View Full Version : CatoftheDay waiting list...

08-29-2002, 05:34 PM
Does anyone know about how long it takes for your CatoftheDay submission to come through? I know there's probably a wait, but how long on average? How long did it take for those of you who've had yours posted? And how many of you are currently waiting and have been for a while?

08-29-2002, 07:57 PM
When I sent in Jo's it took me like..1 year or more lol. But, my pic sucked or something. I think if you send in a really good pic it's faster. It all depends on that I thinks. You might want to ask Karen or Paul if you have a concern :D

Former User
08-30-2002, 12:29 AM
We've nominated Casper and Kitty a year ago in August and still nothing. And we're not waiting anymore. Apparentely they weren't good enough for COTD's. And I don't think the selection goes fairly either. Oh well...can't help it. Just wishing good luck and long patience if you'll ever submit your pet.

08-30-2002, 12:34 AM
When I submitted Reggie I had completly forgot about it when he became DOTD. Must have been a year or more.

I had a question related to this also...can your pet be nominated more then once? Like if I sent in a pic of Nebo now, could I nominate him again as an adult 2-3 years later?

08-30-2002, 07:25 AM
I waited for over a year for Oliver to be Cat Of The Day, and I had completely given up on it. I'm still waiting (and hoping) for my two other pets to be picked, but since it's "only" been around 6 months or so I know it won't happen soon :(

I don't know how the picking is made, if Karen or Paul just picks the pictures they like the best or if it's done in order of the time they recived them or what, but I'd be curious to know...

wolf_Q, I think it'd be really unfair if you could get your pet up several times throughout it's lifetime. I don't think that's allowed either, but I could be wrong...

08-30-2002, 07:40 AM
It is not "first come, first served." There's no specific time it takes, as it is done based on the quality of the picture, the quality of the story, then we try to get a variety of breeds and kinds, from various places, etc. Email me - from the email address you sent the nomination from - and I can check on your nomination, to make sure it wasn't lost in my hard drive crash early this summer. Sigh.

As for Wolf_Q's question, no, once a pet has been honored once, he doesn't get chosen for another day. His page is still up on the Internet here, so once Dog of the Day, or Cat of the Day in Oliver's case :), he's always there to see! We like to give every pet their chance, and it wouldn't be fair to others to honor one more than once!

Former User
08-30-2002, 07:46 AM
Originally posted by Karen
Email me - from the email address you sent the nomination from - and I can check on your nomination, to make sure it wasn't lost in my hard drive crash early this summer. Sigh.

You asked that from me at the end of February and I did it, and you said both nominations are there.

08-30-2002, 07:50 AM
Ok, thanks for explaing how you do it Karen!

As for Niinas case, couldn't you consider doing something like the people who post actively at Pet Talk get "first dibs" or whatever when it comes to being picked? I mean, I don't even know if most people look in the Cat/Dog/Pet Of The Day forums to see what people have commented on their pets and I just think that then people who are actively part of the community (like Niina) should get kind of a first turn. I don't think this would be such a big deal or unfair since you said you don't do it by a "first come first served" way anyways...

08-30-2002, 08:27 AM
Hi all! As far as we remember, we nominated Fister in late january 2002 as I'd joined PT 16th. of january.

From what Karen answered ealier this summer on this subject, I expected to wait at least 6 months. I turned out to be 8 months, which I think is fair enough considering all the pets there are. :)

We would have preferred to know at least a day before, though! But these things can happen! ;)

I can understand some of you get frustated, because the story you wrote about your pet, may not fit anymore, but that's the way it is!

Perhaps it would be an idea that pettalk members pets got picked first! That's a difficult one! There may be reasons we aren't aware of.

Good luck to all of you waiting! :)

08-30-2002, 09:19 AM
I wouldn't want to be wearing Karen's shoes!! What a hard decision from so many worthy submissions, I'm sure!! I like the "mystery" of the Dog, Cat and Pet of the Day.....never knowing who it will be, then it is especially fun when one of our Pet Talk friends is honored, like Fister was yesterday!

Karen, I think the current system is perfect!

Do you know that I have never nominated any of mine? Not that I don't think they are all very special......just that I tell you all the time, anyway!!! :D

Dixieland Dancer
08-30-2002, 09:42 AM
It took Dixie over a year to be posted as Dog of the Day and although I was wondering if it would ever happen, when it did I was very thrilled and pleased and wanted the whole world to know. I have not submitted Dusty yet.

I agree with Logan, I wouldn't want to be in Karen's shoes.

08-30-2002, 11:06 AM
Same here, I think Karen does a fantasic job, most sites that feature pet's pictures use the same criteria, quality of picture, story submitted. I also would not want to be in her shoes, can you imagine the amount of photos that come in?
Like Logan I like the surprise of who has been chosen that day.
It's the first thing I always look at and post in.

