View Full Version : There's something wrong with Oreo

08-30-2002, 06:51 PM
As most of you know, I own a gerbil named Oreo.
Well, I have know idea what this "thing" is, but it looks
like some kind of tumor or something growing out of her
ear. It was really small, and when it started to grow back,
she would just keep picking it off. Now the "thing" is HUGE.
And she acts like it's causing her pain.(just around her ear area though) I don't have a picture that I can show, but does anyone have a clue as to what it might be?
There is no vet close enough for me to take her to.
This "thing" has been growing(or atleast been in her ear)for several months. Please help!:(


Cinder & Smoke
08-30-2002, 07:07 PM
Hang on Oreo ~ We'll get God werkin on yer problem...

Hi, God ~

Cinder, Smokey, an Boots onna Prayer Line ~

God, kuld ya paLeeze take a look at Lys's lil Buddie, Oreo, the Gerbil, an tell us whut ta do wiffa thingy on her earbone?

Mebbee You kuld arrange fur Zippy'z Bunnie Dok ta take a look?

Thakz fur Your Help, God!

Oh yeah ~ Hey Lyssa ~

Have a Reel Great
BIRFDAY!! :D :) :D
on Munday ;)

08-30-2002, 07:58 PM
Em..Maybe you could call you vet? I find it a little hard to picture it? I had a hamster once who had a very large growth on her neck..llike, I mean, it puffed out her whole neck..That's really the only encounter I've had this growths..I think you should just give the vets a call to see what they say. Oreo will be in my prayers also.

08-31-2002, 11:51 AM
Take Oreo to a vet immediately. If you think it's a tumor, well those are DEADLY and you have to get him to a vet. I'm sure there has to be one around somewhere, or you can check another close by city/town. If it is a false alarm, then at least you didn't risk the chance of him dying if it was a tumor. :rolleyes:

08-31-2002, 02:02 PM
~Gepansy's bigger Sis stepping in~

Just wanted to clarify a few things....

Poor little Oreo is getting pretty old for a gerbil. There ARE vets close by but they will not take gerbils. And even if they did, I'm afraid that lil' Oreo's age is against her and she wouldn't make it through the surgery.

I will say that the "tumor" looks more like a large wart and has been there quite awhile (perhaps a year or more). I see no change in size.

Please send aging-Oreo some of your good Pet Talk vibes.

(And sis, next time please consider posting this in Pet General or Pet Health! ;) )

Cinder & Smoke
08-31-2002, 02:46 PM
Hey there, Poor ole ;) Oreo ~

Sorry ta say - Nun of us are gettin any *younger* :rolleyes: :(

We're glad :) yer Aunt Zippy duzint think ya gotz a reel problem!

Hang in there an keep doin whut Gerbils do best ~
Be a gud lil Buddie to yer MawMee Lyssa! :D

Hope the ear bumpie duzint bother ya!