View Full Version : what do you.....

08-30-2002, 03:09 AM
I know we all love our cats even tho they do things we DON"T love at times, so, what is the thing you love most about your cats personality... and, what is the thing you least like about him or her? tell about each cat if you want to...

Muffin...I love it when she comes over to me and cuddles. and I love her "happy" walk!
I don't like the fact that she is mean to the kittens.

Emma...I love how she brushes up against my leg, and meows for me to pet or massage her, and she loves to get her head and tummy scratched!
I don't like it she doesn't let me pet her!

Louise...the rare times that I can pet her, without her running away.(she's still very wild) and I love her pretty face!
I don't like the way she will meow so OFTEN for canned food!

Charlie...his meow, and petting his silky soft fur!
I don't like it when he runs when I want to pet him. doesn't happen much anymore.

Patches...he is just so darn funny! I love to put my hand on his tummy, then he play attacks me!
what I don't like is when he meows for food, when there are bowls of dry food around, in the morning it is like he forgets sometimes, and I have to get up and bring him to it, but he is getting better about that.

Former User
08-30-2002, 04:51 AM
What I like the best in Casper is that he's goofy and funny all the time, our big purring boy! He just sometimes comes to me and looks at me, demanding that I pick him up, so that he can purr for me :) Ah, that's sooooooooooo nice!

What I don't like in him.... well, his way of eating the canned food sometimes. He takes it off from the dish with his paw and drops it on the floor and makes a mess...ugh, so annoying to clean the mess then!

Kitty girl then... I like how cute she can be sometimes (well, all the time), she can be so desperate for petting that she rolls around on the floor, exposing her tummy for rubs.

What I don't like about her... her playing dry food hockey! Ugh, we moved the tv table last week and there was probably 100 pieces of dry food under there :rolleyes: :(

08-30-2002, 06:31 AM
What I don't like about her... her playing dry food hockey! Ugh, we moved the tv table last week and there was probably 100 pieces of dry food under there - quoted from C & K.)

LOL Niina - maybe she's setting up an emergency store 'cupboard' - great for midnight munchies !!!!! :D :D


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-30-2002, 02:14 PM
Tubby - I like that it seems he can't get enough of me. :rolleyes: Seems wherever I go, he's right there with me, and I especially like it when we're watching TV and he likes to jump up on lay on my chest. He's such a little lover boy. :)

I don't like it when he's mean to Peanut and when he does his yowling thing. He sounds so mournful and lost, and I hate to think that he is really feeling that way.

Peanut - She is such a little cutie pie, and the sweetest little kitty. I especially like our morning ritual of her jumping up on the bed and playing and offering her tummy up for some good rubs. Of course then I'm running late for work, but what's new. :rolleyes: I also like the way she jumps in bed in the morning, before we get up, for her morning pets.

I don't like that she is so stand offish. Very rarely will she come to us of her own free will (when we're not in bed). Usually I have to pick her up and bring her over, and then the second I stop petting her she leaves. And a lot of times when we're up in the loft watching TV, she won't even come upstairs - just prefers to be downstairs all by herself. :(

08-30-2002, 02:19 PM
hmmm...what I like and don't like....

LIKE:I'm selfish...I love that he likes me better than anyone else, that he's content to lay in my arms and cuddle for however long I want, that he doesn't always have to sprawl on top of me everytime I sit on the sofa(he loves the perch on top of the sofa by my head.... that once I open the bedroom door and allow the kitties in the room in the morning, he's the first to jump up and give cuddles.
DON'T LIKE:he's fascinated with escaping out the door, he doesn't cover up his poop, and he sprays litter all over the floor when he leaps out the box

