View Full Version : Oh my.... can it be true????

06-16-2008, 09:12 PM
My little boy is TWO!!!

Remember this little one? well its been two years since he was that tiny.... was he ever really that tiny?

Here he is with that duckie this morning

Callie tried her best to steal it from him, so he decided to get all his stuffed animals and put it on the bed for Callie. He's so darned sweet!

Look at these two partners in crime! :D

He LOVES LOVES LOVES his Callie. She's the first thing he asks for in the morning and the last thing he says goodnight to. The feeling is mutual

We have a party planned for next week. In the meantime he had a quiet birthday and got to go to Friendly's for lunch. He didn't eat his lunch because he was so excited about the ice-cream that was coming :rolleyes:

I can't believe how much this little boy has grown. He makes me smile no matter what else is going on. He is just too sweet and thoughtful. He gets upset to see Callie get a bone without Nicki having one. He often takes the bone from Callie to give to Nicki. Of course Callie takes it right back. And Cam gives it back to Nicki. It keeps going on and on til Nicki goes finds herself a different bone, which Callie will then steal, leaving Nicki with the bone Cameron originally decided Nicki should have! :p

06-16-2008, 09:57 PM
What a cutie. :)

His mom wasn't there for his birthday?

06-16-2008, 10:58 PM
I wondered if we'd get a Duckie update!

Someday we'll see him hold that duckie for his prom photo! ;)

06-16-2008, 11:04 PM
holy cow, already two years have gone by?
he's such a cutie!