View Full Version : Weight loss tips?

05-30-2008, 12:53 AM
Anyone have any real good, proven-to-work weight loss tips? I'm tired of being big and I want to feel good about myself again and be healthier. I want to look good for my boyfriend and I want my brother to stop making all those fat jokes. My weight is really making my self esteem low. I'm in a size 16 now and would like to get down to a size 8. But I need some really good tips and ideas on how to get it off and keep it off. I've tried the eating right and excersizing but I have a busy life so can't exersize much so it doesn't really work for me. Please help anyone. Really need suggestions! Something that worked for you or someone you know.

05-30-2008, 02:11 AM
The only tried and true method is to expend more calories than you take in. Whether that is exercising more, or eating less, that's the only real way to do it. There are plenty of fad diets that work for a little while, but really making a change in your behavior and eating patterns is the way to go. When I exercise, I do lose weight. When I stop, I don't. That's why I need to get back in the habit of exercising more.

05-30-2008, 02:45 AM
When it comes down to it, burning more calories than you take in = weight loss. Whether that's exercising more, taking in less calories, or both. I work two jobs, train in agility three times a week and groom dogs every week. I'm way too busy to go to the gym. So because I can't make it to the gym, I'm eating healthier foods and limiting my sugar intake (cutting the colas alone has done wonders for me). I'm too busy to cook most days so what I do is I cook healthy meals ahead of time and freeze them so I can just pop them in the microwave when I'm ready. :) It seems to be working so far!

Maya & Inka's mommy
05-30-2008, 03:52 AM
I've tried everything too, and the only method that works, is WeightWatchers!
They not only learn how to loose weight, but also how to live healthier.
Look on their site, and you will find an address close to where you live, and also lots of tips! Good luck!!

ps. There is a tread about this: http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=126968

05-30-2008, 06:19 AM
I concur w/everyone. It's basic math: ya gotta put out more than you take in and the only way to do that is to eat less and exercise more. Not the answer you wanted to hear, I'm sure, but it's the truth. Several years ago, I went on a low fat, low carb diet and the weight melted off and stayed off until menopause. Now I have to eat half as much just to maintain; losing weight is even more difficult. So you're on the right track to do it now while you're young and still having periods because when your periods stop, your metabolism grinds to a halt. (Usually. I'm sure there are exceptions but all my crone friends agree w/me. :p) I bought a cookbook that has yummy recipes that have only 6 grams of fat. I ate only 6 grams of fat a day until the weight came off and it was truly easy. Good luck. You can do it, girl! :)

P.S. Ignore your brother's remarks. Men have a totally different dynamic when it comes to weight loss. Unfortunately, most of them have one thing in common: insensitivity to and ignorance of women's body issues. You need encourgement, not berating. You'll get encourgement here. Keep us posted. We're w/ya!

05-30-2008, 07:14 AM
Here's something I heard on that show "I can make you thin". I didn't watch all of them, but I did watch the first one. He gave 4 golden rules to eating. This simple process did work for me, until I stopped applying it. Here's a link to the website that does a better job of explaining them than I could:
Paul McKenna's 4 Golden Rules (http://www.mckenna.com/default.aspx?pid=9) Basically they help you to limit the amount of food you take in, which goes along will the previous posters.

05-30-2008, 08:23 AM
First, you can only do it when you're 100% behind it. I have half-heartedly tried a million times over the years. For some reason, this year it was finally the right timing. It started out being that my life was spinning out of control and I grasped onto the concept that if I can't control what was going on in life, I could control my eating. So if you're doing this for your brother and boyfriend.... it might not be the time. You need to do this for yourself, because you want to be a better you. Because you want to feel good inside and out.

I've lost nearly 50 pounds already, and plan on losing more. The first few weeks were tough.... but my resolve was tougher. I was constantly hungry. And no wonder! I was used to eating twice or even three times the amount of food my body really needed! Those first few weeks were actually the strictest. No fried foods, no sweets. Just fresh fruits and veggies and good proteins. Almost like detoxifying my body. I felt AWESOME after the first two weeks. I had sooooo much more energy. I was satisfied with a simple salad! That blew my mind!

Whatever you do, do NOT go with LOW/NO FAT snacks. Your body NEEDS fats. If you're hungry for icecream, have a small cone instead of a huge sundae Which is moderation, like others said). There's been many times where someone ate a no-fat icecream bar and then grabbed another one 30 minutes later because they didn't feel satisfied. One REAL icecream bar will leave you feeling satisfied hours later. Trust me on that one.

I had no idea what I was putting in my mouth until I kept a log of it. I journaled every day in the beginning. Now I only write a couple times a week. But its important to keep track of your thoughts. How you felt (both emotionally and physically). Write down your fears and frustrations. And go back to re-read them often. I can't tell you how many times I drew inspiration from my own words this year.

I also printed out a graph from the computer with the dates along the top and weights down the side. I would weight myself once or twice a week and enter the weight onto the grid. Its amazing seeing the grid dip lower and lower. Don't kill yourself if Monday says 123 lbs, and thursday says 124 lbs. Its totally natural to see weight fluctuations during the week.

As for exercise, thats soooo important. the first few pounds will go away without exercise but if you want consistent and permanent weight loss, you HAVE to exercise. I walk at least 5 miles a day and its not a stroll, its a fast paced, get-your-heart-rate-up walk.

05-30-2008, 08:28 AM
Whatever you do, do NOT go with LOW/NO FAT snacks. Your body NEEDS fats.

I feel that I must comment on this. It is true that our body needs fats; we do need something to move everything down the pipes, if you get my drift. However, the average American consumes 200 grams or more of fat each day and that's harmful. If you can keep the fat gram consumption to around 20 grams a day, you'll do great. Just watch your portion size and exercise more and you'll see the weight come off. :)

Pawsitive Thinking
05-30-2008, 08:44 AM
When I wanted to lose weight I noticed it was the little things that made the difference.

Use the stairs not the lift if you can.

If you feel hungry have a drink of water instead because you often mistake hunger for being thirsty and..........

