View Full Version : 8 Years, through thick and thin.

Suki Wingy
06-15-2008, 01:12 PM
It was eight years ago to the day that I first met Niño. It had been over seven months since I had accompanied my step-father to the shelter to surrender our Dalmatian, where her outlook was grim. All of us were more than ready to add another dog to the familly. For weeks I had been drawing thank you cards in advance to the behaiourist I had been told was going to help pick our new dog, so that it didn't have to happen like our first two dogs.
Stepping out of the car, as my mother was inserting coins into the meter, I spyed more spots. I turned to my mother and said, "Look at that one with the markings of an English Setter." while pointing through the window and into the cage containing a chunky, dirty puppy. Once in the atrium of the building, we met *Karen, the woman who was to help us pick out our dog. Next to a neon sign saying 'Dogs' there was a sign sporting the phrase, A dog is for life, not just for christmas. This dog was going to be for life, the other two were just test drives.
After looking at some pretty, but skiddish coyote looking mixes, we came to the spotted dog. He reacted to the kids properly, so we took him out to the courtyard, where I was alowed to lead him around. I liked this dog the most. He was kind, young, a little unsure of himslef, but nonetheless happy to be out with somebody talking to him. The dog, I was told was called, (or so heard) Leeno. He went on our short list and we took him back and put him in his cage before taking another look around.
In a corner was a mature boxer. He had been brought in two days ago, and was already trained and sported neatly done cropped ears and a docked tail. He was surrendered by a family who expected the ten-year-old girl to be his primary caregiver. Spike was large and bold. He was a nice match for our family, and after much thought, and begging to take both dogs home, the final decision was given to me. Spike was my decision. My step-father signed the papers and left to make a previous engagement, while my mother, sister, and I were left to fill out the rest of the applicaion. Upon leaving, my step-father was almost knocked over by Spike. While my mother was filling out the form, I could not stop thinking of the little spotted dog. (who I then learned was called Nino) Karen had said he had been there for three weeks, long enough to be neutered and healed already. Spike was pure bred, trained, and had just gotten there. Surely someone would want him more. I turned to my mother and told her to stop, we were getting Nino instead. She agreed, our first dog had been too large and pushy, why take another chance? So against my step-father's knowledge, we changed the papers and took the Nino dog home that night.
Coming home there was the worst traffic my mother had ever seen. The smelly puppy spent the first two hours in his new home in the back of a Jeep Cherokee, being reassured by me.
Upon learning that he actually was a well behaved dog, and understood several commands in Spanish, we changed his name to Niño. To this day we still wonder if his prefious owners misheard the question, "What is the name?" and mixed it up with, "What is the sex?"

Niño has put up with a lot from me, being 10 years old and trying to train him in agility, dealing with my short temper, always literally ignoring my yelling and frustrations.
We've certainly butted heads many a time, both being stubborn individuals, but I don't know where I would ever be without you, we've matured and leveled out together. This is a question I ask myself every day, along with, "What am I going to do without you? What will you do?" Of course, we'll see eachother, but six hours is so far away. I've never had any trouble leaving any human member of my family for an extended period of time, but I always miss you when I travel. Last spring break we kenneled you for a week while we went to Utah, and by the fifth day I was ready to come home to you. I was enjoying myself, loving the new place, but every moment I felt the distance and every moment it became worse. By the last day I was releaved to come home and even didn't mind getting up at 3:45 AM because I knew I'd make it home soon enough to pick you up from the kennel that day instead of the next Monday.
Three years ago, I made a picture slide show for his fifth Got'cha Day, it is still highly relavent. I have since lost the file, but it is still up on Clipshack.com. I've tried to grab it using my flash conversion progam that I use to grab youtube videos but Clipshack uses something different to play videos. I would link you an exact URL of it but I am at work and the site is blocked here. My username is Longfellow, you can try to search by user to find it. I'll add a link when I get home.
For now, here are two pictures I don't believe you've seen.

06-15-2008, 02:43 PM
Happy Gotcha Day, Niño.
Wow, eight years? It certainly sounds like it has been eight wonderful years.
Here is to many more!

I was unable to find the slideshow, but I will be back once you get the link up. In the meantime, the pictures attached are adorable. I love that handsome guy of yours. :]

Suki Wingy
06-15-2008, 02:49 PM
ANDDD, here is the video
Oh, I forgot
* Karen can be seen in the video linked to in my signature (Educate Yourself)

Ginger's Mom
06-15-2008, 08:41 PM
Happy Gotcha Day, Nino. :) I don't think I ever heard that whole story, Eva, thanks for sharing. In any case, I think Nino was meant to be with you and your family all along. :)

06-16-2008, 09:01 AM
Happy Gotcha Day Nino!

06-16-2008, 05:13 PM
I loved reading your story about how you got Niño :)

Tiki turned ten years old last February and it's been a similar ride for us two. I can see now that I wasn't ready for a dog and that a Jack Russell was definitely not a good decision for me. We pulled though tho' and now I could never imagine my life without her.

Oh and btw. Yay for another Young Ones fan XD

Suki Wingy
06-16-2008, 08:40 PM
You know TYO! :D Yay! Not many people get my random references to the show. I love Bottom just as much. Do you have Neil's Heavy Concept Album? If you don't I can send it to you.

06-16-2008, 09:29 PM
Yup. Been a fan of The Young Ones for years, so the quotes clicked immediately XD Bottom is also absolutely brilliant.

Haven't got that album however, so it would be awesome if you could send it to me :D

06-16-2008, 11:21 PM
What a nice story of a fateful day, and a good tribute to the dirty little puppy who turned into the perfect-for-you dog!

06-17-2008, 04:16 AM
I CANNOT believe Niño is 8! Are you suuure? He is such a handsome boy, and he looks like a pup still. : ) I'm glad you picked him over the Boxer, too. Here's to manyyy more years of love from your Niñoboy!

I :love: his slideshow... he's so adorable... and Return To Innocence is da bomb.

Suki Wingy
06-17-2008, 09:44 PM
Yeah, Enigma's pretty awesome. I get that a lot, people think he's more like 8 months old. I think it's how stocky he is.