View Full Version : When it rains, it rains....

06-05-2008, 10:40 PM
Pennies from Heaven......

Not exactly...but it sounds like hail on a frigging corrugated roof.


Why do I have my stuff on the EDSTER'S desk?

He's pretty good at jumping on the keyboard when I turn away. He's wiped out many a post and hit key combinations that have locked up the computer, sent the monitor into fits that would make a chameleon proud and kicked the modem a few feet onto the floor.

Last night the monster that visits at the front door must have been there,

It's a stray that Ed gets tough with, he slams against the door and starts to run all around the front room like a maniac... Last night I was settling in when the world exploded.

BANG, crash-plink, plink, plink....

That, my friends, is the sound of a steel bowl with about three dollars in pennies falling off his desk, and onto the CPU.

I climbed out of bed and looked to see what happened.

I made sure the cause of the copper 'rain' was all right, I turned off the light and went back to bed.

A penny saved is a penny in a bowl, overturned.:rolleyes:

06-05-2008, 10:47 PM
The worst time we ever had finding pennies was the time growing when we had a big glass jug from cranberry juice being used to gather pennies. The jug sat on the kitchen floor, which was linoleum in a pattern to look like a parquet floor. One day, when the jug was a little over half full, Dad went to pick it up and the top came up, the bottom and the pennies stayed down. The pennies scattered thither and yon, all over the kitchen floor. Which, much to our dismay, was a darned good match for all the colors of brown pennies can be. It was probably months before we "found" all the pennies, they blended in so well, and resisted sweeping pretty darned well, too!

I doubt any of us four sibling have ever collected pennies in a glass vessel again!

06-06-2008, 09:25 AM
I Guess Richard You And The Edster Could Have Broken In A Song And Dance Pennies From Heaven. I Think That The Pet Talkers Would Pay Top See That On Video.
On youtube it would be a smash.

06-06-2008, 11:57 AM
i have a plastic cup on my dresser from las vegas and i've been putting all my quarters in it for my return visit in december, it'll be my slot money. after reading these stories, i moved it into a safer, more secure spot. thanks for the advice.

06-06-2008, 12:45 PM
:love: Too Funny == This totally sounds like my house.. Also like you I just will look at the mess & go back to bed..:D

06-06-2008, 12:46 PM
i have a plastic cup on my dresser from las vegas and i've been putting all my quarters in it for my return visit in december, it'll be my slot money. after reading these stories, i moved it into a safer, more secure spot. thanks for the advice.


On two fronts. For not having to pick up money and for getting to Vegas.:D

06-06-2008, 12:46 PM
The Edster's desk?!

06-06-2008, 02:14 PM
The Edster's desk?!

Yeah, I was going to say, GET YOUR OWN DESK, RICHARD!!! :D:D:D

06-06-2008, 03:19 PM
Hurricane Edward just came whipping thru.....:rolleyes: He just destroyted his desk.

Gonna post this story on another thread.:confused: