View Full Version : Lonely People...

08-30-2002, 08:13 AM
First off, let me start by giving a very big warning to all the sensitive readers. This is a gross story so be warned... Don't read any further if you know you are easily grossed out please.


My dad works at an apartment complex where he tends to various problems and such (I don't know what it's called in English). Anyways, there's been some complaints lately about some really bad smell coming from one of the apartments... So some of my dad's working mates knocked on the door to the bad-smelling apartment and when no one answered they locked it up and opened it and were met with an even worse odor. They found that the odor came from the bathroom but when they tried opening the door they found that something was in the way. They pushed at it hard and POFF it said and the door opened and inside was the elderly woman, spread all over the room. She had had an heartattack and collapsed against the door and had lied there, rotting, for several weeks. When they pushed against her body it explosed and her body was strewn everywhere. One of the workers got some blood and skin on him and... well you get the clue.

Anyways, you might be wondering why I am posting such a disgusting story but I guess I just had a point with it... It makes me sad to see that people can lead such lonely lives that they can die like that old woman WITHOUT anyone even noticing! It makes me so sad... And it scares me too cause I might end up like that one day.

It also reminds me of the wheelchair-bound kid that I see down in town all the time, always sitting and watching other kids playing around. He never goes up to them and play because he knows they'll just shun or tease him. If I had more guts I would go up to him myself and talk but I'm too much of a coward... I hope to get enough courage to do it one day atleast.

So anyways... Sorry for posting such a gross story, I just wanted to get my point across I guess. Sorry...

Former User
08-30-2002, 08:21 AM
Ok, I'm not going to comment on the gross stuff, because it's...gross.
I just wanted to say that Ann, you have NO FEAR at all that you would end up lonely. You are a wonderful girl, caring, loving and you have a big heart, thus, you will never be alone.

It might not be much of a help, but I consider you as a good friend, and if you ever need my help or anything, I'm just email away, you can always trust on me!

08-30-2002, 08:29 AM
Aww, thanks Niina :) You're too sweet *big hug*

08-30-2002, 08:35 AM

Your story broke my heart. I too way thinking: How sad that she died and noone even noticed that she was missing :( I wouldn't wish that on my least favorite person.

As for that kid in the wheelchair. It makes me sad too. Why are people so cruel? It amazes me how people can be so mean to eachother because of their differences. When children can not play and get along because they are afraid of being rejected, I can only see a dim future for this world.

Growing up, I had an uncle with Down Syndorme. He lives with us and my mom and dad took care. It helped me and my brothers understand and cope with the difference of people and become more accpeting of various handicaps some may have.

I have always been a gutsy person, carefree, and fearless. I try to make friends with shy people and introduce them to others.

Edwina's Secretary
08-30-2002, 08:47 AM
Because I lived alone from the time I graduated from college until I married (MANY years later!) I know the fear of which you speak. I had family and friends and co-workers who would be concerned but still...

What a sad story but what a good reminder to reach out to people who are alone, particularly the elderly or disabled or different. Too often we don't want to intrude or invade people's privacy when in fact that is what they most need! These days families tend to be so spread out that neighbors and friends really need to watch out for each other.

08-30-2002, 11:50 AM
It is very sad.... :(

Along the same lines...last night I was reading a book called Stories from the Heart (like the Chicken Soup books) and there was a poem from the point of view of a woman in a convalescent home towards her nurse. That she wasn't just a decrepit (her words, not mine) old woman, that she had thoughts, feelings, love in her still. It was a real eye opener. I volunteer occasionally at a convalescent home close by with my work and it is a good thing to remember.

08-30-2002, 12:40 PM
Those are real fears that I think everyone experiences at one time or another. It is a frightening thought to die and the only evidence that you are no longer earthbound is your bodies smell. I would imagine that you shouldn't worry about ever being alone. You are a lovely person and have the rest of your life ahead of you to meet 100's of interesting people.

08-30-2002, 12:51 PM
Ann, it says a lot about you that you are so sensitive to this poor woman's death.

Let's just pray that her death was very sudden and relatively painless for her. It is so sad that her remains were found in such a state, but I believe she is now at peace and I also believe that she "wasn't alone" at her time of death.

The young boy in the wheelchair.....since you have been sensitive enough to watch him, I don't think it will be too long before you will have the courage to speak to him. You could make a huge difference in his life by just saying a few kind words to him. When the time is just right - you will be filled with courage and will take the time to speak to him.

Bless you for being so sensitive to both human conditions.

08-30-2002, 12:56 PM
Good point.