View Full Version : My beautiful nurse ~ 1 pic

06-14-2008, 11:35 AM
I've got a really nasty cold in which I've stayed home from work (and anything else) the past two days. Kiara hasn't left my side. She gets a really worried look everytime I cough. Almost everytime I cough she comes and sits on me, if she can, or nudges me until I stop. :love:

Here's one of her worried looks, aint she cute though?

06-14-2008, 12:06 PM
Awwwwwwwwwwwwww! That's gotta make you at least wanna feel better!

06-14-2008, 12:28 PM
Aren't dogs wonderful!!!!!!!

06-14-2008, 03:50 PM
What a pretty nurse Kiara is!:) I'm sure she's taking good care of you Kay.;)

06-14-2008, 04:27 PM
What a sweetie!!!!! I think she's being more of a respiratory therapist :)

06-14-2008, 04:34 PM
She's adorable :)

Hope you feel better real soon.

06-14-2008, 04:58 PM
Ohhh! What a sweetie!! Keep it up Kiara, I am sure that makes your mum feel better!!

06-14-2008, 06:33 PM
Awe, you have such a lovely, and gorgeous nurse.

Daisy and Delilah
06-14-2008, 06:41 PM
Sorry to hear you're sick, Kay. :(

I have to say that your nurse is absolutely adorable. I know you'll be feeling alot better in no time. Feel better Kay and please give that pretty nurse some kisses from me.:)

06-14-2008, 10:22 PM
aaww she loves her momma and she has gotta make sure that you get well so that you can buy her some more tennis balls and flippy bl floppys

Ginger's Mom
06-15-2008, 08:15 AM
Aww, she really does look worried. Mwah, right on the forehead of that pretty little nurse. Hope you feel better soon, Kay.

Ramble On Rose
06-15-2008, 09:40 AM
That is so sweet. One of the many reasons dogs make such great friends.

06-15-2008, 04:24 PM
Kiara has the prettest eyes.:) That look rates a kiss on the face.:D
Hope you're feeling better soon.

06-15-2008, 06:24 PM
Awww, she really does look worried. What a sweetheart! :love:
Kay, I hope you feel better soon.:)

06-15-2008, 07:26 PM
Excellent nursing duty, Kiki! I'd be happy to share my license with you :)

06-15-2008, 11:18 PM
Look at those sad eyes! Ki wants her mommy to get better NOW!
Hope you feel better, Kay.

06-16-2008, 01:56 AM
Sounds like you have what I've got!!
Get well soon, or NOT - because isn't wonderful having such a beautiful nurse :-)

06-16-2008, 06:01 AM
. Kiara hasn't left my side. She gets a really worried look everytime I cough. Almost everytime I cough she comes and sits on me, if she can, or nudges me until I stop. :love:

That's so sweet. My husband just mentioned to me the other day that when he sneezes or coughs, Hannah always leaves the room. Around here when we are sick, we're on our own.

Feel better soon.

06-16-2008, 07:55 AM
Sorry to hear your feeling bad Kay. Good thing you've got your very own nurse!
Feel better soon!

06-16-2008, 08:13 AM
Awww, bless.

Hope you are feeling better, Kay.

06-16-2008, 12:01 PM
Sorry you're not feeling well.

Hope the nurse helps you feel better soon!

06-16-2008, 12:35 PM
:love: Awee such a Cutie Pie.. Such a Great Sweet Adorable Nurse..

06-16-2008, 08:58 PM
That's so sweet. My husband just mentioned to me the other day that when he sneezes or coughs, Hannah always leaves the room. Around here when we are sick, we're on our own.


The Princess of Pillows wants no part of getting sick. Smartie pants of course!