View Full Version : New moon and the Law of Abundance check *Good update 6/10*

06-03-2008, 06:54 AM
I promised that I would remind everyone of the next new moon, which is today at 3:24 PM, EST. Remember to write your Law of Abundance check. (Do not write the check before this time because the moon will still be dark and said to be at its most negative.)

For those of you who may have missed it: Do not write the date or any amount. (That would limit the amount of money you can receive and it also limits the timing.) Write your name where it says "Pay to the order of". Instead of your signature, write "The Law of Abundance". Fold it in half towards you to signify money coming to you and put it where you'll forget about it and mention it to no one. In your check recorder, simply write your name and no date. (Do not write "Void" or you'll void the process.) W/in two weeks, (up until the full moon) you should see extra money or its equivalent (gifts, cancellation of a debt, finding a valuable antique, getting an increase on your credit card limit, notice that you can skip a payment, etc.) come to you. I've been doing this for 20 years or so and it's never failed me ever. Good luck!

06-03-2008, 06:56 AM
I'm there...thanks :)

smokey the elder
06-03-2008, 07:27 AM
I'm skeptical, but will give it a go. Found money is found money, and my rescue group could use it if I do get some.

06-03-2008, 07:47 AM
For those of you that did this last time, I'm curious as to what you did with the old check? Does a new moon automatically void the old check, allowing you to shred? Or is someone going to end up with a box full of "old abundance?" :D

06-03-2008, 08:07 AM
For those of you that did this last time, I'm curious as to what you did with the old check? Does a new moon automatically void the old check, allowing you to shred? Or is someone going to end up with a box full of "old abundance?" :D

That's a good point. What I do is save them all up til a year has passed, then on a full moon, burn a green candle and burn all the checks in a fireproof container. Green is the color of money and the full moon is said to be the time when boons are granted.

Pawsitive Thinking
06-03-2008, 08:12 AM
Worth a try :love:

06-03-2008, 08:52 AM

I was going through my journal and found a check I wrote like that. I can't remember when I wrote it. It had to be recently because it has my new address on it. I'm going to write another one just in case.

I'm going to burn my first check tonight when I get home from my friend's mother's Shiva.

Thanks for reminding me, Mary!! Health and Wealth to all!!!

06-03-2008, 09:15 AM

I was going through my journal and found a check I wrote like that. I can't remember when I wrote it. It had to be recently because it has my new address on it. I'm going to write another one just in case.

I'm going to burn my first check tonight when I get home from my friend's mother's Shiva.

Thanks for reminding me, Mary!! Health and Wealth to all!!!

Donna, don't burn the check. Just write it and put it some place where you'll forget about it. You can burn all your checks, if you like, after a year. Until then, let this one do its work. :)

06-03-2008, 09:29 AM
Thanks for the reminder!
I know what I'll be doing today at 3:25pm!

06-03-2008, 11:25 AM
If anyone should happen to forget, don't worry. You can still do it for the next couple of days but the closer to the new moon the better.

06-03-2008, 01:07 PM
I you should see extra money or its equivalent (gifts, cancellation of a debt, finding a valuable antique, getting an increase on your credit card limit, notice that you can skip a payment, etc.) come to you. I've been doing this for 20 years or so and it's never failed me ever. Good luck!

I hate to quibble but I don't think an increase on a credit card limit nor being allowed to skip a payment is doing anyone a favor. If I get that one, I doubt it will be from Abundance....more like from Deeper in Debt.

06-03-2008, 01:34 PM
I hate to quibble but I don't think an increase on a credit card limit nor being allowed to skip a payment is doing anyone a favor. If I get that one, I doubt it will be from Abundance....more like from Deeper in Debt.

I don't disagree w/that at all, Rachel. I think credit cards are consumer cocaine. But people have disputed this point w/me, so I mentioned it only so that you could see that you have extra money, so to speak, should you need it. For instance, if you have an emergency, say, one of your furkids needs surgery and you're tapped out, just knowing that you have a little room on your credit card might make the difference. Same w/skipping a payment. It only increases the amount of interest you'll pay on your credit card but, if you're in a real pinch, it could come in handy, for the time being anyhow. Good point, though. :)

06-03-2008, 02:25 PM
I know a stripper that did this and made gads of money....

because of A-bun-dance!

Just kidding.;)

I tried it.

Since you won the lottery I have to go with this.:cool:

Pawsitive Thinking
06-03-2008, 03:12 PM
Did mine ;) pawsies crossed for everyone

06-03-2008, 03:22 PM
I know a stripper that did this and made gads of money....

because of A-bun-dance!

