View Full Version : Sassy

06-08-2008, 04:58 PM
I can't hide this anymore. Sassy's time is running out. I couldn't wait to start a memorial thread because I need to get this out. Sassy is going to the RB this week or next week, hopefully this week. There is nothing more that can be done. We've tried acupuncture, we have tried various medications for arthritis and nothing is working. Acupuncture worked for awhile but it's stopped. She can't get out of her cage anymore, it takes her about ten minutes. It was my choice to decide this and I decided to go with it. My parents made the appointment for yesterday but they couldn't go through with it. I don't care what anyone else thinks, and I don't care if I'm judged for this. This is the best thing for her, We've tried everything else. I don't care if people think I'm looking for attention or anything else. I have to get this out somewhere. Thank you.


06-08-2008, 05:32 PM
I most certainly will not judge you. Only you are able to see the quality of life that Sassy has right now. Only you can make that decision.


I know this is so difficult for you and your family. Prayers and good thoughts to help you.

06-08-2008, 06:03 PM
LES here. :( I do not know how you are feeling right now, but the fact that someday I will have to go through this with my own has crossed my mind more than once.

Like Grace, I will not judge you in the slightest. You are the only one on PT who sees her on a daily basis and has to go through the motions of seeing Sassy getting by. I know it is tough, but I believe that if you think it is time, then it is.

It would take a morbid person to make a thread like this just for attention, and I know you are far, far from morbid. :] You are a very kind person who loves Sassy with all your heart. I am behind you 100%.

Major (((hugs))) and good vibes headed that way for Sassy and your whole family. You will all be in my thoughts.

06-08-2008, 07:02 PM
As has been said many times here in the past - YOU are the only one who can make this decision. In situations like this it is you and only you which makes it an easy decision and a hard decision all at the same time.

I'm in the same boat with my Carly. I have her one day at a time and when the pain becomes too much for her to bear, I'll make that decision. Then it the pain will become too much for me to bear, but I do it because I love her. As you love your Sassy.

You are in my thoughts and prayers in this difficult time.


06-08-2008, 07:07 PM
Alyssa, I will deffinetly not judge you, I believe you are making the BEST possible decision for miss Sassy girl. Sassy loves you so incredibly much, and I know you love her just the same. I will support you in your decision. I am so so sad to hear this, but I KNOW it is the best possible decision you could have made for her.

We love and care about you, Alyssa, and I want you to remember this.:)

06-08-2008, 08:31 PM
I remember reading threads about how you were looking for anything to help Sassy. So I don't think anyone would judge you or think you are just giving up on Sassy. If anything, you are doing the best thing for her. While it's the most difficult thing for YOU, you know it is necessary. Many of us have been there, or will be someday.
It took my mom months to finally make this decision with her Min Pin, Kodi. But now she is at peace with it and knows it was the best thing for him.

HUGS to you and your family.

06-08-2008, 08:45 PM
Oh Alyssa, I'm so sorry.:( No judging from me, I doubt anyone will judge you. Only you know how Sassy is doing. Only you know when it's time. You will be doing what is sometimes the kindest thing we can do for our beloved furkids. You, Sassy and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.{{{hugs}}}

06-08-2008, 08:47 PM
Hugs and prayers to Alyssa and Sassy :love:

06-08-2008, 09:10 PM
I'm so very sorry, Alyssa. :( how devastated you must be. :( no one should judge you; you're doing what's best for sweet Sassy. :love: ((((HUGS)))) you both will be in my thoughts and prayers.

06-08-2008, 09:30 PM
I'm so sorry Alyssa. I know how much you love Sassy, and I believe you know what is best for her.

06-08-2008, 10:34 PM
OMG! Nobody with any sensitivity would judge you. I remember asking my vet (about Cody) "How will I know when it's time?" And his answer was "You'll know". It's the hardest decision you will ever make, but you love Sassy too much to see her suffer anymore. I'm so sorry. Know that the precious pumpkin is much loved by all. You and your family will be in my thoughts. Gentle kisses and hugs to sweet Sassy. :love:

Daisy and Delilah
06-09-2008, 01:06 AM
I'm so sorry, Alyssa. How sad for everybody. I have grown to love the adorable little girl so much and I know we all will miss her. This is one of the most difficult things you'll face in your entire life. Sadly, it sounds like it's the right time. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}
Please give that little girl some gentle kisses from me.:(

06-09-2008, 01:08 AM
Sassy will live forever, both in your heart and in the hearts of everyone on Pet Talk. Don't you worry, and give her a kiss from me before she goes, okay?

