View Full Version : S'mores or less? Thursday #269

06-11-2008, 06:57 PM
Since it's been hellaciously warm lately, how's about a bonfire in the evenings?

Some hot doggies, hamburgers, salads and to top it off....S'mores!

Gonna get the Orc to straighten out some wire hangers.....Where's Mommie Dearest?:rolleyes:...for the s'mores.....

I feel like a rum and coke! anyone else?:D

06-11-2008, 07:12 PM
Wire hangers for s'mores??? Where'd you grow up, the inner city? We used sticks - maple or ash or some other safe wood (not pine or cedar - that'd taste wierd - whatever was growing nearby!

No wires hangers, I'll bring sticks a'plenty, okay?

Large lemonade, please, as it's been hot and at Thursdays, I can drink lemonade, unlike real life, darn lemon allergy!

06-11-2008, 07:16 PM
Hey Richard! Sorry but I've had no time for playing these days and haven't been to Thursdays for a bit. W-U-R-K is really busy right now and so are my weekends.

I'd love to just plunk myself down on the big comfy sofa and just chill for a bit. May I have a double BM with a twist of lemon please? I've brought along some veggie burgers because I'm not eating meat these days....at least not when I'm at the dog park!;)

06-11-2008, 07:33 PM
Wire hangers for s'mores??? Where'd you grow up, the inner city? We used sticks - maple or ash or some other safe wood (not pine or cedar - that'd taste wierd - whatever was growing nearby!

No wires hangers, I'll bring sticks a'plenty, okay?

Large lemonade, please, as it's been hot and at Thursdays, I can drink lemonade, unlike real life, darn lemon allergy!

LOL, If they are good enough to get whupped with, you can make s'mores with a wire hanger!:)

One Large lemonade in exchange for the denuding of vital and valuable resources!!! JUST KIDDING:D



I'll put you veggies on and pour you a BM with a twist!

God I havben't had one of those in ages!


06-11-2008, 09:33 PM
Make mine shishkebob w/filet mignon, prosciutto wrapped asparagus on the grill, a crispy salad and a Mike's Hard Lemonade, please.

06-11-2008, 09:39 PM
Richard, I am still having problems imagining roasting marshmallows on wire hangers! Metal conducts heat extremely well! How did you ever insulate your hands?

Sticks also have the advantage that, when the marshmallows have all been toasted, they get thrown in the fire, no clean-up required.

Hmm, anybody seen Lady-pup? She had that whitecoats visit today ...

06-11-2008, 10:39 PM
Make mine shishkebob w/filet mignon, prosciutto wrapped asparagus on the grill, a crispy salad and a Mike's Hard Lemonade, please.

LOL, You'll have to twist off the tops to your drinks!;)




These aren't any hands, they are "Mena-Paws".:rolleyes:

Oh, slap me now.....


Urban survival method #26!

The trick to roasting marshmallows on wire hangers is a list of do's and don'ts!

Undo the hanger, straighten it out.
take the end you will hold and, using your hand as a measure, fold it over twice.
Place the wire over the fire to burn off the shellac -this does not work for the plastic coated type-only the brown basic kind of hangers.
The squiggly end of the hanger holds the marshmallow nicely.

The metal doesn't heat all the way to the end you are holding, You actually don't heat the wire long enough to get it heated to your hand and you can reuse the wire as a weiner roaster or fire stick.

But it does heat up far enough where you have to use the 50 percent rule of it's length. Don't grab it past that point - moving away from you. You can put a nice bow in the wire so you control the roast on the 'mallow.

The only problem with using a wire hanger was explaining to people how they ended up with clothes on the closet floor!:eek::rolleyes:


06-12-2008, 12:22 PM
Mmmmmm s'mores! although LOL @ the wire hangar, but that's what us City folks would do. :cool:

It's hot here too. What say we get out the squirt guns? :D

06-12-2008, 12:35 PM
I'll trade you your heat for all the storms and tornadoes we've been having lately!!