I replaced all the naughty stuff like crisps with nuts and dried fruit and took my two personal trainers out for walkies as often as I could ;)

P.S. I would also sit on your brother until he learns to keep his smart*** remarks to himself

05-30-2008, 08:48 AM
I feel that I must comment on this. It is true that our body needs fats; we do need something to move everything down the pipes, if you get my drift. However, the average American consumes 200 grams or more of fat each day and that's harmful. If you can keep the fat gram consumption to around 20 grams a day, you'll do great. Just watch your portion size and exercise more and you'll see the weight come off. :)

True... but most people who are dieting forgo the real foods for the no-fat foods. In the need, they consume more calories and still feel unsatisfied at the end of the day. It all goes back to moderation, truly it does! I'm not saying to eat a ton of butter on your morning toast, then have a pile of real cheese and fattening ceasar dressing on your salad at lunch, then a bunch of sour cream on your taco at dinner. I'm saying that if your body is dying for icecream, go for the real thing. If you want cheese on your salad, go for it. Just watch how much cheese you put on that salad. Watch how many times you eat fats (or any other food for that manner) during the day.

At the end of the day though, If you NEED that cookie, then evaluate why.... its a good possibility its a craving. And if its a craving for ooey gooey, fattening yumminess, you'll be more sated with one real cookie than you would be with one that is basically like eating a piece of cardboard.

OR you could just do something like go for a brisk walk to take your mind off that cookie all together. :p I've found cravings are often out of boredom or looking for something to do... my coworkers and I often sit there looking at eat other saying how we're hungry when we're NOT. We know its hunger out of boredom. And that type of hunger is exactly when you're most prone to eating the fattening foods we shouldn't be eating.

05-30-2008, 09:08 AM
I stopped working and my finances got tight so I cut back on the kinds of foods I eat. I'd eat out-burgers, fries and sodas because I was on the go all the time. I eat all day long and still have lost about 20 lbs, since the first of the year.

The secret?

Drink water instead of pop- I cut back on my pop intake- now it's more a treat than a thrist quencher.

Fruit and veggies, rice and beans.

Eat the fruit like a snack-Fix a bowl o'fruit and eat off of that when you get the sweet attack.

Veggies, rice and beans. There are tons of ways to fix veggies and make them taste great. I am not a real big fan of carrots-but in a stirfry or steamed they are really sweet! Rice and beans-rice fills you up nicely!

Meat? I eat a hamburger patty-fried - without the sauces and with a sliced tomato, lettuce and a slice of bread- like a deconstructed burger!

Lots of chicken -steamed or in a soup.

Soups are easy to make and you control what you put into them-salt and fats.


Check out herbs and spices to take the place of your sauces -Ketchup is way to sweet to my palate since I cut back on using it. Louisiana hot sauce puts a kick into food with no real calories.

I was doing physical work and slimmed down before I started looking at what I ate. I was really scared that I was going to gain wieght when I stopped working. There was a time that I was 60 pounds over what I weigh now!

Keep positive and think thin - you can do it.

Some ideas for veggie meals- With a portion of meat and a slice of bread you can eat well, feel full and satisfied.

P.S. I lost the weight without doing any real exercise. I could have a six pack abdomen but I'm not that motivated!;)

05-30-2008, 07:06 PM
Well I'm really proud of myself. I have not had any soda's today, when I had the opportunity to get one twice, I had water instead! I'm cutting out my soda's. I'm going to set aside a time each day and take up running, starting out short distances at first and working up. Also has anyone heard of Green Tea working for weight loss? I've heard it works but don't know how. I got some today just in case though. I've also vowed to get up and do stuff more throughout the day, at the times when I'm usually sitting. I am doing this somewhat for my boyfriend but am mainly doing it for myself. I'm tired of the way I look and feel and how I'm exhausted and have no energy most of the time. Everyone's suggestions are great. I'm not looking to lose weight instantly, since that weight usually comes back doublefold. But I am looking to losing it healthily, but I still don't want it to take too long! I don't have a scale in my home, so I'm just going to have to go by how well I can fit in my pants. lol. I would really like to get this weight off, I've been gaining weight steadily since I was 12, each year getting into a bigger size, and it's time for this cycle to stop. My senior year of high school I went from a size 15 to a 13because I excersized and felt so good about myself, but then I stopped, I would like to have that good feeling again and this time I'm not stopping until I hit size 8 and then I'm going to work to keep it off. Keep sending me your support, I don't really get it around here.

05-30-2008, 08:21 PM
I've heard that when doing stomach crunches, it's good to do them every other day to give your stomach muscles a chance to heal and strengthen. Then you can do a different exercise on the days inbetween and mix it up so it's not boring. We bought one of those stomach cruncher things that has a pad for your head and you hang on to the bar above your head with your arms upstretched. I think it cost about 30.00 and it really works well and keeps your back from hurting.
I'm a huge water drinker. I don't drink pop, mostly because the bubbles upset my stomach but I also don't really drink juice (though I probably should!). I have the odd orange juice now and then and of course my morning coffee but the rest of the day it's water. I bring a glass jar of it to work with me as well.
There are some good high protein snacks out there that can leave you feeling full without too many calories. I like to make humous and I leave the tahini out of it and it tastes exactly the same to me. I just throw a can of chick peas in a blender with some lemon juice, a dash of water, some garlic and cayenne and some olive oil. I eat it with one warmed tortilla ripped in pieces.
Refried beans also have less than a gram of fat. (I think!?!) I love beans. :)
And lately, we've been eating alot of Cobb salads for dinner with shredded turkey and boiled egg and sliced almonds and cranberries and some lowfat cheddar cheese with a lowfat dressing. It's sooooooooooooooo good!

05-30-2008, 09:14 PM
If you like green tea, since it's summer, make it into a nice iced tea!

I kinda think that artificial sweeteners just make a person crave for the 'real thing' - the only one I will use is Stevia, which is made from a plant, and sweetens a lot more than the usual sugar. It's not artifical.

You can get it in a small dropper bottle - it lasts a LONG time.

I'm going to look up a learn-to-run group here. Maybe there is one where you are? It's good because you are taught how to do it without hurting yourself...and you do it with nice people...and it's maybe one minute walking, one minute running to start with.

Take it easy on the body! :D

You go girl - good for you!

(PS Your bratty brother - I used to tell people "I'd rather have the fat on my hips than in my head!" :p Look at him MEANINGFULLY if you say that! LOL)

05-31-2008, 12:50 AM
I'm trying to lose weight too.

