View Full Version : Geneology

06-10-2008, 09:53 PM
Ok so I don't know if I spelled it right, but ever since I started Therapy for my depression and obsessive compulsive disorder and other mental problems I have found a wonderful outlet in researching my family tree along with hubby's. I have found that my family originated from England and I've had a relative in every single battle from the American Revolution forward. It's so amazing.

I found a vast array of my family is from Ohio, Alaska and California. I wouldn't be surprised if anyone knew them. If anyone would like some help or websites for free searching and documenting let me know. PMs always welcome.:D

Suki Wingy
06-10-2008, 10:32 PM
It is fun, isn't it? My uncle and father did a lot of research. I found out I had European relatives in the States as far back as the late 1600s. I also had a relative (I for get how many 'greats' grandfather) who was a counterfeiter and had 21 children since he just kept getting up and starting new families. He was a real character, I'll bet.

06-10-2008, 10:53 PM
A friend of mine is researching her ancestors on her mother's side. They were originally from Scotland. :D

06-10-2008, 11:04 PM
My mother's side of the family is well-documented all the back, if you believe some of her cousins, to Robin of Loxley and a bit before ...

Dad's side, we only know his grandparents when they got off the boat from Sweden ... Swedish geneology is incredibly difficult to trace because of the old naming customs, and Dad says we probably don't really wanna know anyway! And the whole village came to America, so there wouldn't be anyone in the old country to ask!

06-11-2008, 07:33 AM
I enjoyed back tracking family as well. I started when my Grandfather was still alive, on my Dad's side. I would chat with him and take notes, then meet with other family embers and get their remembrances. And differences, back to Grandpa! I have 6 generations back on that one. Not likely to get much more, as in Sicily you'd need to have old family Bibles to trace anything; there were no registries until rather recently.

On my mum's side, it was easier as more "old folks" were still living. However they were all in England so I had to do it by writing. Took a bit more time, but I got 4 generations. I stopped at that point.

Bringing it forward, as cousins and their children marry, and have children of their own, has be a challenge because there are just so darn MANY!! :D

06-11-2008, 10:53 AM
I have recently traced some ancestors who emigrated to USA, sent you a mail about that.

My father told me when I was a child, that some cousins in his family had emigrated, but he didn't know much about it. I now know that five of his father's brothers' have emigrated, but only one of them I have traced. This one moved to Minnesota and then four years later to Montana and had seven children. He was married in 1903 in Milroy, Redwood MN and died in 1957 in Seattle, King, CO WA

I would love to find out about the others, but can't find them on this site: http://www.familysearch.org/Eng/Search/frameset_search.asp?PAGE=igi/search_IGI.asp&clear_form=true

... which is supposed to a good one to find anybody. However, I did find some of their names in the Danish Emigration Archives' Database: http://www.emiarch.dk/info.php3?l=en

Karen, do you know where in Sweden your ancestors came from? As far as I know, a lot of Swedes went from Copenhagen on the ships if they lived in the South, so perhaps you could find some info there. Try typing in what you know in the database. :) There are links at the bottom for other databases and passenger lists.

06-11-2008, 01:05 PM
If anyone would like some help or websites for free searching and documenting let me know. PMs always welcome.:D

Did you have to pay a fee to use the sites you found your info on??

06-11-2008, 01:16 PM
same as Angie asked...

and would they work for me too?... living in Mexico??....

I love this kind of research and itīs always nice to know where you came from ages and ages ago....

wouldnīt it be cool if we found out someone here is related to other someone here in like zillion years ago??

06-11-2008, 01:36 PM
I have family from lots of places.

Last month I had access to the US military files. I found out my gg step-grandfather, who fought in the Civil War, has the wrong headstone. He has a Confederate headstone but he was a Union soldier. :rolleyes:

The family couldn't figure out why none of the info on his headstone matched the family records or his obit. Well, duh!!! :D

06-14-2008, 11:48 AM
Here is a link to one of my favorite sites. It has links and tips on how to find info. It's a free site.


Killearn Kitties
06-20-2008, 03:27 PM
It's lots of fun, isnt it? It is my new obsession too. Through researching my family I have recently discovered a 2nd cousin that I had no contact with before. She has been researching the family for several years and it is nice to have her to research with. We have been able the swap quite a lot of stuff, including very old photographs.

I have never discovered any ancestors who came from anywhere exotic - Scottish on all sides as far back as the early 1700s.