08-30-2002, 11:13 AM
Karen you do a fine job. You have explained this so many times over for people. People seem to get real uptight about it & occ. rude.

Former User
08-30-2002, 11:18 AM
So we aren't supposed to give negative feedback on this site at all? Eveerytime someone tries it (like now) everyone jumps in and defends. Without that negative feedback, nothing can get better.

I'm sorry I never dared to mention that I'm fed up waiting. But oveer a years waiting is not fair! Whether you like my comment or not!

08-30-2002, 11:51 AM
If you have gotten to know Karen and Paul even a little.....you can't miss that they are very fair.

Let's see - there are only 365 days in a year......I don't know, but I would imagine that they have thousands of submissions in their files. Making a new selection each day must be quite a task.

I know that it must be disappointing to look each day, hoping your pet will show up and be honored, but I really don't believe Karen or Paul "ignore" regulars or show favorites.

For a while, we had a run on pets from Canada. I just happened to notice the coincidence.

I have never submitted Rascal's picture, but then this little guy is my CAT OF THE DAY - EVERYDAY! And I tell him about it each morning!

08-30-2002, 12:37 PM
I am not sure about the cat, but it took about 6 months before Tango was DOTD. The database was erased about a month ago and all pictures had to be resubmmitted.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-30-2002, 03:01 PM
Originally posted by Casper & Kitty
But oveer a years waiting is not fair! Whether you like my comment or not!

I don't remember for sure, but I think it was closer to two years before Tubby & Peanut were finally picked. I, too, had given up, I think I even submitted one of them again, and sent a follow up post to Karen with no response, then I joined Pet Talk! :) It was on another one of these threads where I mentioned that I had been waiting and Karen emailed me, we got everything straightened out and next thing you know, there was Tubby!

Niina, if Karen asked for the info in February, and she had a crash in early summer, it's possible that C & K were close to being nominated, but then everything was lost. I know it's frustrating, but unfortunately sometimes we rely on these darn computers too much and they let us down. Try it again and hopefully she'll find it, if not submit it again. :)

I, too, would not want to be in Karen's position. I think all the critters are special and I wouldn't know how to pick just one per day. However, I must say that I like this much better than the sites where you have to vote and the winner gets the honor. That is completely unfair for those who don't have a ton of friends on the internet. I'm also sure that there are many, many, many submissions, and I lose email and I don't get anywhere near as much as I'm sure Karen gets, so I guess my advice is patience, patience, patience.

I was disappointed when T & P didn't get picked, but I figured I made up for it in showing and telling here at PT. And then we were pleasantly surprised when they did get picked. So my advice is patience

Former User
08-30-2002, 03:05 PM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom

Niina, if Karen asked for the info in February, and she had a crash in early summer, it's possible that C & K were close to being nominated, but then everything was lost. I know it's frustrating, but unfortunately sometimes we rely on these darn computers too much and they let us down. Try it again and hopefully she'll find it, if not submit it again. :)

No thanx. No need to feature them. I don't feel like waiting another year. Go on with the other cats.

08-30-2002, 05:17 PM
so many cats, so few days...or something like that:)

08-30-2002, 06:01 PM
Don and I had the pleasure of meeting Karen and Paul, this site is their baby, they love it and spend many hours caring for PetTalk making sure everything goes well and we are not subjected to anything negative, they are not compensated for the many hours that they spend here, they do it out of love.
They are two wonderful people who honestly want everyone's dog, cat and pet to be honored and they do their best to make that happen. Maybe it will be six months, maybe a year, but eventually they will be the pet, dog or cat of the day.
In the meantime, you are free to post pictures of your animals on the boards as you see fit, I know it is important that your animal be honored, but in the meantime are they not your own Pet, Cat or Dog of your Day?

08-31-2002, 08:29 AM
I think people consider negative comments as personal attacks. I'm sure professionals like Karen and Paul and contextualise it and take note of problems and possible solutions. You're right, nothing would ever get better if it wasn't criticised.

08-31-2002, 05:31 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Logan
[B]I wouldn't want to be wearing Karen's shoes!! What a hard decision from so many worthy submissions, I'm sure!! I like the "mystery" of the Dog, Cat and Pet of the Day.....never knowing who it will be, then it is especially fun when one of our Pet Talk friends is honored, like Fister was yesterday!

Karen, I think the current system is perfect!
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Jakiesdaisy1935
Don and I had the pleasure of meeting Karen and Paul, this site is their baby, they love it and spend many hours caring for PetTalk making sure everything goes well and we are not subjected to anything negative, they are not compensated for the many hours that they spend here, they do it out of love. They are two wonderful people who honestly want everyone's dog, cat and pet to be honored and they do their best to make that happen. Maybe it will be six months, maybe a year, but eventually they will be the pet, dog or cat of the day.
In the meantime, you are free to post pictures of your animals on the boards as you see fit, I know it is important that your animal be honored, but in the meantime are they not your own Pet, Cat or Dog of your Day?