Just to add my two cents---


Seriously, I quit drinking soda about year ago, and stayed off of soda for 6-7 months, and I lost almost 20lbs. I started drinking soda again though, and out of bad habits and eating bad, I've gained most of it back.

I like the 4 steps that Moesha posted though.

Good luck everyone!

05-31-2008, 02:09 AM
Try drinking water, instead of soda. If you don't like the plain taste of water, try Fruit-2-O. It's yummy-tasting fruit-flavored water, sweetened with sucralose. Some people find sucralose has an aftertaste, some people don't - it's one of those weird genetic things. Sadly, I cannot drink anything with sucralose any more, but that's just my body that developed an allergy to it, along with my gazillion other strange food allergies. If you like the fizziness of soda, try seltzers.

I now drink water most of the time - sometimes you think you're hungry, when actually you're just thirsty. Staying well-hydrated is always a good thing.

05-31-2008, 04:43 AM
Walk everywhere. At least one hour a day. That alone will make a enormous difference. MOVE!

Cook the bulk of your food, don't eat out.

Eat a good healthy big breakfast so you don't pig out later from hunger. My breakfasts are HUGE. I had a weetabix with banana, a boiled egg, wholewheat toast, and apple and a yogurt for breakfast (I eat that over about an hour period, not in one sitting) and I am full of energy until about one when I eat lunch.

Don't buy into diet fads. Just eat veggies, fruit, whole grains, and lean protein. I doubt drinking green tea will make a huge difference in your metabolism and most people put either a ton of sugar or artificial sweetener in it. Water is best.

05-31-2008, 03:47 PM
Try drinking water, instead of soda. If you don't like the plain taste of water, try Fruit-2-O. It's yummy-tasting fruit-flavored water, sweetened with sucralose. Some people find sucralose has an aftertaste, some people don't - it's one of those weird genetic things. Sadly, I cannot drink anything with sucralose any more, but that's just my body that developed an allergy to it, along with my gazillion other strange food allergies. If you like the fizziness of soda, try seltzers.

There's a product called True Lemon (also True Lime and True Orange) that are little packets that can be used to flavor water or tea. They are made from 100% natural ingredients with no natural or artificial sweeteners. It also has no calories an no carbs. I haven't tried them but have requested a free sample. It was voted in Prevention magazine as one of its 38 flat-belly foods.
Click here for their website. (http://truelemon.com/) You can get more information and a free sample (http://www.truelemon.com/sample.html) too.

06-02-2008, 11:15 PM
Sorry, haven't posted in a while. I've been trying to get in at least 45 minutes of physical activity a day, even if it's just chasing Nathan around the yard. I fell off the soda wagon today and had a couple of glasses. But I'm trying to do better! I already feel better about myself, just want to keep it going and not get over confident.

06-03-2008, 02:30 AM
One can of coke has 12 teaspoons of sugar.

06-03-2008, 06:21 AM
Sorry, haven't posted in a while. I've been trying to get in at least 45 minutes of physical activity a day, even if it's just chasing Nathan around the yard. I fell off the soda wagon today and had a couple of glasses. But I'm trying to do better! I already feel better about myself, just want to keep it going and not get over confident.

Don't be hard on yourself; that kills our resolve. Allow yourself some missteps and get right back to your new way of living. You're doing great! :)

06-03-2008, 08:10 PM
Don't be hard on yourself; that kills our resolve. Allow yourself some missteps and get right back to your new way of living. You're doing great! :)

Yep, that's what I'm trying to do! I'm very proud of myself. Something that has happened many times to me before though is that I'll lose some weight, feel really good about myself, and then tell myself I can eat something really bad for me just once, but then end up going back to my old diet. I'm determined not to let that happen this time.

06-03-2008, 08:17 PM
Yep, that's what I'm trying to do! I'm very proud of myself. Something that has happened many times to me before though is that I'll lose some weight, feel really good about myself, and then tell myself I can eat something really bad for me just once, but then end up going back to my old diet. I'm determined not to let that happen this time.

I think we've probably all done that. It's normal to want to reward youself when you lose weight, so the next time, treat yourself in some other way. Maybe buy a bottle of new perfume or bubble bath, something small but enough to feel really good. Keep up the good work. :)

06-04-2008, 04:05 PM
A good tip is to eat several small meals a day instead of 3 big meals.

I've heard that eating 6 small meals a day is good because it keeps your metabolism constantly working
3 meals and 3 snacks: breakfast, a mid-morning snack, lunch, a mid-afternoon snack, dinner, and then a snack about an hour before bedtime.

06-04-2008, 08:34 PM
A good tip is to eat several small meals a day instead of 3 big meals.

I've heard that eating 6 small meals a day is good because it keeps your metabolism constantly working
3 meals and 3 snacks: breakfast, a mid-morning snack, lunch, a mid-afternoon snack, dinner, and then a snack about an hour before bedtime.

That's exactly what my sister-in-law does. She's small and is able to keep her weight constant this way.

06-04-2008, 08:35 PM
I weighed in today at weight watchers...I have lost 9.7 in three weeks, I an counting pounts and that has been working well.

06-05-2008, 10:13 AM
Good job, Caseysmom!!!! :) My sister is faithfully doing weight watchers and has lost over 15 pounds in the last month. She is trying to lost 15 more.

Good luck to you, Sumbirdy. When you drink soda, are you drinking the ones with sugar? There are so many diet sodas that you can drink that won't give you the added sugar. You just have to be careful to limit the number you drink because the salt content is very high in soda. After doing LA Weight Loss for a number of months, I learned that if I limit myself to 2 Diet Cokes per day (my personal favorite soda), I'm fine and drink water the rest of the time.

06-05-2008, 10:45 AM
Good job, Caseysmom!!!! :) My sister is faithfully doing weight watchers and has lost over 15 pounds in the last month. She is trying to lost 15 more.

Good luck to you, Sumbirdy. When you drink soda, are you drinking the ones with sugar? There are so many diet sodas that you can drink that won't give you the added sugar. You just have to be careful to limit the number you drink because the salt content is very high in soda. After doing LA Weight Loss for a number of months, I learned that if I limit myself to 2 Diet Cokes per day (my personal favorite soda), I'm fine and drink water the rest of the time.