Just kidding.;)


LOL! Richard! Where do you come up with these! :D
I am afraid I am way too skeptical. If God wants to bless me He can do it in spite of myself. :)

06-03-2008, 03:54 PM

06-03-2008, 04:14 PM
I know a stripper that did this and made gads of money....

because of A-bun-dance!

Just kidding.;)

I tried it.

Since you won the lottery I have to go with this.:cool:


06-03-2008, 04:33 PM
I'm not sure I understand the point of this. :confused:

I know I don't post here that much anymore, but I came across this thread and wanted to say something.

I'm not sure I quite understand what you are all doing and where it comes from...however, I do know one thing.

It is God, and ONLY God who bestows us with wealth and provision. HE created us, HE takes care of us, and whether we put a check in an envelope on a new moon night or not, God will take care of us, and provide for us either way. The moon is just another creation of God. It cannot provide us with any extra wealth or provision.

If you trust in God the way HE deserves to be trusted, HE will provide for you as He provides for the birds. They leave their nests hungry in the morning, and return to them full in the evening. And they rely only on God...not on the moon...

FAITH...that's been working for me since the day I was born, and God has never failed me. My suggestion? Turn to God in times of ease (and always), and HE will be there for you in your time of need (and ease)...and always.

06-03-2008, 04:39 PM
PCB...everyone has a right to their beliefs even if they differ from yours. Just because you believe what you wrote it doesn't mean its the truth.

06-03-2008, 04:46 PM
I'm not sure I understand the point of this. :confused:

I know I don't post here that much anymore, but I came across this thread and wanted to say something.

I'm not sure I quite understand what you are all doing and where it comes from...however, I do know one thing.

It is God, and ONLY God who bestows us with wealth and provision. HE created us, HE takes care of us, and whether we put a check in an envelope on a new moon night or not, God will take care of us, and provide for us either way. The moon is just another creation of God. It cannot provide us with any extra wealth or provision.

If you trust in God the way HE deserves to be trusted, HE will provide for you as He provides for the birds. They leave their nests hungry in the morning, and return to them full in the evening. And they rely only on God...not on the moon...

FAITH...that's been working for me since the day I was born, and God has never failed me. My suggestion? Turn to God in times of ease (and always), and HE will be there for you in your time of need (and ease)...and always.

It's a fun thing to do. God is the source of our supply and there's a time to plant and a time to reap. W/the Law of Abundance check, we're planting the seed to receive and we don't know by which channel we might receive it. Just as in antiquity, and perhaps even today still, farmers work according to moon phases. It doesn't mean they put their faith in the soil or the moon. They use the energy and elements available to them. :)

06-03-2008, 05:02 PM
:(:( Too late, Mary. Not only did I burn the first check, but I forgot about the green candle thing and used a red lighter. DUH!!!!

Oh well, I still have the one I wrote today. I'll go from there.

06-03-2008, 05:05 PM
:(:( Too late, Mary. Not only did I burn the first check, but I forgot about the green candle thing and used a red lighter. DUH!!!!

Oh well, I still have the one I wrote today. I'll go from there.

No worries, Donna. The one you wrote today will do its work. The green candle is just something I do after I accumulate a year's worth of Law of Abundance checks. So just put the check away that you wrote today and forget about it. :) Btw, red is a strong color of attraction, (for ex.: waving a red flag in front of a bull) so that red lighter could only help the situation. I'm excited to see what this new moon brings! :p

06-03-2008, 05:08 PM
I'm excited to see what this new moon brings!

Me too!!!:D

06-03-2008, 05:33 PM
It all comes down to faith.

People believe in different things.

It's a little game, token, totem, good luck charm to keep your faith going.


People make their own luck. Either it's hustling to put food on the table, getting a job, doing a project or????? If you start with the belief that you are destined for some good luck it shows in the way you approach life.

What is wrong with doing a little ceremony to get you some luck?
You aren't practicing idolatry, black magic or animal sacrifice. It's an attempt to get you to believe in good fortune.

God and faith are things that have no physical value on the planet. We put a physical form to those two parts of life because we cannot show what's in our hearts.

The little thing with the check is a way to affirm a good outlook towards life and to keep people positive.


The moon has a great deal to do with life-god decided to put there for some reason.

Crops, tides, even a woman's cycle have connections to the moon. There is the old wive's tale about the birth rate going up during a full moon. One of the funnier things I heard about the moon is a pregnant women should never go out during a lunar eclipse.

She'd probably trip over something in the dark!;)


Where do these puns come from? A dark corner of my mind and an evil sense of humor.

06-03-2008, 06:31 PM
Well said, Richard. Very well said.

06-03-2008, 07:48 PM
When I worked as a Paramedic, I dreaded working on a full moon. All KINDS of weirdos come out of the woodwork.

