View Full Version : Purina's Walk for Guide Dogs Pics Added

06-01-2008, 10:25 AM
This is being held all over Canada. Yesterday they had their in Taber. Ajax and Hubby and I went. Yes to most it would make more sense to take Sheena but Ajax needed the axpereince and he did very well. He even met a very nice young blind lady there who really liked him and his calm demeanor. We plan to get to the Lethbridge one with Ajax agian today for the socialization for him and the reinforcment of commands and so on. He did so well. Anyway Here are some pictures after the walk. I told hubby that he needs to bring a small pack for my meds, water, water for the dog and so on. This time. So we are more prepared. We even talked to the gentleman who had the black poodle as his seeing eye dog. Very nice people. And they all seemed very impressed with what I was doing. Anyway on to the pictures.

This is after the walk and at the barbeque. I you are in Lethbridge at 10:30 I advise you to come and register. The walk is at 11 and it is a lot of fun. Dogs of course are welcome.









Hope you enjoy and for those in Lethbridge hope to see you there.

06-01-2008, 11:02 AM
Have a very nice day! Hope the weather is great for the walk!:love:

06-02-2008, 10:07 AM
Thanks so much. the second one in Lethbridge was a lot more fun and had a ton more people. Ajax had a blast. Though hubby only took two pictures. Leave it to hubbt right. LOL Anyway here are the pictures from yeasterdays walk for Purina's walk for Dog Guides in Lethbridge.



His tail never stopped wagging the entire time. He seemed to think everyone was thre just to entertain him. I was fasinated by watching the other working dogs there. And talking to the people from the training center for the Lions foundation. They all really loved Ajaxs laid back additude and how nothing phased him. And how he just loved life. So it turned out to be a very good training day for him. He got a ton of prizes. Almost won the prize as the largest dog (by being the tallest but a malamute won it because he was the same height but was a ton more filled out. lol.

Anyway that's it for yesterday. Oh yeah I forgot when one of the ladies saw that Ajax was wearing an a Service Dog In Training Bandana she added $20 of her own money to our $50 that we donate on Saturday. Talk about generous of her..