Are there any diet sodas out there that don't taste like diet at all?

06-05-2008, 11:24 AM
Are there any diet sodas out there that don't taste like diet at all?

Try Diet Coke with Splenda. I don't like Diet pop at all but I'll drink that!!

03-19-2009, 12:16 AM
Rather than start another weight loss thread I thought I would resurrect this one.

I'm so frustrated!!!!! I've been on a good diet and exercise program for two weeks now and I haven't lost anything....nada. Yes, I'm 100% behind this and I'm doing this for myself.

Mon, Wed, and Sat are hard work out days. Tues and Thurs are swim days. Fri and Sun are rest days. I'm really watching what I'm eating....low fat, low salt, low sugar....lots of good fruit and veggies...cut way back on meat...eating lots of grains, legumes, beans...what more can I do? I don't eat any sweets or fried foods and I've cut way back on bread.

I drink tons of water all the time, no pop, no coffee, drink green tea...am I just being too anxious??? I would have hoped to show at least a one pound loss, but no...nothing.

My good friend and neighbour is doing this with me so we have a good support system in place. She inspires me and I inspire her.

I'm thinking seriously about WW. From your comments, it works so maybe it's time I give it a try.

03-19-2009, 12:45 AM
There's a product called True Lemon (also True Lime and True Orange) that are little packets that can be used to flavor water or tea. They are made from 100% natural ingredients with no natural or artificial sweeteners. It also has no calories an no carbs. I haven't tried them but have requested a free sample. It was voted in Prevention magazine as one of its 38 flat-belly foods.
Click here for their website. (http://truelemon.com/) You can get more information and a free sample (http://www.truelemon.com/sample.html) too.

Sadly, I am terribly allergic to lemon and other citrus, so that wouldn't work for me. But maybe someone else would find it useful!

03-19-2009, 06:35 AM
Rather than start another weight loss thread I thought I would resurrect this one.

I'm so frustrated!!!!! I've been on a good diet and exercise program for two weeks now and I haven't lost anything....nada. Yes, I'm 100% behind this and I'm doing this for myself.

Mon, Wed, and Sat are hard work out days. Tues and Thurs are swim days. Fri and Sun are rest days. I'm really watching what I'm eating....low fat, low salt, low sugar....lots of good fruit and veggies...cut way back on meat...eating lots of grains, legumes, beans...what more can I do? I don't eat any sweets or fried foods and I've cut way back on bread.

I drink tons of water all the time, no pop, no coffee, drink green tea...am I just being too anxious??? I would have hoped to show at least a one pound loss, but no...nothing.

My good friend and neighbour is doing this with me so we have a good support system in place. She inspires me and I inspire her.

I'm thinking seriously about WW. From your comments, it works so maybe it's time I give it a try.

For me, it's always been the carbohydrates that get me into trouble. I could live on rice, pasta and potatoes. Also, as I've aged, losing weight has become increasingly difficult. I have to work out twice as hard and eat half as much just to maintain, let alone lose weight. I haven't checked your profile to see your age, Slick, but I do know that age is a contributing factor. After two weeks, I'll bet that you'll suddenly see a drop in weight. Have you measured yourself? I'm also willing to bet that you've lost inches. How are your clothes fitting?

I fear that I haven't been much help to you so I want to add "Don't give up!". It'll happen. Keep the faythe. :love:

Maya & Inka's mommy
03-19-2009, 06:38 AM
I'm thinking seriously about WW. From your comments, it works so maybe it's time I give it a try.

Please do!! Before going to WW, I tried several diets, I even went to a dietician; but nothing worked! I am with WW since 1 year now, and.......
I have lost 37,5 pounds so far :):love::)

Good luck Slick & Sunbirdy!!

03-19-2009, 09:45 AM
Have a look here - and get the book if you can (it's a small softcover, nothing huge). ;) Made a difference for me! And they say 'skinny', NOT scrawny.


If you can't take one more day of self-loathing, you're ready to hear the truth: You cannot keep shoveling the same crap into your mouth every day and expect to lose weight.

03-19-2009, 09:58 AM
A friend here at work is on WW and has lost nearly 8 pounds in 4 weeks, and one of the weeks she really wasn't 'trying'. I have always rolled my eyes at WW or any other diet, but, am trying it now cause it seems to work. One of the things I have my eye on, but, Dave Ramsey says no (he he he) is that PX90...muscle confusion. Instead, I keep meaning to implement something similiar on a smaller scale at home. Jumping rope, lunges, J-Jacks, using the Reebok step (yep, from the late 80's!!), etc. It kind of shakes things up (in more ways than one, KWIM?). Between that and portion control....I hope to have something to report in a month!

Keep at it, and keep moving.

03-19-2009, 10:58 AM
Ok the best weight lose tip I have is this. It's not pretty but nothing works as well as this.
Take all your cloths off.
Sit down in front of a full length mirror.
I did this, cried for 10 minutes straight, banged the floor, cursed my fat self and then lost weight.
Never ever wanted to see that sight again.
I was about 40 lbs over what I should be But those 40 lbs looked totally disgusting when sitting down. We never see ourselves sitting down, how the fact rolls around our mid-section, if we did McDonalds would be closed in a month.
I have gained some weight again and it's time for me to sit in front of the mirror and cry again.
Good luck

03-19-2009, 05:16 PM
Slick please do go to weight watchers, i too can only tell you it is the best weight loss programme ever, i swear by it, i do it alone at home,and it is much harder without the support but so far i have lost 3.8kgs, it has taken six weeks, but for us older girls,that is a good average weight loss.

I have been very successful before with this programme, only putting it back on after having my second child and going back to my bad ways of eating,it really does have to be a change in lifestyle for life, i am still working on that one.

It truly works, if it doesn't then it is only because you are doing something wrong, evaluating your points wrong or something along those lines.

I almost eat everything i want on WW, i have treats every week, i could not do it without them,i eat low fat, drink my litre of water daily,you do have to be strict and stick with your allowance though especially if you are older.

It is not about what you eat so much , but the quantity, I have eaten chocolate, chips(oven jacket wedges,) burgers,(home-made ones )and ww museli bars, and chocolate eclairs, subway,does that sound like i am under priviliged, doing without, NO, but the thing is they are in moderation,not every week, and i eat low fat ,and plenty of fruit ,veges salads as well.

