View Full Version : Was at the Emergency Room last night

06-10-2008, 10:10 AM
With all that has been going on in my life things just got to be too much. I asked certian people to let me slow down to catch my breath or take a break but they would not let me. So last night I was at the point where I could barely catch my breath, Tried phoning everyone I knew and no one was home. Finally Derek said he was taking me to the emergency and I really started to go nuts. So he phoned emergency to see if Sheena was allowed. They said Service dogs are allowed and he did tell her that she is a medical alert Service dog. So we got her in her gear and tag and me in my jammy pants and shirt and off we went. The waiting room wasn't to crowded but as soon as we walked in it was smiles all around. The nurses tried very hard to be proffesional and not look at her or distract her. Sheena was being as good as gold. Alerting me like crazy that something was wrong. Which she was doing by nosing my knee while sitting. I would tell her good girl and wait.

The got us in the system and then we sat and waited. All the other people couldn't help looking at her, Sheena was being perfect. She was laying across my feet like she is supose to too make sure I don't get up. Every time she would raise her head as the doors would slide open all I would say to her was "lay down all the way" and down the head would go agian.

Finally we were called in and I was surprised to see my family doctor. Sheena was laying beside my chair and barely move, He commented on how well behaved she was and good looking and then got to work. I tolf him all the expectations on me right now and even he agreed it was too much right now so soon after February. He told me to slow down and he gave me a new perscription to take that should help.

Then we left with comments on how well behaved she was and how beautiful she was, If I remember correctly it is only her second time being in an emergency room. I was so proud of her, And the doctor could she a huge difference in me as well with her there,

06-10-2008, 10:27 AM
that's great to hear about how Sheena did.
I have never had the opportunity to see a service dog in my line of work. other than a lady that was training a standard poodle for service. I am such a dog nut but I force myself to ignore service dogs when I see them out in public. If its a golden retriever its even harder tho!!
I sincerely hope you feel better soon.

06-10-2008, 10:35 AM
Thanks I am feeling a little better but until I talk to every one and they under stand that I can't go at the pace they want me to the then I will still be stressed till then

06-10-2008, 12:47 PM
I work for a company that rents, sells and services wheelchair accessible vans so I see service dogs all the time and it IS very hard to keep from petting them! :D

Glad she did a great job!

06-10-2008, 01:43 PM
first nicole, i'm glad you went to the ER, and i'll be praying for you. second....good girl sheena! good dog

06-10-2008, 02:17 PM
{{HUGS}} Nicole. I hope that things will ease up so you can feel better quickly.

What a darling your Sheena is, she shows that over, and over, and over again. You can be proud, mom, and brag all you like about that dear girl! :D

06-10-2008, 02:34 PM
Thanks all. Having Sheena there sure made the experience so much easier. From now on when I have to go to the hospital I am going to ask if she can come and the same with the clinic. I always assumed she couldn't because she is not seen as a "legal" service dog like guide dogs and hearing alert dogs. Only those ones have legal status in Alberta. But with permission she can go. So from now on I am going to ask permission for her to go.
Nicole & Sheena PSD

06-10-2008, 04:02 PM
Glad to hear that you're feeling and doing better and I'm sure that Sheena had a lot to do w/that. What a good girl she is! Better and better.......

06-12-2008, 10:07 PM
Glad to hear you are feeling better. This month must be a bad one... my homeschooled girl got so stressed about completing all her work on time for the end of the year last week that she took about 12 of her new meds that she hadn't been taking and ended up in the ER with an overdose. She's only 13, and it scared the heck out of me. Her mom is in rough shape too. She was hospitalized last year because her older daughter found her in the garage, unconscious, in her SUV with the exhaust going into the window. This was last June.

I really hope that you can find a comfort zone and not have to stress so much. Take care, and know that we are all here for you!