06-09-2008, 05:06 AM
You will receive no judgment from us. Most of us have gone through this at some time in our lives, and if we haven't unfortunately we will. :( It is a heart wrenching time. I know it is breaking your heart to see her as she is now. Please feel all of our (((hugs))) and give her some extra cuddles from all of us.

06-09-2008, 08:21 AM
No judgements here. I've been in your shoes and I know how hard it is.

Could we please see one more picture?

06-09-2008, 12:13 PM
I am so sorry M_L :(.

06-09-2008, 12:26 PM
Sorry to hear Alissa :(
I got told I was trying to get attention when I made a thread about having to put Rockee down and I couldn't belive my eyes, someone who is a "respected" member would say something like that. I'm glad you have a good attitude about it. I think you know that your both ready for this and honestly I think that now it will be easier on you.
We'll all be here for you and Sas.

06-09-2008, 04:07 PM
My parents made the appointment for Saturday morning. I don't think I can go..I can't bare to see that. Anyway, although I'm not very relegious but..I found a very good quote for sassy online. It was a comment on youtube for a barbaro video but it fit perfectly in here.

"God couldn't fix her legs, so he gave her wings" I changed the him to her though :p

06-09-2008, 04:11 PM
"God couldn't fix her legs, so he gave her wings" I changed the him to her though :p

Major LES. That is so sweet. Oh my, here I've not had the pleasure of even meeting Sassy and I'm already crying for her. :(

Alyssa, just know this is the best thing for her. And keep in mind all the years you had together, all the fun times.

Suki Wingy
06-09-2008, 04:19 PM
Good wishes for you and Sassy. I'm sure she'll be happy to leave the pain behind. :(

06-09-2008, 05:24 PM
Awww Alyssa.:( My heart breaks for you. But only you know your baby girl and whether now is the right time to let her go. There will be no judgement passed from my way.

Please give Sassy some love from me...tell her that she will be greatly missed, her and her beautiful "puppy-like" face but we understand that it is her time to be a puppy again at the RB.

She will be pain-free and she will be forever greatful to you for making the right decision and ending her suffering.

Sending our love to you and Sassy. :love::love:

06-09-2008, 07:10 PM
Try and go in with her.
She has been with you through thick and thin and she would be heart broken if you weren't in the room with her for her last minutes on earth.
She would be with you if it was happening to you.
My mom and brother didn't want to come in with us for both the dogs but they did because they knew how much it would mean to them.
I know it's hard but it would mean so much to her.

06-09-2008, 08:25 PM
Hugs to you, and gentle cuddles to dear Sassy.

Spend some time with her, take some photos give her some treats, let her enjoy her special places and things. You will always remember you did that.

I've been through this . . . 8 or 9 times in my life. It is always different; it always hurts; it never gets easier; and yes, I always know when it is the right thing to do. You see her, you remember how she was, you take in the quality of her life, the look in her eyes . . . and you make the decision, which is as it should be. No one on here knows the situation to make judgments. And in the end, this is between you and Sassy, and your family.

06-09-2008, 10:35 PM
Alyssa, my heart dropped when I read this :(. I know i'm not on PT much anymore these days, but Sassy was always one of my favorite pt dogs. You are doing what's best for her... always remember that, and all the wonderful memories you shared together.

Hugs to you and Sassy. :love: Please give her extra snuggles for me please.

06-10-2008, 06:06 AM
We might make the appointment for Wednesday night. My heart is broken. :( Thank you for all the thoughts and prayers for me, my family and Sassy.

06-10-2008, 06:48 AM
I'm so sorry Alyssa. My prayers for you and Sassy in this hard time.

06-10-2008, 07:12 AM
All of us want the best for our furkids, we understand your decision. You've given Sassy a wonderful life. :love:To lovingly let her go when it's time is a gift to her. She'll be out of pain. That quote you added is very beautiful. :) Sassy will always be part of our PT family.

06-10-2008, 10:26 AM
More hugs & prayers for Sassy and Alyssa today.

06-10-2008, 12:44 PM
Oh no. I can't stop crying. :(:(:(

Fenway & I are sending you & Sassy a giant hug right now. Please take care.

