a resistance over time......Minnion looks like he was "meant to be" with you, Dan, Kersey and Graham!!

When I let Butter inside, almost two years ago, he was never even fazed by my dogs. Honey and Lilly are used to cats since Mimi was here when they moved in. It was Mimi who had to get used to him (and I'm still waiting for that to happen :rolleyes: ). Butter isn't the friendly sort to humans that I would like him to be, but he has made so much progress since he became "our" cat. I wish you could see him right now, curled up on the bookshelf above my head. He just likes to be close, but not too close, to me.

Best of luck to all of you, and thanks for the great pictures!!!! :D

09-01-2002, 05:51 AM
Leslie - I'd have to agree with SallyAnn - try giving Minion a bath. It should improve the dander problem quite a lot. We had to do this when our youngest Elizabeth was young - she's a chronic asthmatic. That was one of the reasons we got our Siamese - Kisi (RB) - being very short haired. But when this tiny kitty came home - Elizabeth started wheezing - so we bathed the furbaby - and lo and behold, Elizabeth was fine! Whenever we took her to friends houses where we knew they had cats, we had to take her nebulizer with us - and she always needed it. Try the bath with gorgeous Minion - I've got fingers and toes crossed here for you. xxx
Do you know i wouldn't worry one bit about Minion being so friendly - I bet he's been brought up with dogs. All cats I know that have been brought up with dogs are wonderful with any dog they meet - they adore them!
The pics., were great - and greeting with head bumpies is so sweet - I reckon he's been a very lonely furboy - and he cannot believe his luck - a fantastic Mum - a forever home - and dawgies too!! HEAVEN.
Can I wish this new addition to our PetTalk family - Welcome and nose kissies and head scritchies xxxx


09-01-2002, 08:40 AM
Thank you everyone :) I am just head over heals in love with this little furbaby! I have never loved a kitty so much that I can remember. He has truly stolen my heart and I will do all it takes to keep him in my life forever. He is an absolute joy.

The allergies are actually getting a tiny bit better. I am still quite allergic to him but I didn't wake up in the middle of the night needing to take my inhaler last night. He also howeled the first night almost non-stop (he really hates being alone but he has to stay in my office until our kitchen is done being remodeled and the folks who are doing it are allergic to cats. Also, they often prop the door open while they take supplies in/out of the house. I don't want him to escape) but last night he didn't make a peep.

Thanks for being so kind in welcoming Minion :) I can't believe how much I adore my new little kitty, and I hope that everything works out in my favor. It truly seemes like fate and I would be surprised at this point if Minion was not here to stay for good.

I'm going to see if I can get an appointment to get him his vacs, stool check, flea check, have him scanned for a microchip, and have him tested for kitty AIDS. Being that he was outdoors, and there were so many stray/outdoor kitties where I used to live, it would be sad, but not a complete shock if he had it.

Thanks again :) Here's a cute pic that I thought I would share. You can see his beautiful eyes, and his truly sweet expression in this pic:

And now my sleeping angel:

09-01-2002, 09:46 AM
Leslie, I'm guessing you planned on leaving your apt. memories behind, but pleased you brought that last one with you.
Those last two pictures, especially the "sleeping angel" show Minion knows he's in heaven.

09-01-2002, 11:45 AM
I have been missing quite a few threads and the Minion story was one of them. Needless to say I was delighted to start at the beginning and arrive at the happy ending. The allegy part was quite a scare. Please Leslie, do try bathing Minion. I don't want you to get sick and there is nothing wrong with a clean cat either. Heehee. You have probably heard all the horror stories about trying to give a cat a bath, but as easy going as Minion seems to be, if done with patience and maybe in stages it might work out just fine. Look at me, not having any cats and trying to make a suggestion, but I can tell already how attached you are to this sweet boy. I don't want anything to happen where you would have to give him up. He sounds so PURRfect. Just the type of cat I would love to have, would it be that SOMEONE would allow me to.

Congratulations, Leslie, Dan, Graham & Kersey on the new addtion to your family.

