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View Full Version : A very sad girl

06-13-2008, 11:40 AM
Of all the things Quinn has been threw in her life; shots, colds, flu, etc. nothing has been more terrible then her current situation....cutting her molars. She's been running a fever for 3 days now and she's in so much pain, the poor thing. She's been a very grouchy, feverish girl these past few days and I can't wait til these darn teeth just get it over with already! Every day is just a little better then the previous, but I'm still having to give her baby Tylenol and rub whiskey (just a drop every 4 hours, don't worry) on her extremely sore gums.

The first photo is Quinn pouting. She's usually SO happy and joyful, but she's just been so uncomfortable. She's in pout mode in this first photo because she was both sore and sad that I wouldn't let her play with my camera.

This past Tuesday she cried, I do believe, the entire day. When she cut her 8 front teeth she was never, ever this sore or miserable. I think I remember her having a slight fever for one of the teeth she cut, but nothing like this. I took her temp last night before bed and before I gave her Tylenol and she was 102.1, and that was the 2nd day of her fever. It's so hard to see a baby that you love so much in such discomfort and not be able to do much :(

I've also included a couple photos of my happy girl that I thought were cute. The second photo is Quinn playing in the cat tree and the last one is of her reading a book to Kersey. She loves to 'read' and loves books, she's always playing with books and she loves to read to mommy and her doggies (especially Kersey who's just the most patient, gentle dog I've ever met)

Happy Friday the 13th, everyone!

Cinder & Smoke
06-13-2008, 12:34 PM
And HEY ~ Lookie here ...

Iffin ya turn the book Uppie-Side-Down ...
Ya get a whole new story!



06-13-2008, 12:38 PM
Poor baby girl. Luckily, we don't remember that pain when we grow up! (But, our parents do) :( My Mom said she used to soak a bunch of wash cloths in water, roll them up individually and put them in the freezer. When 1 was almost frozen, she'd give it to me to gnaw on. The coldness helped with the pain and the chewing helped push the teeth through. Could be worth a try.

06-13-2008, 12:52 PM
go to the pharmacy and get her some oragel. I wouldn't suggest rubbing any amount of whisky on her gums.

06-13-2008, 01:16 PM
Oh, poor girl. :( I hope the temp. will drop soon and she'll feel better!

Love the second picture, and isn't she and Kersey precious in the crate together. :) :D

06-13-2008, 01:28 PM
Oh poor girl! :(

I love all the pics, she is so cute :love:

06-13-2008, 02:19 PM
Hyland's teething tablets work pretty well. Mary Joyce had high fever with her last 2 year molars (never has with any other teeth), and we ended up having to rotate infant tylenol and infant motrin every 4 hours. That did help.

06-13-2008, 02:39 PM
Check out the Orajel...poor baby, I hope she is better soon!

Just think - in a few short years, it will be fun with the Tooth Fairy. :)

06-13-2008, 03:09 PM
Have you heard of the nighttime orajel? it has more benzocaine in it (10%) for a little more relief.

I am not looking forward to the molars :(

Poor Quinn. I hope she feels better soon.

06-13-2008, 03:13 PM
Poor Quinn. I hope she feels better soon. Tylenol and Mortin helped Nathan best. I tried Orajel, but he hated it (and I don't blame him).

Nathan was just the opposite, he was a crab cake with most of the incisors. He now had 7 of his incisors (sill hasn't gotten one of the bottom ones) and 2 molars, one top and one bottom. The molars didn't cause him any trouble, I hope all the others come in as easily as those two.

Maya & Inka's mommy
06-13-2008, 03:18 PM
Aw poor Quinn:(....

Quinn has the most gorgeous big blue eyes!! Those pics with her doggie are so precious :love::)

06-13-2008, 04:20 PM
Oh, sweet Quinn! I'm sorry you are having trouble with your molars. You're always such a happy girl in the pictures your mommy posts for us. I hope you feel better very soon. The photos of you reading to your doggie are just adorable.

Your fan,

06-13-2008, 04:44 PM
The real problem here is that she's just too darned pretty! What incredible eyes she has! I'm so sorry the poor sweet girl is having problems w/teething. It's a tough time for her (and you). Hang in there; soon the tears will dry up and she'll be smiling all the time again. :)

06-13-2008, 06:08 PM
go to the pharmacy and get her some oragel. I wouldn't suggest rubbing any amount of whisky on her gums.

Yeah I know that they sell Oragel and I know it numbs the pain, however, it also toughens the skin which makes it harder for the teeth to push threw. I spoke with Quinn's doctor and he said that it's ok as just a drop or two rubbed on every 4 hours and have spoken with other moms who have used both numbing gell and a droplet of alcohol and the alcohol works better. I personally didn't see any relief from the whiskey so I only used it twice. She cried like heck when I applied it, and didn't really act much more relieved after I put it on her gums.

She's a little better today, but still puts her fingers in her mouth and cries. She's jsut so sore the poor thing :(

Thanks for the comments everyone :)

06-13-2008, 06:18 PM
Some babies have such a bad time with teething, poor baby.:(
My two drooled like crazy then too. I hope those teeth poke through
soon & we can see more smiley pictures.:) Feel better soon sweetie.

06-13-2008, 06:37 PM
OH My goodness, would you look at that precious pouting face!!!!!!!!!

Ughhh all this talk about babies makes me want one BADLY, but I can't right now!!

06-13-2008, 07:02 PM
oh my!!!
It is a good thing I'm not visiting b/c one look at those baby blues, and I would try to hand her the world!! :)
Feel better soon sweetie!

06-13-2008, 08:50 PM
Aw, poor precious Quinn.

If it makes her feel any better, tell her I cried and stuck my fingers in my mouth when my wisdom teeth came in. I feel your pain widdle pumpkin.

Lots of kisses on your sweet little head.

06-13-2008, 09:52 PM
Poor baby girl. Luckily, we don't remember that pain when we grow up! (But, our parents do) :( My Mom said she used to soak a bunch of wash cloths in water, roll them up individually and put them in the freezer. When 1 was almost frozen, she'd give it to me to gnaw on. The coldness helped with the pain and the chewing helped push the teeth through. Could be worth a try.

Yes I have tried the frozen washcloths and she LOVES them. I'm hoping they provide some comfort. Hopefully tomorrow will be a pain free day. Thanks for the comments everyone.

06-13-2008, 09:56 PM
Give her a hug 'n' kiss from me, okay? Toofies can be painful, but tell her they are good for chewing all sorts of yummy things even better!

06-14-2008, 01:32 PM
Bless her heart! I don't think I have ever seen a picture of Quinn pouting.

I hope that her teeth come in fast now and she will be back smiling at all of us.

Lilith Cherry
06-15-2008, 05:55 AM
Poor little girl! If you want to try a natural remedy you can put three drops of clove oil into one tablespoon of vegetable oil , shake it well and rub her gums with it... it worked on my kids when I lived in Malaysia far from a pharmacy. I used to give them a small bagel to chew on too which seemed to help a bit.

Love and kisses to Quinn and sympathy for mum too!