Be warned though DON'T be buying the ww chocolate eclairs until you are well into your programme, as you have to be able to restrict them to one a day, and they are to die for, i am at a point now that i can do that successfully, and it really gives me a power control buzz, i love having the control over how much i eat.

I am not a big believer in diet drinks, i used to consume them, but i honestly think they make me hungry, but i do believe in not drinking soft drinks at all, except maybe on a rare occasion. If i want a soft drink , then i will have one, but only one glass and only now and then.

I always have cereal and fruit for breakfast, weetbix,which are a low fat, high fibre,low sugar cereal with lots of vitamins and minerals,not sure if you get that over there and i have morning tea, a cuppa and a low fat or ww museli bar,lunch is often wholemeal and grain toast bread,two slices with a mashed banana or salad and a low fat ham or chicken, or a ham and tomato toastie, or low fat soup and one roll, a low fat yoghurt, afternoon snack is always fruit, dinner is usually a salad, one small potato and chicken, i do have red meat twice a week for iron, as i have had low iron, and i have a cup of decaf tea in the evening, this is usually what i have mostly, with subway and a mcdonalds ice cream every two weeks or so, and i have 3 squares of chocolate once a month.

I am not a person who has much variety though, as i am a very plain eater, but there are so many wonderful weight watchers recipes, that most people will enjoy, and gives you plenty of variety.

Sumbirdy, congratulations on your efforts, keep with it, YOU CAN DO IT, it is all about portion control and exercise.

I am very slack with the exercise, i have some health issues that make it difficult at times, but i still need to do it, that is my next resolution to get back on the dreadmill, i tried last week and only lasted five mins, oh dear,i am thinking i will reach a plateau soon and that is when i am going to need that much dreaded exercise, i guess i am holding off till then lol.

Good luck and keep at it, and remember dieting does not have to be no fun at all, and you can still enjoy nice foods and treats, and still loose weight, it is reducing those portion sizes that really matters.:)

03-19-2009, 05:37 PM
I'm currently in my 7th week of Body For Life and this program is amazing! I highly recommend it. :cool:

In the first 5 weeks, I lost 5 lbs. of fat and gained 5 lbs. of muscle. The scale number of course stayed the same, but I was able to wear a size 8 pant that I hadn't been able to wear in 5 years. :eek: :D I was wearing 12's before.

All my pants are now loose and I'm digging out the belts.

The theory behind it is actually simple. Eat 6 small meals a day (a portion of protein, vegetable, and carbs), drink lots of water, and mix up your workouts.

I'm getting muscle definition in my arms and I'm actually starting to see my abs! :love:


Johanna, I have friends that are using P90X right now and are seeing awesome results. It's pretty hardcore, so I'm using BFL as a stepping stone and I plan to transition into P90X. :)

03-19-2009, 07:47 PM


You have to have patience to see the progress.

Your body is saying, "Woman, what are you doing to me?"

I suggest trying it for two months and if you do not see any results, try a structured weight loss diet.

I have done my walking - LOL I almost cried yesterday, I lost my peodometer and even went back to look for it- For the last week I have not been able to keep my pants up. I lost my handles and now have to pull my pants up higher and cinch the belt tighter.

Keep at it and don't go from program to program. It's way easier to give up when you 'fail' a bunch of times.

Stick to it or I'll kick your arse!:D

03-19-2009, 09:00 PM
Yep Slick you have to stop listening to that little voice in your head, that say's oh well you might as well just give up, i had two weeks where i lost nothing, i was so depressed about it all as i really had stuck to my programme, i then analysed it and realised i probably had a few more points one of those week, only because i mis-calculated, i kinda guessed on a food item, as i don't have the books and all the tools ,and i was saying to my husband i am sick to death of it all , i might as well give up,but determination sank in and i did not give in, i mean yes if you work really hard and see no result ,of course your heart sinks and you feel what is the point.

The point was why should i go off programme and gain all the weight i worked so hard to loose, no way Jose am i going to do that, not this time, that little voice in my head can go take a hike permanently.

This week the results showed up on the scales, mind you i have to say thank goodness or i might just have given in to that stupid little voice in my head trying to sabotage my progress.

So go with the flow Slick and get started YOU CAN DO IT.:)

BTW Richard Good on you, you are doing really well, keep it up.

And Catnapper, you have given some good sound advice, i agree with you on so many points.

Just wanted to add, i had a real boost today, i tried on some of my old clothes, just ones i wear around home, and they fit again, and are looking so much better, sometimes trying clothes on is more of a boost than the scales, as they can let you down, but you sure know if you have lost by the way your clothes fit and feel.

03-19-2009, 09:01 PM
Its HARD. The past year has been without a doubt the year I obsessed over food... what I was eating, what I wasn't... how much, how little. Ugh!

Here are some more things I've noticed:
* There IS such a thing as eating too little. I notice if I eat every few hours, I'm never hungry. I don't over-eat at meals. I have consistent energy.

* Mix up your food. I ADORE oatmeal. I was eating it every single morning. I noticed I flatlined when I did, so I make myself mix it up. I eat oatmeal most days but I also throw in cold cereal and the occasional pancake breakfast.

* give yourself a treat each day. My current treat-du-jour is a Hershey's kiss. I look forward to that kiss every day. I make myself stop at one, unless Cameron insists I need one.... calories eaten on his say-so don't count ;) I also love to look forward to fortune cookies, 100 calorie packs, etc.

* don't keep the food around. My daughter came home from college and wanted cheese cake. I'd have gladly goten it.... but I knew it would be inhaled the second it came home. I'm actually scared of Easter baskets next month! :eek: I can't resist jelly beans and Peeps.

* I can't stress portion control. Its shocking to see what exactly IS a portion. I now measure how much cereal I pour into my bowl. I was eating twice what I should have and had no idea.

* Also..... I can't stress the importance of a journal. Keep your thoughts and frustrations, as well as your success on paper. It makes you accountable. I never kept a food diary, but am told its the most powerful tool. I was just honestly too scared to SEE my food intake on paper.... then have a written record that someone else miught find? :eek: I have been thinking about trying one now though.