09-01-2002, 02:02 PM
Originally posted by Rachel
I have been missing quite a few threads and the Minion story was one of them. Needless to say I was delighted to start at the beginning and arrive at the happy ending. The allegy part was quite a scare. Please Leslie, do try bathing Minion. I don't want you to get sick and there is nothing wrong with a clean cat either. Heehee. You have probably heard all the horror stories about trying to give a cat a bath, but as easy going as Minion seems to be, if done with patience and maybe in stages it might work out just fine. Look at me, not having any cats and trying to make a suggestion, but I can tell already how attached you are to this sweet boy. I don't want anything to happen where you would have to give him up. He sounds so PURRfect. Just the type of cat I would love to have, would it be that SOMEONE would allow me to.

Congratulations, Leslie, Dan, Graham & Kersey on the new addtion to your family.

It was tough being a kitty today. I first went shopping for a bunch of new stuff for Minion. I bought him new food and water dishes and a nice little stand to put them in, a pack of furry mousies, a pack of spungy balls, a new collar with a little bell on it, a tub of catnip, kitty shampoo, and this moisturizer spray that is supposed to cut down on kitty dander.

I had to bathe the poor little guy but he behaved pretty well. He sure did HOWL, though! He does NOT like baths! But after the bath, he got cuddled for a long time in the towel and then brushed a little bit. Once he was almost all dry, I put that moisturizer spray on him. He didn't like that much either :) But after all of his terrible treatment, he was bombarded with new, fun things. He walked over to his new food & water dish and he seemed to like it, then he checked out his new furry mousies and spongie balls and he seemed to really like them, too. Then....I sprinkled a bit of catnip on my desk and OOOOHHHH....he LOOOOVED that!

Here are some pics from after his bath. I sure do hope you all are not getting sick of me posting pics of Minion.
His new dishes & placemat:


Really, really funny pic of Minion as he was licking his catnip up:

09-01-2002, 02:07 PM
OMG!!! Minion is sooooo cute!!

09-01-2002, 02:08 PM
Oh Lesie I am enjoying this thread so much! I will never tire of reading about Minion! You are braver than I. I have never bathed either Trevor or Andy although I keep saying I will one of these days. Congratulations on a successful bath and no blood spilled! HA! I love the last picture especially. I have seen that look on Andy's face countless times when he is enjoying his catnip. Does Minion act like a crazy kitty on catnip or does he get mellow? Each of mine is different. "Nip" makes Andy go into a frenzy and Trevor gets all lazy and lovey and rubs on everything in sight and then they both wind up curling up and sleeping it off. LOL! Can't wait for more stories and pictures!

09-01-2002, 03:10 PM
Originally posted by Pam
Oh Lesie I am enjoying this thread so much! I will never tire of reading about Minion!

Me neither! The pictures are terrific and it looks like Minion did a good job at taking some of the bulges out of Mom's wallet. Heehee.

Miss Meow
09-01-2002, 06:29 PM
He's beatiful. I'm so glad you ended up taking him. Keep posting pictures - I'm sure none of us will get sick of them!

09-01-2002, 08:03 PM
Minion is very nice looking, and you did a good thing by giving him a home. :)

09-01-2002, 08:57 PM
You know you can live with a cat even if you have allergies and asthma. I developed asthma after I had my cat for 2 years while I was pregnant with my first child. You can make certain adjustments like not having the cat sleep in the bedroom with you and have your husband help with things like brushing or bathing the cat. You can pm me if you have more questions or check with your doctor.

09-01-2002, 09:19 PM
Originally posted by Vermontcat
You know you can live with a cat even if you have allergies and asthma. I developed asthma after I had my cat for 2 years while I was pregnant with my first child. You can make certain adjustments like not having the cat sleep in the bedroom with you and have your husband help with things like brushing or bathing the cat. You can pm me if you have more questions or check with your doctor.

Great news! I am already noticing a huge decrease in my allergies. I usually build up a resistance pretty quick, and this was the case with Minion. I have only taken my inhaler twice today, and that's pretty good, considering I took my inhaler twice in just the first 2 hours of his first morning with us. I think the bath helped, too, although Minion's going to hate me if I do it on a regular basis :) How often should I bathe him? I usually bathe my dogs every 3 weeks, but they are both well behaved and they both expect baths. They don't love them, but they really don't hate them. It is attention, after all :)

One of my good friends who is really allergic to cats will be coming over every so often and she's pregnant and I don't want her pumping herself with her inhaler when ever she comes over for a visit. Is every 3 weeks too often to bathe a cat? I have started him on really good food so that should also help with his dander production, too.

