View Full Version : bottle feeding puppies again!

06-07-2008, 02:02 PM
I've done it again! I've got 2 one week old German Shepherd mix puppies. Their eyes aren't even open yet. Their mother died of heat stroke. Unfortinatly she was an outside dog that lived ona chain.:( The owners have 5 kids. All under the age of 5. two sets of twins. They could not take proper care of the pups and knew it. They contacted the vet clinic I work at. I offered to take the pups. So here they are.

When I got the pups they were VERY dehydrated and thin. Only after two days they are fat and healthy. Doing very well. No pics yet. My camera is dead. I'll get some this evening. They are CUTE AS A BUTTON!!!! As much work as bottle feeding pups is I absolutely love doing it! I love watching them grow and develop.

06-07-2008, 03:07 PM
OMG...you're the best!! That's so sad about the mama but atleast the family did what was best for the pups. We were going to take Sunny on a road trip to VA this weekend but decided it was too hot and didn't want to take the chance of her developing a heat related illness. Thanks for the unitentional feedback on heatstroke..now I know we did the right thing!

06-07-2008, 04:33 PM
Awww! You have such a good heart! How sad, though!:(
Can't wait to see the pics!

06-07-2008, 06:30 PM
Oh, Please post some pictures! I know worse dog owners. They have one teen, and they have little dogs. Whenever one gets run over, They say oh too bad and they get another little dog. They do not even train their dogs, not to mention keep them safe!:mad:

06-07-2008, 07:16 PM
That is awesome that you were able to take the two little pups in. The situation is sad, but atleast it does not have to end worse. I am glad the owners were able to realize that they needed help.
Thanks for being the help they needed, and I can't wait for pictures!

06-08-2008, 01:51 PM
Good for you, lute. With your care these two may have a fighting chance. It's pretty sad about the mama dog. I keep thinking it's probably one more case where the owners didn't get mama spayed, (either no money or didn't care), so they end up with puppies they don't really want. At least they did get them to a vet.

06-08-2008, 02:15 PM
Good for you, lute. With your care these two may have a fighting chance. It's pretty sad about the mama dog. I keep thinking it's probably one more case where the owners didn't get mama spayed, (either no money or didn't care), so they end up with puppies they don't really want. At least they did get them to a vet.

Actually the owners told me they did plan on breeding the momma dog. To another German Shepherd. These puppies just happened. I feel bad for the momma dog, but at the same time I'm glad she's not going to be used as a breeder.

06-09-2008, 01:53 PM
Do you have any -uh- pictures? My :love: melts for puppies!

06-09-2008, 05:26 PM
God bless you for taking them in and helping them. I can't wait until you post pictures of these little guys.;)

06-09-2008, 09:27 PM
Sorry it's taking so long for pics. My camera is dead and I've not had a chance to charge it. I'll have them soon though!