06-03-2008, 08:11 PM
If anyone is interested, there's a good book titled Full Moons by Paul Katzeff. It's divided into 3 parts: the first deals w/myths and folklore, the second deals w/scientific research regarding the moon's influence on tides, weather, animals, and the murder/suicide rate, etc. The third deals w/theories explaining the apparent effects of the moon. It's copyrighted 1981 and I bought it in the early 80's. This thread made me search my bookshelves for it and I'm going to read it again.

06-03-2008, 10:14 PM
Can someone revive this thread on the next new moon so we can remember? When is the next one? I see tonight it's full I think.
I believe in the LOA as well and this can only be a positive thing if that's how you intend it to be.

06-04-2008, 12:05 AM
Sounds like a lovely little practice. (and I hope I'm not treading on your thread, but I wanted to address Popcornbird's comments)

Popcornbird- Rituals like this are helpful because it encourages us to examine our thinking & change our focus, not because this will "magically" make something happen, or that we believe "it's the full moon" doing something. Every step of the process acknowledges the Law of Abundance: that everything we need is provided by our loving Creator (or insert whatever Name works for you), and that we are open to receiving these gifts.

Rituals also keep us mindful of the Law of Attraction: whatever we put our focus on increases. (If you focus on abundance and prosperity, you realize your need is always met, just when you need it. If you focus on lack, that's what you get - there never seems to be enough of anything.)

:)Different strokes for different folks.

Pawsitive Thinking
06-04-2008, 05:28 AM
PCB - it's not compulsory to do this (it's known as a bit of fun). Your God also gave us the ability to look further than the end of our noses and explore all sorts of things

Looking forward to getting my fortune, moving to the country and getting my goldie ;) (but will keep up the mundane day to day earning of money, just in case)

06-04-2008, 07:00 AM
Can someone revive this thread on the next new moon so we can remember? When is the next one? I see tonight it's full I think.
I believe in the LOA as well and this can only be a positive thing if that's how you intend it to be.

Yesterday was the new moon. The full moon is in approximately two weeks. (I haven't looked up the date yet.) Tradition states that you begin something on the new moon and work up to the full moon, the culmination. Going from the new moon to the full moon is a time of increase. That's when the moon is said to be waxing. Going from the full moon the new moon is a time of decrease, when the moon is waning.

There are people who, if they want their hair to grow faster, will get it cut on a new moon. If they want to inhibit its growth, they cut it on a full moon. The same applies to weight. If you want to lose weight, utilize the energy of the moon and begin a diet on a full moon because the energy is waning.

As mentioned, some of it is lore and some of it is based on scientific fact. I'll be sure to remind everyone a day ahead next time when there will be a new moon. :)

Pawsitive Thinking
06-04-2008, 10:19 AM
Does an unexpected request to increase my rates count??? ;)

06-04-2008, 11:24 AM
Why not? If you do good work, and I'm sure that you do, people will gladly pay your price. :)

Pawsitive Thinking
06-05-2008, 04:02 AM

06-10-2008, 03:43 PM
While speaking w/my ex-husband on the phone, he asked how all the cats are doing. Puddy, Pidge, Boo and RB Peeka were ours when we were married and he still cares about them (Boo is his heart kitty). I told him about Pidge and her "haircut" and being in early CRF, etc. and he already knows about Puddy and her CRF. My voice got a little shaky when I was telling him because I was emotional and he knows that it's all been a financial strain on me. He offered to help me out w/the vet bill and said "How much do you need?" I hesitated and he grew a little impatient and said "Give me a number!" so I took a deep breath and told him what I needed. He gulped (LOL) and said "Ok, I'll send you a check". He even Fed Exed it to me and I got it today. THIS is why I make sure I write that Law of Abundance check every month. Anyone else see success w/it yet? If not, it's still early, so no worries. :)

06-10-2008, 03:48 PM
WOO HOO!! That's GREAT!!!!

06-20-2008, 10:19 AM
DUDE! Check this out!!!!!

LOL, this is silly but it really jacked me up.

I got two preapproved offers for credit cards in the mail.

One letter about continuing my case against my former employer (which could result in a little back pay).

And a promise of a little financial help from a relative.

Now, it may not be cold hard cash or a lotto win, But I think that this worked!

I believe! I believe!


I like the idea of thinking there is a better day ahead of you!

Where is my sphemeris!!!!!

06-20-2008, 11:41 AM
DUDE! Check this out!!!!!

LOL, this is silly but it really jacked me up.

I got two preapproved offers for credit cards in the mail.

One letter about continuing my case against my former employer (which could result in a little back pay).

And a promise of a little financial help from a relative.

Now, it may not be cold hard cash or a lotto win, But I think that this worked!