03-20-2009, 12:02 PM
Johanna, I have friends that are using P90X right now and are seeing awesome results. It's pretty hardcore, so I'm using BFL as a stepping stone and I plan to transition into P90X. :)

Does PS90 require 90 minutes of exercise every day? Is there a diet component with it? (Since I am a veggie, I have found many diet programs are heavy on lean flesh...and it is hard to do a substitue with non flesh).

I will have to check out BFL!

03-20-2009, 07:12 PM
"Have a look here - and get the book if you can (it's a small softcover, nothing huge). Made a difference for me! And they say 'skinny', NOT scrawny"

I really disliked this book. I don't need someone cursing at me! It's also a bit unrealistic everything they want you to cut out completely.

I lost 60lbs a few years ago. I just got sick and tired of being sick and tired! I did go to WW and it helped alot. I would recommend that for sure. Particularly good for moral support when you are discouraged.

My father, who was a smart ass (and skinny!) always said the only excercise he needed to stay thin was to turn his head to the right, then the left and repeat several times when offered food! :p


03-20-2009, 07:44 PM
One thing that helps me resist the sugar urges is lots of fruit!

One of my favorite treats when I want something sweet, cold and tasty is apple slaw.

I buy a bag of apples, I love green ones because they are tart! I add some red or galas to balance the flavor out....

I shred them, add some lemon or lime juice, raisins and maybe some celery, carrots or orange slices.

I keep a tub ready to eat and love it when I wake up in the middle of the night. A small plate and a few spoonfuls satisfy and refresh me on warm nights.

03-21-2009, 01:27 PM
Does PS90 require 90 minutes of exercise every day? Is there a diet component with it? (Since I am a veggie, I have found many diet programs are heavy on lean flesh...and it is hard to do a substitue with non flesh).

I will have to check out BFL!

P90X says it'll help transform your body in 90 days. There is a variety of workouts that come with the DVD's, but I'm not sure how long they are. I think the length of the workouts vary.

There is a nutrition plan but I didn't research it much.

With BFL, I work out for 45 minutes on my weight lifting days and only 20 minutes on cardio days.

For protein, I eat a lot of egg whites, cottage cheese, boca burgers and fish. I have chicken occasionally and red meat very rarely if at all.

I think BFL is very vegetarian friendly. Tempeh, Seitan, Tofu, Soy, ect. are listed as approved Vegetarian Proteins. :)

03-22-2009, 01:33 AM
Hey Slick, what always messes me up are grains! I do well on a more protein-based diet.. nothing excessive, I just have to watch the amount of carbs I take in. What I'll do at night is boil a few eggs and have them ready to go in the morning. I try to eat small frequent meals through out the day so they make for a nice breakfast or snack during work.

I had a hard time dropping weight in the beginning. I'd drop a pound or two, then stay there.. didn't matter how well I ate or how much I worked out. Then all of the sudden the pounds starting dropping really quickly! It's also possible you're just building muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat so it's a good idea to try body measurements too!

I've picked up a few tricks over the past little while.. I allow myself to eat whatever I want. If I want chocolate cake, I can have it! The only thing is that I HAVE to work it off at the gym. I don't feel like I'm restricted or missing out on anything. I also have healthy snacks ready to go in zip lock bags. I have frozen grapes in the freezer. They make for a nice healthy snack when I'm getting the munchies. If I crave chocolate I grab a baggie of Special K Chocolate. Filling, and there are chocolate pieces! :D

03-22-2009, 04:54 PM
There are so many delicious low fat treats around today, one never has to feel like you are missing out, and especially in the states your choice is unlimited,so no excuses really.

I would like to say set yourself little goals in increments, and reward yourself when you reach them,NOT WITH FOOD THOUGH, maybe a new hair do, a book, a movie.

I have mine set, first is to get my highlights done, i have reached that goal already, but have no money yet for it, has been an expensive month, ho hum, next goal i reach i will get a weight watchers magazine subscription and then the final will be at my goal target weight, of course will be new clothes, outer and under, cannot wait.

For me it is going to take a long time, i envision being there for the summer, and quick is not always the best, slowly but surely will help you keep it off.

I intend to try and eat as i do now forever, except i will allow myself a few extra points per day, which will be consumed in fruit, and if i want a special treat i will work it in with my points.

Anyhow good luck everyone.:)

03-22-2009, 05:29 PM
Wow...I had forgotten that this thread existed. I have dropped maybe a couple of pounds, but not much. And it's frustrating! Nothing seems to be really working. What is BFL?

03-22-2009, 08:14 PM
What is BFL?
Body For Life - http://bodyforlife.com/index.asp is a 12 Week program.

I have friends that had fantastic results with this program. To cut costs, I picked the book up at the local library.

I'm down from 140 to 130 currently. :) I'm at the beginning of Week 8.

Weight Training - http://bodyforlife.com/exercise/weighttraining.asp
Cardio - http://bodyforlife.com/exercise/cardiotraining.asp
Meal Plan - http://bodyforlife.com/nutrition/createmeal.asp
Food List - http://bodyforlife.com/nutrition/foodlist.asp

03-22-2009, 11:12 PM
I certainly didn't mean to hijack your thread. :( I've been wondering how you are doing.

Your body is saying, "Woman, what are you doing to me?" :D LOL Richard.

I'm now proud to say that it's working....I've lost 5 pounds since March 9th. I wasn't losing any weight to begin with, then all of a sudden I saw results at the snap of a finger. I guess my body was really getting used to this idea of actually getting oxygen to all the muscles. :rolleyes:

I've decided not to use WW just yet. I'm doing this only with sensible eating and a rigid exercise program. The only "rest' nights are Friday and Sunday. We work out on the treadmill and weights on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday evenings. Tuesday and Thursday are swim nights. I have a personal trainer coming over next Saturday the 28th to give us some motivation and tips.

My problem foods are salt, butter and cheese. I've cut way back on butter and cheese but salt is my problem child. However Gini told me about Mrs. Dash and I've purchased two different flavours....Extra Spicy (because I love foods with a "kick") and Lemon Pepper and they really seem to be doing the trick for me.

And continuing to talk about food, I'm finding that I need variety so I'm trying to switch things around a bit. For example, today I allowed myself one piece of toast with 1 oz of melted Partly Skimmed mozza cheeze sprinkled with Extra Spicy Mrs. Dash. Man....I savoured every mouthful.