The town where I was born (Manhattan, KS) was hit by a tornado last night. The college campus of Kansas State has extensive damage. About 20 mil or so. My dad helped build some of that campus when I was born. :(
Thankfully no one was hurt there but a small town near there, Chapman, KS had parts that were leveled and two deaths. More storms on the way tonight and tomorrow. :(

I'll take a smore's (wooden stick for me, please) and a cherry rootbeer!!!:)

06-12-2008, 01:00 PM
RICHARD, do you have the slushie/cement mixer going?? I can use the biggest cherry slushie you can make! Those 'smores sure smell delicious. I'm a dedicated stick man myself.

06-12-2008, 01:24 PM
after dealing with a coworker whose mouth runs like a duck's arse, give me a TALLLLLLLLLL
Malibu and Diet Caffeine Free Coke, please.... ;)

06-12-2008, 01:33 PM
Confession 101: I've never ate a smore.

06-12-2008, 01:39 PM
Confession 101: I've never ate a smore.

ahhh yes - just something else you have to do when you come back to Po-Dunk! ;) :love:

06-12-2008, 04:37 PM
Mmmmmm s'mores! although LOL @ the wire hangar, but that's what us City folks would do. :cool:

It's hot here too. What say we get out the squirt guns? :D

Thank you for taking up for the the Sacred Order of the Mallow and Weiner Roasters!

One squirt gun? DONE!

One Old fashioned S'more -olde fashioned - and cherry root beer!



Seement Mixer, Cherry slushie and a Stick S'more.


Notice, there are sticks to be cut and no Mayor to bless them!;)


Malibu and coke and a cork for the duck's arse! Make sure you give Zippy a s'more made with dark chocolate....those suckers ROCK!


Are you sure you want a S'more?

You'll never be the same after....After your 'First Time' you'll be screaming, "S'more, S'more!":eek:


Cyber s'more? DONE!

06-13-2008, 10:05 AM
thanks Richard! :D

06-13-2008, 10:20 AM
Well, I confess - I am a wire hanger girl too - haven't had a s'more in years - even with the best intentions at Findlay - we just never got around to making them.

Po-Dunk? Where's that? Guess I missed that part of the country:D

A big cup of coffee this morning please - my computer is acting really funny and giving me strange messages - "insert original Professional XP disc" ???

What? I don't think so...............

Settle down girl, settle down - you have virus protection!

06-13-2008, 10:25 AM
Happy Friday the 13th and it's payday!!! What could be better than that.:D

I've got my brother in town this weekend. Thank goodness he's only here for two nights. :rolleyes:

Hey Bartender, I'm leaving for work very soon. How about a Spanish Coffee to go????

06-13-2008, 10:25 AM
my computer is acting really funny and giving me strange messages - "insert original Professional XP disc" ???

Mercury is still retrograde so your computer is just doing what mine always does during a retro Merc. :mad:

06-13-2008, 10:29 AM
Happy Friday the 13th and it's payday!!! What could be better than that.:D

Hey Bartender, I'm leaving for work very soon. How about a Spanish Coffee to go????

Better...better...A job and a paycheck?;)

One Coffee Espanol to go?

Mizz G,

My comp is acting stoopid today also!

One coffee for your commute!


Merc in retrograde.....gotta check my planets!


06-13-2008, 10:31 AM
Hey Gini, glad you use protection....... **slaps hand over mouth**

How about I come down there and fix your computer for you......again. ;)

Cinder & Smoke
06-13-2008, 10:41 AM

Malibu and coke and a cork for the duck's arse!


Would that *cork* be WITH installation;
or supplied as a stick-it-herself accessory?


Are we passing out *bibs* with the S'mores?
I've never had much luck eating one without 'wearing' quite a bit of it!

06-13-2008, 11:29 AM
I've no idea what S'mores are, but I'll take a chance and try one, if that's OK with you. :)

I was trying to find the answer to what the place is called in USA, that are called the coat hanger - or something similar. :rolleyes:

Here comes Fister... complaining loudly, hope he didn't dip his little nose into the chili marinted chicken! :eek:

Have a nice day at work, Slick! Is your lunch break at 12-13?