Anyway, I just wanted to share the good news on my health improvements. I knew it was ment to be with him. He's truly too wonderful to lose. It would crush me. I knew the first time he waltzed into my near-empty apartment as I was cleaning it out, carefree and just as causual as anything, that he was special and we connected right away.

I need a new banner on my signature which includes my new feline friend :)

Hugs, barks and purrs from Leslie & the furkids

09-01-2002, 11:46 PM
Leslie, I'm so glad to hear that everything is going so well. I don't know how often you should bathe him. Maybe your vet can tell you. He looks so content in his pictures. I'll never get tired of seeing his pics. Please post more. :)

09-02-2002, 12:34 AM
**creeps into cat boards* Pssst Leslie!

Minion has to be the CUTEST most beautiful cat i've ever seen. Seems as if he fitting right in. Congrats!

09-02-2002, 05:26 AM
Leslie - so pleased the bath seems to be having the desired effect. I wouldn't bathe him on a regular basis - just when you notice your using your inhaler more often. Now he's got 'Your House' smells on him - I wouldn't be surprised if you go a long time without bathing him.:) :)


09-02-2002, 06:26 AM
Originally posted by AdoreMyDogs
Hugs, barks and purrs from Leslie & the furkids

Leslie I just love your new closing line here! Who would have ever thought just a few days ago that you'd be signing off from a household that how has purring going on! :D :D

09-02-2002, 04:07 PM
Originally posted by Pam

Leslie I just love your new closing line here! Who would have ever thought just a few days ago that you'd be signing off from a household that how has purring going on! :D :D

It was a surprise, that's for sure :) Thanks, Pam :)

Originally posted by Kfamr
**creeps into cat boards* Pssst Leslie!

Minion has to be the CUTEST most beautiful cat i've ever seen. Seems as if he fitting right in. Congrats!

Thanks, KayAnn. I am pretty excited about him. I love him to pieces.

09-02-2002, 04:43 PM
Leslie, I love your new signature pictures. :D

09-02-2002, 04:53 PM
Originally posted by AdoreMyDogs

How often should I bathe him?

Cat's normally shouldn't be bathed more than once a month.. they need the oils from their skin on their fur or something like that.

Congrats on the new addition, tho.. he's gorgeous! :D

09-02-2002, 05:23 PM
Now you have to change your name to AdoreMyDogsandCat!:D

I love your new signature banner with your 3 furbabies!:cool:

About your friend with allergies visiting, my dad is very allergic so when he visits he and our cat are not in the same room usually. My cat has one favorite chair she sits on and we put a towel on it so no guests will sit in cat hair if they don't want to. Also if its nice weather and your friend has her allergies bother her in the house spend more time outside with the dogs.:)

09-02-2002, 05:35 PM
Just wanted to say 'Congratulations' once again and that your signature banner is delightful. Congrats!!!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
09-02-2002, 06:51 PM
Oh, I'm so happy things worked out so well with Minion. He is a beautiful cat and with the way you describe his personality, he sure deserves the good home he's got rather than the creeps that left him behind. Who could do that to such a sweetie! I loved the pictures and the story of how he met the doggies. He is truly a lover kitty, and looks like he has made himself right at home already. I do hope the bathing helps with your allergies. I think it's like you said, he was meant to be with you.

Welcome to PT, Minion! Hope to hear many more of your tails, and see many, many more pictures! :)

09-02-2002, 09:22 PM
Minion is so cute. I'm amazed how well his introduction to Graham and Kersey went. Love the " headbumpy" pictures.
Congratulations!!! I'm so happy you gave Minion a home. Seems like he already has a soft spot for Graham.:)

09-03-2002, 05:02 AM
WOW! Minion is gorgeous! I definitely won't get sick of pics!

Not fair, you can introduce a cat in with 2 dogs and I can't even introduce a puppy with my 2 dogs! lol. My dogs would kill me if I got a cat (plus everyone's allergic and my dad hates them). Hope your allergy situation gets better. I actually used to be allergic to cats. I remember my eyes puffing up a few times. I've been around my friend's kitty Milo plenty now, and it doesn't bother me at all.

09-03-2002, 05:56 AM
He is the sweetest little sleeper :) He was actually loose in the house all day yesterday. He was getting bored to death in my office and he really wanted more freedome, so I gave him free reign yesterday and last night.