06-10-2008, 03:58 PM
You are in our prayers....Almost everyone who has dogs and raises and loves them as a member of our family has to face this time sometime....I've never had to yet, but our sweet dalmatian (although in great health) will be 14 in about 2 weeks, so I truly understand what you must be going through. No judgements here...just respect for loving and caring for your sweet Sassy as you have.....

06-10-2008, 04:06 PM
Please reconsider being with her when she crosses. As hard as it may be on you, it may make her feel more comfortable.

{{{HUGS}}}} to Sassy, you and your family.:love:

M&M's Mommy
06-10-2008, 05:29 PM
Sassy & you are in my thoughts & prayers.


06-10-2008, 06:17 PM
Oh no, Alyssa! :( I am so, so sorry. I know nothing can be said to make this hard time easier, just know that all of us are here for you, wishing you well, and supporting the decisions one has to make in order to do the most they possibly can. :(

***HUGS*** for Sassy, for you, and for your family in this time. :(


06-10-2008, 10:53 PM
I know it'll be a forever image, but please reconsider holding Sassy in your loving arms. It'll be comforting to her.

06-10-2008, 11:13 PM
I'm very sorry to hear about Sassy. :( I know it is one of the hardest decisions you'll ever have to make. I know I'm in the minority here, but I don't think anyone should pressure you into being there if you don't feel like you can. I support you in whatever you end up doing and I know that Sassy knows you love her reguardless.

06-11-2008, 03:13 PM
I've decided to go in with her. It's not going to be tonight, it will be on Friday at 6:15 PM. :( I am going to have to do this again someday and I think it'll do me some good.

06-11-2008, 04:18 PM
This will most likely be one of the hardest things you'll ever do, but you are helping Sassy to the Rainbow Bridge, ending her suffering. You will be okay. I will keep you all in my prayers. If you ever need someone to talk to feel free to pm me Alyssa.{{{hugs}}}

06-11-2008, 04:37 PM
I don't think anyone should pressure you into being there if you don't feel like you can. I support you in whatever you end up doing and I know that Sassy knows you love her reguardless.

I was thinking exactly the same thing. HUGS to Alyssa and Sassy!

06-11-2008, 05:02 PM
I'm very sorry to hear about Sassy. :( I know it is one of the hardest decisions you'll ever have to make. I know I'm in the minority here, but I don't think anyone should pressure you into being there if you don't feel like you can. I support you in whatever you end up doing and I know that Sassy knows you love her reguardless.

I am in agreement with you Amy. When I was Alyssa's age I could never have done that. Each person is different, and Alyssa you do what you feel comfortable with. (((hugs))) to you and Sassy.

06-12-2008, 10:53 AM
Oh my gosh, Alyssa, I'm SO sorry :( I can't even begin to imagine how hard this is for you. Sassy has been such a blessing in the PT family as well as in all of our hearts. It's so sad to see her go :(

06-12-2008, 12:25 PM
Again, much respect....I could never have done what you are going to do when I was your age. I don't even know if I could do it at my age......Give sweet Sassy some hugs and kisses from my Boomer and Cassie.....

06-12-2008, 05:46 PM
Alyssa honey I am so very sorry you are having to face this with Sassy, we all at some point have had to go through this, some of us more than once unfortunately!! I will not lie to you it will be hard on you and on your family, but trust in yourself that you know Sassy better than anyone, especially anyone on here and you live with her every day 24/7, you know when it is time, they have a way of letting you know, some very loudly, while other's do it very softly. My prayers are with all of you and especially you, if you can be in there with her then do it, but if you can't don't think you are failing her because you are not, you are making the most unselish decision for her and putting an end to her suffering, that shows her you truly love her and trust me she knows without a doubt that you love her.
My thoughts will be with you.

06-12-2008, 05:51 PM
This post is coming straight from my broken heart...

but to tell you the truth I am more happy then sad for Sassy. I am very sad that I have to see her leave me forever, but I know keeping her alive will show all the selfishness I could ever have. I've cried a few times already this past week, but I have to say I am happy for her. She is in so much pain and it breaks my heart even more to see her this way, then to see her lying on the Vet's table dead. She will be happy and healthy again at the Rainbow Bridge playing with all her old doggie friends who have passed on and her new pettalk dog friends, and with her old budgie buddy Sunny as well. I know I will see her again someday and that makes it better. Trust me, my heart is broken. This is so unreal, coming home to nothing when I'm so used to see that wagging tail and shining black eyes, but I can't keep her alive. It would be utter torture. I know I will CRY alot, probably cry myself to sleep tommorow night and the following nights. I will cry at the vet's office. It has really sunken in yet that she is going to the RB, it won't for awhile. But I don't want to be sad anymore, I don't want to have the dreadful feeling and emptiness. I just want to be able to remember her with happiness.