I'm getting sick of eating Oatmeal every morning so I bought some Cream of Wheat yesterday. I'm eating at least 3 pieces of fruit a day and lots of veggies. I must say that right now I can't eat as much as I used to. I get full faster. Could my stomach be shrinking? :confused:

I'm going to allow myself 1 treat per week. That can be in the form of food or in my case tonight I've had 1/2 glass of wine. I know alcohol is off the menu but if my diet is too rigid and too predicable I won't stay on it. Once a month I'll do something for myself like a manicure or taking my Mom out for lunch.

I'm not sure why but my mind is really set on doing this and the fact that I'm doing this with my neighbour really helps alot. We signed a contract for 3 months and I guess what motivates me is that I don't want to let her or myself down.

Oh and the one huge plus is that I'm sleeping so much better.

Congratulations to all of you participating in this struggle and I celebrate your successes. :):love: And thanks for all of the tips and tricks.

03-23-2009, 03:20 PM
I certainly didn't mean to hijack your thread. :( I've been wondering how you are doing.
:D LOL Richard.

I'm now proud to say that it's working....I've lost 5 pounds since March 9th. I wasn't losing any weight to begin with, then all of a sudden I saw results at the snap of a finger. I guess my body was really getting used to this idea of actually getting oxygen to all the muscles. :rolleyes:

Afraid of getting your arse kicked, eh?;)

You made me think about the "Mr Clean" thread and wondered if Mrs. Dash made an appearance.:eek:

Your stomach is shrinking and you will find that you must adjust your portion sizes otherwise you will eat and old sized portion and end up miserable with a tummy ache.

The thing that I have learned about 'diets' and 'giving up' treats is that if you treat yourself in moderation, a few cookies every other day, a cheat here or there, you do not freak out and tell yourself "I have to run 30 miles tomorrow to work off the cheese cake!"

Know what you can do after you have a treat. You do not have to suffer to lose weight.

Keep at it!:D

03-23-2009, 03:57 PM
Richard you hit the nail on the head there, i don't feel at all like i am suffering, i have just eaten a very delicious WW chocolate eclair, and the best part is i know at the end of the week i will loose weight, and i have still enjoyed a few treats along the way.

It is the only way to do it really, as if it is too strict you will certainly go off it, Slick you have the right idea there and congratulations on your efforts, keep at it, it will come off, be patient, not that i have any of that, i want it off today all of it, and it is very slow, but i am getting there.

Sumbirdy, two pounds might not seem a lot to you, but it is still two pounds you are not carrying around with you anymore, think of it as two pounds less of butter, go look in the supermarket , that is quite a lot,you will get there , have faith and don't let that little voice in your head,tell you different,give it a chance and keep at it.:)

I have been struggling with my weight since the birth of my second child almost 17 years ago, been up and down,but this time i am highly motivated, and success is just around the corner for me, i have my ups and downs too, but for me the motivation was a health issue, having arthritis in my knees and hip, and also i want to look better, but this time my main reason is health and that is why i am so motivated and determined to do it once and for all this time,with no going back.

03-23-2009, 09:59 PM
I certainly didn't mean to hijack your thread. :( I've been wondering how you are doing.

It's fine. :D Actually I'm very happy you brought this thread back as I had forgotten it existed. And right now, this is a thread I can really use.

03-25-2009, 06:29 AM
Slick, have you tried the laughing cow lite cheese? It is wonderful. A wedge is 1 point (I think!) I spread that on a half piece whole grain pita, add lettuce, sometimes a veggie sausage, and yum!!

I think these 5 things are helpful. Eliminate all junk (and that is different for each of us)from the diet except 1 or 2 items. Eat better and high fiber/filled foods. Eat less of the better foods. Move and finally move some more!
Moving more means more energy spent, better heart health, and less sub-conscious snacking(unless you are eating while walking!)

03-25-2009, 02:20 PM
You know i never give up cheese when on WW, infact i seem to crave it even more, i need it for my calcium intake as i am not a big dairy product eater or milk drinker, i do not have a lot, but i always have it grated with my salad,so in summer i nearly have it every night, it is about the amount not what you eat really, i do choose a lower fat option and eat Edam cheese .:)

04-10-2009, 08:46 PM
I'm down 10 pounds since March 9th. I figure 10 lbs a month is slow enough that I'm going to keep it off. This is by far the hardest thing I've ever had to do....my cancer sir jury was a breeze compared to this. No WW, no commercial products....just a good healthy diet and exercise. I've already seen a significant drop in my blood sugar level and blood pressure even with only 10 lbs. 50 more to go.

Hey, if I can do it, YOU can do it! :)

04-10-2009, 10:28 PM
That's awesome, Slick! And it really is a lot of work, more than I thought it'd be. I've managed to lose 20 pounds so far.

I went from this:

To this:

I want to lose 20 more. That will put my BMI in the middle of the "normal" range, right now I'm 2 pounds away from not being overweight! I now know what I have to do too. It's a great feeling. I've put this off for 5+ years now, and just have to tell anybody that wants to lose weight that there's no time like the present! The feeling of accomplishment is awesome!

I took full body pictures of myself every 2 weeks as well and set them as my background on my computer for awhile. It helped me to actually see the results and keep me motivated.

I also used Sparkpeople.com religiously for the first month or so. I tracked every food I ate and every time I went to the gym. It held me accountable. I'd get on just to read the motivational forums if I was feeling lousy. It made a big difference for me and actually made me commited to a healthier lifestyle.

04-11-2009, 06:24 AM
what a fantastic result, you look wonderful, you were so pretty to begin with anyway, but i bet you are feeling on top of the world now.

I am really happy with my results so far, i now have lost 5.8kgs and i intend to keep going and hopefully loose another 7kgs,(I have not weighed at this weight for over six years, infact i am slightly lower than i was then,) I have reached my first interim goals, now two more to go and the last one is my goal weight,i am giving myself plenty of time to loose it, and i hope by xmas time to be at my goal, if not before,,i know if it comes off slower i will have a much better chance of keeping it off once and for all.

Keep at it everyone it is so worth it, i went shopping for a new pair of jeans today, as my others are nearly falling off me even with a belt,and i also spent two hours trying on clothes, most of which I would have had no chance of fitting before, not everything looked great, but they sure as heck looked a lot better than before.