LIKE: the good kitty, for the most part...I love how she covers up all the boys poop in the litter box(just proves that girls ARE neater than boys! :) ) the way she will always come by me to sleep when she's tired(even when I'm taking a bath, she'll come sleep by the tub) and how she's the first one to greet me at the door, and the cute way that she plays with bags(she LOVES to play in bags)
DON'T LIKE: the way she constantly tries to get up on the coffee table, that she is worse than the ferrets with trying to *help* me change the litter box(I swear I waste more litter with her always knocking the scooper and box) and how she likes to use my beautiful throw rug as her personal scratch pad

LIKE: how affectionate he is...always purring and trying to get me to hold him, he's pretty eyes, the way he always stands on his hind legs during play, how much he loves me and forgives me even though I always have the squirt bottle handy because he is B-A-D!
DON'T LIKE:his being overly affectionate sometimes...he's as bad as a date who doesn't know the meaning of NO! He'll put his paws on my face and lick my face all over. When his tongue gets to rough and I put him down, he'll jump back up on the sofa with me and keep licking my face no matter how much I try to get him to stop...he'll even lick my earlobes! ...his obsesswion with the coffee table...how no matter how involved he is with play, if I'm on the sofa eating something he always has to try to get it

Even though they try my patience sometimes, I love them all to pieces.

08-30-2002, 03:08 PM
What!?!? Things I DON'T like about my furfaces? Is that even possible? ;)

I LOVE almost everything about him. He greets me at the door, puts me to sleep at night by laying on my head (pillow too) and purring, knows when I wake up at 2:34 a.m. with an asthma attack he lays on my chest until I fall back asleep, he is always there to give me kiss, how he meows sadly when he can't find me when I leave a room and how he falls asleep when I talk to him. I love how he's taken Basil under his wing and is such a cute "daddy" to him. I also love how we play together, he's always up for a round of "chase mommy around the apartment". He's my little sweetie! :)
What I don't like: he doesn't like to be held and that he can be so rough when playing with Noel and Basil. He also is a terror when we have company...he bites and growls!! :( I hate that he is a perfect angel with us, but a little devil to others. :(

I love her personality! She is such a character at home! She meows to herself and plays with herself all the time. She loves to sit on our laps to sleep and will always take naps with us. She is our constant shadow and is my little bathtime companion. She really is so much fun.
What I don't like: She doesn't like to be held either. She will let you hold her if you hold on tight, but then I feel like we are forcing her to cuddle. She'll cuddle when SHE wants too...the "normal" female cat I guess. :)

Gosh, he is just so cute! I love that he ALWAYS wants to cuddle and be held. I love his silent meows and his purring when we cuddle. He has such an easy going personality most of the time, he even let us put a collar on him the first day we got him! He is so trusting and loves to play with us.
What I don't like: He is so needy. He is a little baby that really needs us, which isn't bad. But he meows for no apparent reason (to us at least) and gets insistant when we don't know what he wants...just like the hooman variety! :)

Mostly, they are our little furry angels! We love so much! :)

08-31-2002, 05:50 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by NoahsMommy

What I don't like: He is so needy. He is a little baby that really needs us, which isn't bad. But he meows for no apparent reason (to us at least) and gets insistant when we don't know what he wants...just like the hooman variety! :)

Oh but Kelly - he's just THE most gorgeous cutie pie snuggle bum and we all love him to bits!!!!!! LOL.

08-31-2002, 07:32 PM
What I like about Storm: He's a very social, friendly, and loyal cat. He thinks he's a dog. He acts like the mother to Pepper and Sunny. He has the softest fur that I have ever felt. I also love it when he cuddles with me in bed. What I don't like about Storm: He's very buggy and needy sometimes. He can be very demanding for his food, treats, and attention. He can also be a big bully to Pepper. He doesn't like to be held and he's not a lap cat.
What I like about Pepper: He's a very easy going, sweet, and sensitive cat. He likes to give hugs and sit on my lap. I love his beautiful green eyes and his fur coat.
What I don't like about Pepper: I don't like it when he becomes so excited that he drools all over me. I also don't like it when I pet him and he nips me. I don't like him being so lazy.
What I like about Sunny: I love his goofy, funny, and entertaining personality. I like the way he's a mama's boy and needs his cuddles, scritches, and tummy rubs. I like the way he meows to me to tell me about his day. I like that he's able to entertain himself with his many toys. I also like the way he chirps as he's running down the hallway. I also love his orange and white coat.
What I don't like about Sunny: He thinks that he should always be the center of attention and he gets very jealous of his brothers. He meows very loud in the mornings and sometimes meows in my ear to wake me up. When I want to pick him up and cuddle with him he sometimes runs away from me. He sometimes plays in the water dish and he doesn't cover his poop very well.