I totally agree with you!

08-31-2002, 08:26 PM
Since I now have a digital camera, I renominated all 3 of my cats and I rewrote their stories as well. I haven't given up hope yet. I know that Karen and Paul have thousands of nominations to go through and that they do their very best. My cats already know that they're my cats of the day. Keep up the good work Karen and Paul. :)

09-02-2002, 08:17 AM
I nominated Trevor over two years ago when I joined. Thus far he has not been selected. It's not big deal really. I just nominated him as sort of a fun thing to do. He is my Cat of the Day every day (and Andy is too! :D ) I don't see the point in getting angry about it. It is supposed to be an honor. Lighten up folks, OK?

09-03-2002, 03:23 PM
Floppsy won three days after I sent him in, but I am still waiting for Lady and Sally to win. I only nominated Sally like four days ago because I got a good picture of her (finally!). With Lady, I have been waiting probably three weeks or so.

09-03-2002, 08:19 PM
I don't mean to add fuel to the fire, but I will anyway . . . I'd like to point out that today's COTD (Fern) belongs to the same household that Iris does, and Iris was COTD only 5 months ago and almost to the day (4/1/02). So . . . it would seem reasonable to conclude that the honorees are chosen purely at random.

There was another example of this with even closer spacing (like a week or two!) but I can't recall the cats' names or the dates . . . it was several months ago.

If I were Karen/Paul, I would probably do it no differently . . . sort of a lottery drawing or a throw of the dart to see which pet/dog/cat will be featured day to day. The only difference being that if my dart hit a pet bio from a familiar email that I realize had another of their pets spotlighted not long ago, I would throw their name back into the hat and draw again to give others a shot at "stardom"!:D But that would be "cheating" so to speak, so I will presume it is just coincidence (or luck of the draw) that sisters Iris and Fern were both COTD . . . what do you think??;)

09-03-2002, 11:17 PM
It is not "first come, first served." There's no specific time it takes, as it is done based on the quality of the picture, the quality of the story, then we try to get a variety of breeds and kinds, from various places, etc.

It is not completely random. To that, I will add that we get more nominations for dogs and cats than any other kinds of pets, so if a family nominates, say, their sugar glider and their cat - with equally good pictures and stories - the sugar glider will probably be assigned a day before the cat. But not always.

We do try not too run "siblings" too close together - we want each pet to have a chance at revelling in his or her glory!

09-03-2002, 11:38 PM
Not related to this post at all.....

AvaJoy, I was just looking at your avatar. Do you have 2 siberian huskies? I love sibes! :D

09-04-2002, 09:55 PM
Yes, Wolf Q! My girls are senior citizens (13 & 14 yrs. old) and I have had them since they were pups.

They are fairly typical to the breed; magnificent to look at but quite independent, difficult to train, and not easy to confine since they harbor such a strong wandering spirit. Shasta & Sadie respect their invisible fencing only because they are arthritic now and it must be too uncomfortable for them to even fathom roaming beyond the immediate back yard. About 9 years ago Shasta (blk/wht) did make a temporarily successful run through the "fence" . . . and she didn't look back, that's for sure!

We had to consult a vet behavior specialist because the girls were fighting for Alpha status. I recall the vet mentioning that the Siberian is in exremely close relation to the wolf, which would explain their apathy toward humans. In fact, she indicated that Shasta could quite possibly survive on her own in the wild, due to her intense instincts . . . she has been known to stalk and swallow birds whole. :eek: I would never trust her around strangers because she has bitten people in the past, including us!!! :( :mad:

Sadie, on the other hand, has somewhat more of the usual "dog" attributes, seeking out human companionship and affection now and again. And she has never so much as snipped at any person . . . just Shasta, when they go at it tooth&nail!!!

Well, thanks for asking about my dogs, and I do apologize to the thread starter for going off-topic . . . sorry :o

10-04-2002, 08:01 PM
I am new and as soon as I was able, I did submit one cat for COTD, but I NEVER would expect to see him. There must be at least 100 cats for each day of the year! I sent photos to cat calendar contests also, with TERRIFIC pictures, but they do not win. It' sheer numbers, and to chose an animal just because the owner posts on pet talk a lot is actually not fair. I"d rather see your pictures here any way. There are a lot of pictures that would not be of the correct quality fo COTD/DOTD, but here on the board they are welcome with open arms. I say, try not to take it pesonally if your cat/dog is not chosen. It must be a real headache only having 24 hours to choose tomorrow pet out of thousands.

10-04-2002, 09:16 PM

I couldn't agree with you more. Paul and Karen have done a fantastic job with this site. I also submitted MooShoo as COTD. Whether he makes it or not to me is of little importance. What is important is that he is loved and is MY cat of every single day of the year.

Keep up the great work Karen and Paul.