Sadly, the dreadful day is almost upon us.

I am sorry, I know I'm rambling. I now have tears streaming down my face again. :(

Anyway, I also heard a lyric in a song today that really made me think:

"Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same" It's so true, especially for my situation right now.

06-12-2008, 06:14 PM
but I have to say I am happy for herYou think just like me, maybe that's why we get along so well. I was happy for Thunder too, to finally be out of that pain. He didn't want to be here anymore he was miserable.

then to see her lying on the Vet's table deadDon't think of it that way, think of her spirit just coming out of her body and being beside you again happy and young again. She'll only be gone in body form.

I find it was harder to think about the day coming then after it happened.
I cried alot before the day but after I was happy for him and knew he was still beside me.

06-12-2008, 06:23 PM
Thank Alicia, and also thanks to everyone who has thought of me and Sas and replied. I can't tell you how thankful I am to tell people who actually care. It's wonderful not having to worry about people who say "It's JUST a dog get over it!" Seriously, people are so stupid. They have no idea how wonderful owning a dog is, having unconditional love and loyalty. Someone to go on walks, swims, and hikes with. Someone who is feircly loyal, someone to rant to when NO ONE else will listen. I feel pity for the people who think like that.

06-12-2008, 08:02 PM
Alyssa, my heart goes out to you and Sass right now. That song lyric is all to true.
I also love coming to a place like PT where people won't judge you on your decisions.

Just remember, we love you and Sassy!:love::love:

Daisy and Delilah
06-12-2008, 08:48 PM
Alyssa, honey, I can't tell you how sorry I am that you have to send your beloved girl to the rainbow bridge tomorrow. It will be one of the hardest things you have to do in your life. I'm with those that say to go with how you feel about being with her tomorrow. It is a picture that you'll always remember. However, you may never forgive yourself if you're not with her as she says goodbye. Sassy is crossing to a beautiful place where pain is not existent. It's a better place for her. I have a feeling that she is ready to go. Bless you Alyssa. Sassy has had a wnderful life and it's her tme to move on and become a new angel in heaven.
{{{{{{{GIANT HUGS}}}}}}} Godspeed on your journey to the bridge, Sassy. You have been a joy to know and we'll miss you terribly.:(

06-12-2008, 10:25 PM

I'm sorry I am just seeing this thread now. I don't have words to say to you other then, I'm sorry, and Sassy and you are in my thoughts. I will be thinking of you.


06-13-2008, 04:37 AM
Oh, Alyssa, I am just reading this now. Such a beautiful and sweet girl Sassy is and I am so sad to hear that the time has come for her to go the Bridge. :( My heart goes out to you. {{hugs}}

06-13-2008, 05:07 AM
Oh Alyssa I am also just seeing this thread now. I don't even know where to begin to tell you how sorry I am. Sassy is such a sweet and pretty little girl. Only you know what she goes through on a daily basis. I know you have tried many things to help her and this decision was not taken lightly. You are giving Sassy the ultimate gift of love by letting her go, to be without pain and to be at peace.

I am so glad you decided to be with her when she goes. She needs you there with her. You are her one true constant in life. The one that was always there for her whether she felt bad or good. Hold her head and stroke her and talk to her during. It will be a bittersweet memory you will hold dear to you forever. Tell how special was is and how much you will miss her and you will think of her everyday and of course how much you love her. She will be soothed by the sound of your voice. And she will be your eternal guardian angel and will be be bragging to all her RB friends about how great her mommy was. She will be beeming with pride at your strength and love for her in that most difficult time for you.

Give Sassy a big kiss for me and tell her we will miss her here very much and we will never ever forget her.


06-13-2008, 09:48 AM
Alyssa, I will be thinking of you today.


06-13-2008, 10:19 AM
I am so very sorry that the time has come for you to say goodbye to Sassy. My heart is with you as you take this difficult journey. You may find after she has passed on, the memories of her good times will soon become stronger than the memories of her bad times. God Bless.

06-13-2008, 10:26 AM
What a very sad day it is, but for Sassy, she'll be released from the pain she's in and it will be nice for her to be free from her failing body. I'm so sorry that you are having to say goodbye to your friend today. I know how hard it is, the pain is still so fresh from when I had my beloved Graham PTS, but dispite all the mountains of tears, there was such relief knowing my beloved friend was free from pain. You are a very brave young lady and know that all us animal lovers are with you in spirit today and always.

