View Full Version : Spring pictures of my puppers

05-31-2008, 09:26 PM
Just thought I'd share some UTD pictures I snapped of my furkids (well, my doggy furkids, anyways).

Here are some pictures I took a couple of weeks ago:

Here is cute little Rosie Posey, looking her age of nine years (she'll be ten this fall):

Handsome Blackie boy, smiling for the camera. He turned twelve in January and while he has majorly slowed down this past year, he's still going strong:

Oh, this grass feels nice!:

Wait, your taking a picture of this?:

05-31-2008, 09:27 PM
Blackie's version of "roll around in the grass":

Poofy puppy dog complaining about the hot weather:

"Momma, its too hot to look beautiful.":

05-31-2008, 09:28 PM
And some pictures I took just today:

Beautiful Chloe relaxing under the shade of our birch tree (she had a bath early this morning so she's all poofy and soft!):

Rose wet from swimming in a neighbor's pond and not too happy that I wanted to take a picture (she wouldn't even acknowledge me; I went up to pet her and she didn't even look at me or wag her tail! Such a brat.):

Blackie, also wet from taking a dip (I'm so glad our neighbor loves our dogs!), found an old beef bone laying around and decided it was time for a snack in the shade of a lilac bush:

After his snack he decided to take a nice nap, but then he spotted the hidden camera-lady waiting to snap is picture. "What're you look'n at?":

05-31-2008, 09:28 PM
Rose decided the heat of the sun wasn't comfy enough, so she went up onto our porch to catch some Z's. She still refused to acknowledge my presence:

Chloe also decided to get some shut eye, but in the process looked like an adorable fluffy teddy bear!:

05-31-2008, 10:08 PM
Absolutely beautiful puppers! It's starting to get muggy and hot here too. Ugh. Maybe I'll try cooling off on the cold grass too!:p

06-01-2008, 10:48 AM
Wonderful pictures of your puppers!!!, and I also loved:love:your narations!!!!!

06-01-2008, 11:49 AM
Just wanted to say I enjoyed the pictures of your puppers. They appear to enjoy the good life and don't be assigning senior status to them just yet. Seems like there won't be a rocking chair in store for them any time soon.

Had to laugh at the account of Rose refusing to acknowledge you. I've got one who likes to express herself in that manner herself.

06-01-2008, 05:13 PM
Nothing like a cool dip on a warm day. Looks like they're enjoying summer already.

06-01-2008, 06:09 PM
Your pups are adorable! Nice pics.:D

06-01-2008, 07:00 PM
:love: Your dogs are absolutely gorgeous. I am in love with them all especially your Rose. :love: thanks so much for sharing your gorgeous pups with us. :D

06-01-2008, 07:56 PM
All of the doggies (and their proud owner) say thanks for the compliments!

Had to laugh at the account of Rose refusing to acknowledge you. I've got one who likes to express herself in that manner herself.
I don't know what her deal was. lol She did just not want me bugging her, I guess. Normally she is really happy to see me and will just talk ("Arrrooooooroowroow"), but not that day.

06-01-2008, 08:00 PM
Aww, the older guys always steal my heart :love:

By the way, how's Chloe doing?

Ginger's Mom
06-01-2008, 08:42 PM
Rosie is a very pretty girl. And I chuckled at Blackie finding an old chew-chew to keep him occupied as he dryed off before coming in. Smart boy. :)

06-02-2008, 06:38 AM
What beauties! I like Blackie's smiling face in the second picture. And the one of Rosey mid back scratch looking at you. Great pictures.

06-02-2008, 09:09 AM
Rose looks full of wisdom in that first shot! Amazing the personality that shines through. And as for the photos after the dip in the pond, she is ticked because she THOUGHT she was getting away with something; and instead, you were all smiley and happy and taking her picture. NOTHING can ruin a "bad girl routine" faster than having a happy mom greet you!

Blackie looks stunning surrounded by the lilac greenery, really shows him off!

And sweet Chloe, while everyone else got a pond dip, she got a BATH! She looks lovely and I bet she smells better than the others, too, te hee. Well, smells better to humans.;)

06-02-2008, 03:43 PM
By the way, how's Chloe doing?
I PM'd you. :)

She looks lovely and I bet she smells better than the others, too, te hee. Well, smells better to humans.
Blackie and Rose stink. lol They really need a bath too, but I haven't had the motivation to give it to them yet. I don't have a hand held sprayer for our shower anymore so that means I'd have to take them into work to bathe them, and that means putting up with them in a grooming room for a couple of hours around other dogs....ya, lack of motivation. They think they smell wonderful. :)