Cinder & Smoke
06-13-2008, 12:02 PM
I've no idea what S'mores are ...

See >>>




06-13-2008, 12:07 PM
Ohhh, that looks yummy!! I could eat one right now! :p

Fister is fine... no need for ice water for him. ;) He just wants some cuddles.

Cinder & Smoke
06-13-2008, 12:22 PM
I was trying to find the answer to what the place is called in USA,
that are called the coat hanger - or something similar. :rolleyes:


How 'bout the "Coat Hanger" in Asutralia??

Sydney Harbour Bridge or the Coat Hanger of Sydney, Australia



06-13-2008, 12:31 PM
Barkeep, may I have iced tea, please? And not an entire S'more, but a graham cracker would be yummy.

06-13-2008, 01:02 PM
Barkeep, any more slushies in the seement mixer, or did I drink it all? A second round of s'mores for me and I'll try 'em coat hanger style.

06-13-2008, 01:05 PM
Thanks for the info, Phred. :) I'm sure the answer was Australia, not USA. Ohh, the trivia you learn! :D

smokey the elder
06-13-2008, 01:47 PM
Mmmm...s'mores. I haven't had one of those in years.

06-13-2008, 02:36 PM
Phunny, but I never used a coat hanger. Anytime we went camping, my Dad would pick out the perfect twig and with a pocket knife he would carve a point at the end. On the other end he would carve our initials because my brother always tried to steal my twig. No matter how long we stayed at that campsite, we each used our own twig. Didn’t care about the ants or other bugs crawling on it….we just stuck a weenie or a marshmallow on the end and stuck it in the fire. God, those were great times.

We never had smores. Instead we would get a piece of tin foil and in it we would put an unpeeled banana. Cut a slit in the banana and fill with chocolate pieces, mini marshmallows, nuts and anything else. Wrap the whole thing up and put it in the coals. Wait impatiently until Dad says it’s OK to pull it out, unwrap and enjoy. Yummy!

Randi, I really don’t get a lunch break. I eat at my desk and work at the same time or sometimes, like now, I sneak a chance to check out PT. Say, what is for lunch anyway???

BT, another round please.:)

06-13-2008, 02:45 PM
I'll buy the next round!

Got good news at the dr today. I can cut down another one of my blood pressure meds. The one that knocks me out for 2 hours after I take it.
Maybe next time we have the tornado sirens go off, I'll be able to wake up and hear them!!! WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! :D:D:D

06-14-2008, 01:18 AM
Hey Gini, glad you use protection....... **slaps hand over mouth**

How about I come down there and fix your computer for you......again. ;)

And fix some Bailey's too?;)

I just float the corks, what happens afterwards?

I think you can walk to the top of that bridge..on some kind of tour!:eek:

Bib's all around? DONE!


You can make them over a gas stove, Find an old fork or a fondue, skewer and have fun!


Iced tea and come graham crackers?


Seement mixer slushies coming up!



Now's your chance! Some S'mores....LOL, Thursday's is a kind of time machine!!!



Ugh that sounds not too good-The banana is fruit and fruit is healthy!!;)

One more BM with a twist! DONE!


Congrats! That must make you happY!
I hope you can cut out the sirens in your life too!

Drinks on MOFF!

06-17-2008, 08:00 PM
Hi guys,
I haven't been to the bar in a while, but I just wanted to let you know that Lady is fine. It took her a couple of days to forgive LH for taking her to the vet but she is doing just fine and is just about back to herself.

Bartender can I have an irish please? It's a little cool here tonight.

06-17-2008, 10:58 PM
Good to hear Lady's feeling better. C'mere, girl, I'll give you a good bellyrub, okay? I owe you for the nice snuggles you have given me. And I won't let "Daddy" take you to that awful place right now, okay? 'nuf of that for a while, I say!

06-18-2008, 03:55 PM
Let's pour an Irish for the animal abooser;)

And start the thread for the next Thursday!