During the night he first layed by my feet with one paw wrapped around my foot, kind of like he was using it as a body pillow. Everytime I moved any part of my body, his motor box would turn on and I would feel the motor box and his softest of soft furs on my foot. It was the sweetest. Then when my husband came to bed, he moved up towards our heads, between us and purred. Dan said that Minion's the only cat who wanted to even sleep in the bed with him. He was really enjoying this boy, as much as I was.

After about an hour of laying between Dan and I, he moved back down to my feet and hugged my foot again. I fell asleep like that :) It was fantastic, to say the least :)

Well it's time to start getting ready for work now. I'll post more later. Minion's first vet appointment is tonight, so I'll let you know how that goes.

09-03-2002, 12:49 PM
I noticed Minion in your signature, and just had to find the thread to know more about him. He is adorable, Leslie! So glad that you saved this lil guy. He sounds adorable!

I am so proud of Kersey and Graham for taking him in and making feel right at home. ope your allegries keep getting better and better :)

Edwina's Secretary
09-03-2002, 01:23 PM
Due to "technical difficulties" I missed this thread until now. What a beauty Minion is. How blessed that he is free of "inter-species" hate!

I am allergic to cats. Twice after Edwina came to live with us I was in the emergency room with asthma attacks -- the second was severe enough they wanted to admit me (AMA doesn't mean American Medical Assoc to me!)

Anyway...what works for me...clarinex -- just every other day or so (was using claritan -- same difference as far as I can see) my husband handles grooming of Edwina -- supposedly every week :rolleyes: a long hair may need more often. Edwina sleeps with me but never by my head -- she seems to understand that...and I wash the bedspread, mattress pad AND pillows frequently. Have never washed Edwina (the thought strikes terror in MY heart!) I don't touch my eyes after petting her until I have washed my hands well. No carpet in the bedroom.

I have not had an asthma attack since. I still use an inhalator on occasion but usually related to exercise.

Good luck -- he's worth it!

09-03-2002, 07:26 PM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
Due to "technical difficulties" I missed this thread until now. What a beauty Minion is. How blessed that he is free of "inter-species" hate!

I am allergic to cats. Twice after Edwina came to live with us I was in the emergency room with asthma attacks -- the second was severe enough they wanted to admit me (AMA doesn't mean American Medical Assoc to me!)

Anyway...what works for me...clarinex -- just every other day or so (was using claritan -- same difference as far as I can see) my husband handles grooming of Edwina -- supposedly every week :rolleyes: a long hair may need more often. Edwina sleeps with me but never by my head -- she seems to understand that...and I wash the bedspread, mattress pad AND pillows frequently. Have never washed Edwina (the thought strikes terror in MY heart!) I don't touch my eyes after petting her until I have washed my hands well. No carpet in the bedroom.

I have not had an asthma attack since. I still use an inhalator on occasion but usually related to exercise.

Good luck -- he's worth it!

Eeek :eek: I am glad you found something that allowed you to still have your pretty little girl. I wonder if Clarinex is better then Zirtec, because that's what I take...every single evening before bed. If I miss a day, I am absolutely miserable, and this was even before I got Minion! Don't allergies stink?!?! :mad: :mad:

Anyway, Minion is just under 9 pounds and free from kitty AIDS, and feline Luk. He was combed for fleas and the doctor found some "flea dirt" so Minion is now on Frontline for four months. I have the dogs on Frontline so it shouldn't be a problem I don't think. The vet also told me that he thinks Minion is closer to 7 years old, and he should get a dental fairly soon, as there is quite a bit of tarter buildup on his back canines.

All in all, Minion is healthy. And he was scanned for a microchip and none were found (phew....am I ever glad about that)

09-03-2002, 07:29 PM
OMG OMG OMG!! What great news!! Congratulations!!!!! I was so happy to see that Minion is now part of the family...and settling in well!! He's such a handsome guy too! How could anyone have left him behind?? :( But, he's better off now in wonderful family with 2 canine siblings! I just love happy endings and new additions to family! Welcome to "the cat side"....LOL LOL ;)

09-03-2002, 07:45 PM
Originally posted by AdoreMyDogs And he was scanned for a microchip and none were found (phew....am I ever glad about that) [/B]

YAY!!! Leslie I know that the wonderful caring person you are would never want to inadvertently have a kitty that belongs to someone else. What a relief for you and for all of us. Now we can definitely say MINION IS YOURS!!!!!!! :) Maybe Minion might like some catnip in celebration! ;)

09-04-2002, 12:35 AM
I haven't had the time to post here until now. Congratulations on taking in Minion!

