View Full Version : Anyone write/read fan fiction?

06-02-2008, 09:09 PM
I have a confession to make... I am a closet nerd:p I finally managed to work up the courage to "publish" some of my fan fiction as it relates to the Twilight series by Stephanie Meyer. I think it's fairly good considering that most of my daily conversations are with children under the age of 4:D Let me know what you think, or not:) All comments are welcomed, including constructive criticism:D


I completed one but the other is a work in progress with only the prologue and first chapter up so far.

06-02-2008, 09:12 PM
lol fanfiction.net is in my favorites :p I dont write it, but I do read it :p

I havent read yours yet, but I will as soon as I have time :)

06-02-2008, 09:24 PM
I used to read fan fictions all the time when I was younger... :p Especially "Friends"..

06-02-2008, 09:37 PM
Fan fiction is some of the best fiction out there I think :D Im not familiar with the particular series you are using for the base though. Sure did capture my interest!
I might have to read the series too now lol.

Suki Wingy
06-03-2008, 12:36 AM
I mainly just read Harry Potter fanfic, usually off of fanficiton.mugglenet.com but I occasionally read M*A*S*H or The Young Ones fanfic. I have one lousy story I've been working on and off (mostly off) since last September. I think it'll be a oneshot since all I've managed so far is about 3 paragraphs. I'm actually looking for a beta reader if anyone's interested.
My story banner
(She's obviously an animagus)

Now I shall go read your story...

Suki Wingy
06-03-2008, 01:21 AM
Alright, I really like both of your stories. I just signed up on fanfiction.net, I'm irridescent there. (I spell it that way on purpose, it's not a typo)

Suki Wingy
06-07-2008, 08:04 PM
bump. No one else reads fanfic?

06-07-2008, 11:24 PM
I read and write a little fanfic from time to time. I've been working for quite a while on a Green Street Hooligan based one that I adore. It needs some tweaking but oh well. I love love love Hermione centric (NO RON) fics as well as most other HP fanfics. I also love my beloved Green Street Hooligans as well as Firefly, Newsies, etc.

06-07-2008, 11:47 PM
I've never read fanfiction (shame on me, the librarian, lol).

I just read what you have so far, and wow, it's really well done! I'd love to write myself, but never have really.

Have you ever thought about writing your own stories and getting them published?? Do you ever make up stories for your children?