06-13-2008, 12:52 PM
:love:Thinking and praying for you today, Alyssa!:love:

06-13-2008, 01:51 PM
Alyssa - when we were deciding to have DNR on my sister two years ago, I read a bunch of stuff people had written who had been in a similar position...it was along the lines of 'have your feelings, but put them aside so you can put the other person's well-being first, and decide on that.'

So...make Sassy the centre of all attention and feelings again, and focus just on her - just like you always did, loving her so (I am sure she was just a tad spoiled? ;) ). That will make it easier being with her at the end.

I have been through this, and it is peaceful, I pray that you all will find peace.

HUGE HUGS :love::love::love:

06-13-2008, 06:06 PM
*I hope this is okay, that I wrote in here*

I'm really sorry Alyssa :( Words can not explain it.

Sassy has gone over the rainbow bridge, I can't believe it... Alyssa will probably post something when she is up to it :[ Which I do not think will be soon.

06-13-2008, 06:35 PM
Oh Alyssa.......... I know this time will eventually come for me, and I do not want it to come, but I must say, NEVER think or let anyone EVER tell you that you are being "cruel" for doing the right thing for ANY animal!!!! You are helping Sassy, and removing her from her pain and suffering is the kindest thing you could ever do for her. My thoughts and prayers are with you today, but please take comfort in the fact that you did the right thing and she will always be with you in spirit, and in your heart :)

06-13-2008, 06:38 PM
(((hugs))) to you, dear. You did the most loving thing you could, you let her be free from the pain. The heartache never quite leaves, but it will lessen over time. Your memories of all the fun will last forever. :love:

06-13-2008, 07:10 PM
[[[[[hugs]]]]] :(

06-13-2008, 08:40 PM
:(:(:( My thoughts are with you, Alyssa. So many broken hearts and tears. Wish I could hug you in person. I'm so sorry. Sassy will always be very special to all of us, never to be forgotten.

06-13-2008, 08:47 PM
I just wanted to say that you have been in my thoughts today Alyssa. I guess your pretty little girl has left for the Bridge by now and I know your heart is aching. Please feel all of our (((hugs))). In time the pain will lessen, but the memories will never fade.

06-13-2008, 08:49 PM
{{{Alyssa}}} You're in my thoughts and prayers.

06-13-2008, 09:03 PM
She is gone. My heart is broken. :( I miss her so much already. I've eben crying on and off, and I went out tonight with four friends, so it got my mind off it. I only cried once when I was with them. I will type a full memorial soon, I just can't do it right now. I can't even accept the fact that she is gone yet.

06-13-2008, 09:05 PM
Big big big [HUGS] to you, Alyssa.

06-13-2008, 09:05 PM
(((((((HUGS))))))) Rest in peace, sweet Sassy. :( my thoughts and prayers are with you during this most difficult time, Alyssa.

Ginger's Mom
06-13-2008, 09:11 PM
{{{Hugs}}} Alyssa. I am truly sorry for your loss.:(
Run pain free at the bridge, sweet Sassy.

06-13-2008, 09:26 PM
I am so very very sorry for your loss.

Rest In Peace, Sweet Sassy.

06-13-2008, 09:47 PM
It's okay, the memorial thread can wait until you are ready for it. You'll be in all our prayers tonight. Think of Sassy as a little white, happy cloud in the sky for you, okay? She'll always be with you.

06-14-2008, 07:07 AM

06-14-2008, 07:56 AM
I am so sorry for your loss! You have TONS of friends here on pet talk who will be there whenever you need to express your feelings. Sassy had a GREAT life with you if that gives you any comfort at this time. :love: :love: :love:

Daisy and Delilah
06-14-2008, 09:11 AM
{{{{{HUGS ALYSSA}}}}}

Rest in Peace Sweet Little Sassy:( Play hard and run free at the bridge, adorable girl:(

06-14-2008, 04:49 PM
Memorial thread here:

Karen, if you would like to close this thread you may.

Ramble On Rose
06-15-2008, 09:24 AM
A couple of years ago, I had to put down 2 dogs within a month or so of each other and I felt that people might think I was copping out since they were so close in time to each other. But I know it was the right decision in both cases. You will feel more confident & at peace about that aspect in time.