I know that I have been mildly allergic to all of my cats. And a Dr. once suggested that I get rid of them. Ha! I got rid of that Dr.

Minion is beautiful and I know that in the next few months as you continue to give us updates and pictures we are going to see a huge change in him. He is such a beautiful little guy.

My experience has been that all rescues have become my little soul mates - and currently Rascal holds that title.

Please keep sending us updates and pictures - I just fell in love with Minion and it is terrific that you have rescued him. It was meant to be!

09-04-2002, 09:44 AM
Minion is absolutely gorgeous and I am so happy for both of you that you found each other (I guess, more for you, because you sound like happier than him, he-he). Kept my fingers for you not to find that chip, how cruel are some people... he's declawed, right? Well, I am glad Minion had no chip.
Concerning the allergies... I think, people here in Moldova are not so allergic like in the US. Why is that?

09-04-2002, 10:24 AM
Originally posted by Vio&Juni
...Concerning the allergies... I think, people here in Moldova are not so allergic like in the US. Why is that?

Part of the answer could be (and anybody's welcome to correct me on this one) that in less industrialized countries, people have more of an opportunity for exposure to (and eventually, a buildup of tolerance for) airborne and other irritants. I have an 11-month old baby who is now crawling everywhere during her waking hours and I have to restrain myself sometimes from running after her with a washcloth or hand sanitizer! I'm crossing my fingers that her system is doing a good job of building its defenses, considering her fondness for sucking all four fingers of one hand after a round of crawling on all fours! :rolleyes:

09-04-2002, 11:39 AM
Originally posted by Vio&Juni
Minion is absolutely gorgeous and I am so happy for both of you that you found each other (I guess, more for you, because you sound like happier than him, he-he). Kept my fingers for you not to find that chip, how cruel are some people... he's declawed, right? Well, I am glad Minion had no chip.
Concerning the allergies... I think, people here in Moldova are not so allergic like in the US. Why is that?

I am not sure, but in my opinion, it has to do with the way we treat our bodies. I, for one, can tell you that I do like sugar snacks and ice cream and chocolate way too much. I don't feed my body the way I should. I don't eat the healthiest that I could. I don't take any anti-oxydents (even though I own them) or any general vitamins (even though I own those as well). I don't eat enough fresh veggies or fruit. I think that the way you treat your body reflects on what kind of health issues you have.

Just a few months ago I asked my mom if she had any idea why my allergies were so bad, yet my dad never had allergies, nor does my mom, nor do either of my brothers'. I didn't know why I was allergice to everything and no one else in my family was allergic to anything. My mom, in a very appologetic (sp?) way, told me that while she was pregnant with me she could not get enough ice cream. She craved it like mad! She said that she would have a bowl and she would want another and another. She said that during her pregnancies with my older and younger brothers, her cravings were mild, and they were for pineapple and pineapple juice (older brother) and oranges and orange juice (younger brother). Yet with me she craved *and ate* way too much ice cream.

I had a pretty bad allergy to all dairy products throughout my childhood. I could never drink milk or have dairy ice cream. I had to drink "special milk" (soy milk) and soy ice cream, or else I was a miserable, stuffy mess.

My guess is that since my mom gorged on ice cream while pregnant with me effected my immune system and my allergy problems.

Thanks for your nice comments on Minion. I love him SOOOO much :)

09-04-2002, 12:06 PM
Perhaps what you eat can effect your allergies, but that is not the case with me. I am a vegetarian, eat healthy, fresh fruits and veggies, no junk food, take my vitamins and anti oxidant, and I am pretty allergic. My father is too. My mom isn't allergic. Hmmm?

Former User
09-04-2002, 01:07 PM
Am I late or what? Oh well better late....
Minion sure is handsome, wow! I can see why you love him so much, he's just gorgeous!