I believe! I believe!


I like the idea of thinking there is a better day ahead of you!

Where is my sphemeris!!!!!

Ah yes, another skeptic becomes a convert. I love it! Actually, you weren't a skeptic, though, were you, Richard? If I recall, you had an open mind. And that seems to be a key ingredient. COOL! :D

06-20-2008, 12:07 PM
Wow Richard... that's great!!!

So there's still hope for me??

Laura's Babies
06-20-2008, 05:37 PM
I did it but so far nothing. Someone who owes me money was suppose to have paid it back by now but he didn't. Now I got more promises of being paid back... :rolleyes: Promises do NOT pay the bills!

06-20-2008, 07:17 PM
So far, nothing, that I can tell, anyway.

I'll keep doing it, though. Thanks, Mary, for the reminders of the right times. I like putting energy into things like this. I think that sooner or later they pay off, in one way or another.

06-21-2008, 12:55 AM
Ah yes, another skeptic becomes a convert. I love it! Actually, you weren't a skeptic, though, were you, Richard? If I recall, you had an open mind. And that seems to be a key ingredient. COOL! :D

I do have an open mind, If you look closely into one ear canal you can see all the way through!

I misspelled EPHEMERIS!

06-21-2008, 06:39 AM
I do have an open mind, If you look closely into one ear canal you can see all the way through!

I misspelled EPHEMERIS!

So that's what they mean when they say "I see the light!"

06-21-2008, 11:17 AM
So that's what they mean when they say "I see the light!"

I think so....

I was thinking about this and was looking back at the time since this thread was posted. I really wasn't moping around and worrying about finances. I was thinking about ways to get ahead.

I was dreaming about my favorite two women, Hope and Faith.;):p

06-21-2008, 11:31 AM
I think so....

I was thinking about this and was looking back at the time since this thread was posted. I really wasn't moping around and worrying about finances. I was thinking about ways to get ahead.

I was dreaming about my favorite two women, Hope and Faith.;):p

I think that's important, too. Worry creates a bad vibe. To enter into this w/expectancy and eager anticipation creates a good vibe. It hasn't failed me yet. I always have reaped good results from this or I wouldn't bother w/it. I've had small things happen for which I'm grateful, such as going out to dinner w/a friend and she unexpectedly picks up the tab. And I've had windfalls, such as bonuses that I truly never would have anticipated and generous gifts from people that normally don't do such things. I look at it this way: the Universe is a friendly and generous place, if that's what you believe. If you think it's an unfriendly and stingy Universe, then that's what you'll get. The little boy next door swept my sidewalk for me w/out asking. That's a gift and that's all part of the Law of Abundance, IMO. No, it isn't monetary but it's generosity in its purest form.

06-21-2008, 08:15 PM
I said nothing has happened so far, but then I realized.. I got my very own Personal Check from George W. Bush just a couple of days ago!

06-22-2008, 04:24 AM
I said nothing has happened so far, but then I realized.. I got my very own Personal Check from George W. Bush just a couple of days ago!

You owe us a-bun-dance!:D;)

06-22-2008, 05:55 PM
You owe us a-bun-dance!:D;)

Shakin' my bootie!...

(Of course I would have gotten the check from George W. even if I hadn't written my Abundance check, so I'm not sure it counts..)

06-23-2008, 01:45 PM
According to the "official schedule" for the A-Bun-Dance checks... I was supposed to have gotten my a few months back and I've not been able to get an answer from anyone why I didn't get it yet.
Then.... Saturday.. I got my notice in the mail that I'll have my check this week!!! :D

I wasn't expecting that at ALL!!

06-23-2008, 02:37 PM
According to the "official schedule" for the A-Bun-Dance checks... I was supposed to have gotten my a few months back and I've not been able to get an answer from anyone why I didn't get it yet.
Then.... Saturday.. I got my notice in the mail that I'll have my check this week!!! :D

I wasn't expecting that at ALL!!

Want a little music to accompany you?;)

06-23-2008, 09:52 PM
"According to the "official schedule" for the A-Bun-Dance checks... I was supposed to have gotten my a few months back and I've not been able to get an answer from anyone why I didn't get it yet.
Then.... Saturday.. I got my notice in the mail that I'll have my check this week!!! "

Don't hold your breath sista! I got a notice I was getting mine the 13th of June. Here it is the 23rd and nuttin! I'll take it as a LOA sign if it shows up:rolleyes:


06-24-2008, 07:06 AM
Don't hold your breath sista! I got a notice I was getting mine the 13th of June. Here it is the 23rd and nuttin! I'll take it as a LOA sign if it shows up:rolleyes:


Start practicing.;)

I got another pre approval for a credit card again!:eek: