View Full Version : Now HERE'S a 'weighty' idea for fund-raising!

06-04-2008, 09:37 PM
I get a newspaper as a member of my church...now this might work for pets and stuff....

The Church of the Good Shepherd did some interesting fund-raising!

"The call went out....who would like to lose weight? Nineteen people stepped up to the scales and weighed in at a total of 3600 pounds! ...The congregation...was asked to support their fellow parishioners by pledging money per pound on the group loss. As well, the nineteen were urged to seek individual pledges.

"The final weigh-in occurred on April 6...a whopping 263 pounds had been lost...and over $2500 had been raised!"

06-05-2008, 07:53 AM
Wow! That's a great idea!
Everybody wins and everybody looses! :p