I love all three of my cats very much and wouldn't trade them for anything in the world. http://pages.prodigy.net/rogerlori1/emoticons/catlove.gif

09-01-2002, 06:09 AM
Great thread toughcookie - now here I go - - -

I love it when she's in a lovey mood and chirrups at me and wants me to wind her tail into a bagel shape - hence the name!
I hate it when she's so mean to Ketchum and hisses and spits at him.

I love it when he's a big brave boy and jumps on my lap for a snuggle and purr session.
I hate it when he gets so afraid - dashes upstairs and under our bed and stays there for hours. Poor furboy.

I love it when he's in one of his sloppy moods - boy can he give with the purring, head bumpies and nose kissing then!
I hate it when he's getting at Ketchum with claws out and being an all round bully.

Love 'em all to bits and wouldn't be without them at all!!


Miss Meow
09-01-2002, 06:22 PM
Oh KAK, I'm so glad I don't have a drooler!!! :)

What I love about Mini:

The way he follows me around everywhere, anticipates where I'm going and waits for me with such happiness. His blue eyes. The way he fetches and knows how to open the pipe-cleaner packet to get new toys. His talkativeness. And so many other things.

What I don't love so much about Mini:

He hogs the bed! Sometimes he rummages through the rubbish bin and distributes its contents over the loungeroom carpet.

What I love about Jasmine:

Her independence, mixed with bouts of purring loviness. Her squeak in place of a meow. The way she trots around the house in a high-footed prance - she's a very happy little cat. And lots of other things.

What I don't love about Jasmine:

She wees over the edge of litter tray occasionally. And sometimes she eats too much grass and vomits all over the carpet, only inches from the kitchen tiles (aim better girl!)

Overall, the annoying bits are so small in relation to the amount of happiness and laughter they bring.

09-01-2002, 06:44 PM
Graemer: Like: I love his sweet and loving personality. He just never has a problem with changes in environments, foods, people. He is so well adjusted to life in general. He is a love bug for sure. He follows me to every room and is a good boy. I love the scent of his fur.

Graemer: Dislike: He has to jump so high on furniture and cabinets. He is a bit obsessive with certain toys and objects, including guests and guest pets.

Miley: Like: She is so gentle and petite! She is so sensitive and you can see it in her eyes. She is my sweet heart kitty.

Miley: Dislike: She is too timid in many situations and it seems to bother her more inwardly - resulting in her licking her fur to the point of removing the fur!

Gabriel: Like: His fur is so soft and he is such a teddy bear. I love picking him up and giving him hugs and kisses. He would prefer that to being petted. He loves sleeping in bed with me and he stays there the entire night. He follows me everywhere I go.

Gabriel: Dislike: Surely wish I could learn to trust him in difficult times. He is one big fraidy cat, for sure. I think he came straight out of the Wizard of Oz!

I love all three of my kitties and wouldn't trade them for anything!

=^..^= =^..^= =^..^=

Grammy, Miley and Gabe

09-03-2002, 12:21 PM
Originally posted by lynnestankard
Oh but Kelly - he's just THE most gorgeous cutie pie snuggle bum and we all love him to bits!!!!!! LOL.

How sweet! :) Yes, he sure is a sweet little thing...I swear he thinks we are his REAL parents. It's too cute how he is our constant shadow. :D