09-04-2002, 01:10 PM
I haven't been back to this thread (Where have I been?) since Minion first came to live with you. He is so adorable! What a little sweetie, I bet you are having so much fun!! :)

About the allergies....I took Claritan (which is now Clarinex) for years because I too, have allergy induced asthma. It wouldn't cut it with the cats, Noah, tabby/mainecoone, sleeps on my pillow with me at night. So, my allergist put me on Alegra and it works wonderfully! I only have to take it when I need it and it works really quick. The only thing I've noticed if I don't take it daily and one of the cats scratch me while playing, it breakes out in a rash. But I can still breathe! :) You may want to try that, I thin it's stonger than Clarinex and Zyrtec.

We also have to bathe Noah becuase his hair is so long and he isn't too great at grooming himself. We usually do it in the bath tub every two months, or have it done when he gets his haircut.

I LOVE the new bowls and mat!! Where did you find that?? It's so cute!!

09-04-2002, 08:24 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy

I LOVE the new bowls and mat!! Where did you find that?? It's so cute!!

Thanks. They were from a local pet supply store called Pet Supplies Plus. I have also seen them at Petco and Petsmart, but they are more expensive at those places. Being that I have two big dogs, I am amazed at how much cheeper kitty stuff is then dog stuff! I can buy a twin pack of mousies for $.99! That's SO cool! One dog stuffy toy costs me $20, and Kersey has it ripped to shreads and completely de-stuffed in less then 1/2 hour! I do like that kitties are less expensive to buy for. The food and water dishes, dish holder and mat were surprisingly inexpensive. I thought they were cute, too, and the theme is "flying blue cat" and that kind of fit my little blue boy.

Anyway, thought you all would like a new Minion pic.

09-04-2002, 10:02 PM
Such a cutie!! Thanks for the info on the dishes! I'll go check them out! :)

09-04-2002, 11:57 PM
Originally posted by AdoreMyDogs

Anyway, thought you all would like a new Minion pic.

Wow!:eek: He looks just like my Storm in that picture. Here's a pic of Storm. http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid28/p08edc96f3889407d74c4e0d233318bd7/fd6b89e9.jpg

09-05-2002, 06:06 AM
I was wondering what ever happened to Minion. Sorry I'm so late at posting, at least I wasn't the only one who was late:o

Those pics are just great, he is sooooo beautiful! I'm so glad he finally got a forever home for himself Now you have a new companion and so do the dogs!

09-05-2002, 06:28 AM
Wow! Minion DOES look like Storm!

09-05-2002, 10:46 AM
He DOES! How neat!!!

09-08-2002, 09:29 AM
Originally posted by AdoreMyDogs

Really, really funny pic of Minion as he was licking his catnip up:

LMAO!!!! It looks like he's about to devour that poor toy mousie. Run toy mousie! Run! ;) :D

Thanks for pointing me towards this thread Leslie. How wonderful that you were able to keep Minion. My mom is allergic to animals and I guess she just built up an iminuity to the now 5 cats sharing her home.

I can't wait to come over sometime and see the new house and meet Minion.

They opened up a new Pet Supplies Plus up here in Washington (corner of 30 mile and Van Dyke) They were giving away lots of free goodies this weekend. Kia got spoiled to say the least. ;) Though not as much as she would like. :rolleyes:

Take care!

09-11-2002, 12:16 AM
OK I am even later than the others!! I was gone all last week, no connection for 7 days!!!

Leslie, I am so excited for you!! I couldn't believe how much cheaper cat stuff was either!! I had a fleeting thought I should have gotten a cat first, but I wouldn't trade what I have had for the world. Only for longer time.

You certainly did the right thing and I am glad your allergies are better!!!

09-11-2002, 08:17 AM
Good morning,

I just wanted to say how beautiful Minion is and she is very fortunate.

This is also a comment for all of those allergy suffers out there. Clariten/Clarines/Allegra/Zyrtec are all very similar products. But Zyrtec is one of the few that has actually been tested for pet allergies. Everyone's reactions to medications are individualistic, so what ever works for you is a good thing. If you ever get the products with a "D" (e.g. Clariten D), these contain an extra ingredient that is a decongesant and can result other problems (e.g. insomnia, etc.)

The one thing I have seen a PetSmart that you might be able to use (instead of a monthly bath) are wipes to clean cats. I have never tried them, but I suspect it is easier than giving Minion a bath :D :D