I bought a long sleeved hooded top with a shiny motif on it with rock written on it in pink on black, it was for my daughter but she did not like it, i tried it on and it fits, a tad tight, but hey will be there in a few weeks, now that was a good feeling lol.

05-12-2009, 10:40 PM
Way to go Ashley!! :cool:

I completed 9 of the 12 weeks of BFL. I sabotaged myself by working out while ill during Week 9. When I went to start Week 10, my body gave out.

Instead of trying to redo the weeks I missed, I decided to start a second BFL Challenge. :)

I've dropped 10 pounds so far. Just a few more to go. :)



Tough! ;) :D

Willow Oak
05-13-2009, 07:49 AM
The secret?

Drink water instead of pop- I cut back on my pop intake- now it's more a treat than a thrist quencher.

I used to drink two 12-ounce cans of coke at every meal. Then I went cold turkey and started drinking only water instead. It was awful and I hated it, but within time I got used to it. Now I always drink water at every meal, and I can't stand the taste of coke. That one thing was the only adjustment I made.

And oh yeah, I dropped from 245 to 190. Now all the women want me!

By the way, I do eat less than before. I've thought about it, and I think that the coke tasted so good at the time, and I was enjoying eating so much because of it that I tended to eat more. Switching to water slowed down my eating a bit. Just a theory.

05-13-2009, 06:39 PM
Well Done everyone, I am still going strong with Weight Watchers i have now lost 7kgs, i intend to loose that all over again if i can, by the summer time, i am taking it slow, as it is not that easy to loose anyhow at my age, and i want it to stay off for good this time, people are telling me not to loose anymore, which really bothers me, i know there is a lot more i need to loose, sure it has taken a wee toll on my face, but what can you expect at my age, a few more wrinkles in the face are sure to appear, but you cannot have it both ways, i want to be healthy and slim and i am going to be.

Keep at it everyone.:)

05-13-2009, 07:31 PM
Congrats everyone!

My total weight loss so far is about 17 lbs. I've got a long way to go but I'm happy with my progress so far.

05-13-2009, 07:35 PM
I wish I could say I'm still doing well. I'm back up another 15 pounds. :o I've been stress-eating like crazy. I KNOW what to do to lose the weight, but I just can't seem to get back to eating properly. Sigh.

Congrats to those of you who are losing -- I know how exciting and empowering it is!

05-13-2009, 09:58 PM
Congrats everyone!

My total weight loss so far is about 17 lbs. I've got a long way to go but I'm happy with my progress so far.

And you wanted to quit, you wuss. :love:


It sounds better in 'pounds'! :)

05-14-2009, 07:08 PM
Richard you are so right it does indeed, i have now lost 16.1 pounds, i weigh the lowest i have in nearly 17 years and i intend to go further yet, doing a happy dance today, as i have now reached my third goal, only one more to go to my goal weight., keep at it everyone , it is so worth it.:)

05-28-2009, 11:06 PM
15 pounds and counting :)

05-28-2009, 11:13 PM
15 pounds and counting :)

Just do not do one of those crazy diets...Like only eating fruits, like watermelon.:eek:

Maya & Inka's mommy
05-29-2009, 10:21 AM
I've tried everything too, and the only method that works, is WeightWatchers!
They not only learn how to loose weight, but also how to live healthier.
Look on their site, and you will find an address close to where you live, and also lots of tips! Good luck!!

WW is defenitely the best!! I've lost 18 kg by now!

05-29-2009, 11:28 AM
WW is defenitely the best!! I've lost 18 kg by now!

Like I told Carole....It sounds better in pounds!


I am stuck at a 7 lb loss but I feel better and have stamina, sleep better and have fewer stomach probs!:D

05-29-2009, 05:21 PM
I have to laugh - post #62 said I lost 17 pounds and my recent one says 15 pounds.

That's because I hurt my knee and I have to stay away from the treadmill. That, and really I have not been watching what I've been eating.

Guess I just have to try harder! :( OK, I'll just put it out there. My goal is to get below 200..... there now, don't you skinny people feel better now??? :p

05-30-2009, 04:56 AM
Well Done everyone, i too am still sticking with it on WW, doing it at home alone, is a bit hard, but i can do it, so far i am down 18 pounds and like you Slick still counting, i have not too far to go now, and this time i am putting it in kilos Richard because it sounds better, i only have 4.8 kilos to goal now, i cannot believe i have done itthis time, i have struggled for so long, well i better not get ahead of myself, i am not there yet, but my determination is so strong, that i can say with confidence i will be there before summer, for the first time in 17 years i will be looking forward to the summer.

This is the lowest i have weighed in coming up 17 years, my daughter turns 17 in August, does that all give you a clue,yep i am only loosing my pregnancy weight now, actually to be honest that is not completely true, when i left hospital after having her i only weighed 8 pounds heavier than when i became pregnant which is the weight i am aiming to get to now, i weigh 800grms heavier at the moment than after having my baby girl. lol

I watched Oprah the other day, and see her struggle begins again along with the biggest loser guy, i actually found it made me feel very low, as i too have lost weight before but never seem to keep it off, i could not help but think will that be me again in a year's time back to square one and then some, i know negative thinking, so now i am thinking positive, NO WAY , i am going to keep it OFF for life now.

Keep at it folks, you are all an inspiration to me,and help me to keep at it, i hope i can help you all to keep at it too.:)

05-30-2009, 06:11 AM
i have not too far to go now, and this time i am putting it in kilos Richard because it sounds better, i only have 4.8 kilos to goal now, i cannot believe i have done itthis time

Yes, You are allowed to do it that way, it make it more manageable!

You can do it!:D

05-31-2009, 10:26 PM
Thanks matey i know i can too.:)

06-07-2009, 06:23 AM
Slick, I hope you haven't totally lost it! :D Are you back on track?

It's summer now (sorry Carole, not for you), so we're all bound to lose some weight! :)

Remember, carrotts are filling! Grate some and put hazelnuts and sultanas in, it's yummy! :p

Up until I was 35, I was just under 50 kg. = 110 Pounds, but now I'm 65 kg, which is 143 Pounds, and I'm hoping to stay there, or just under 140.

Since I'm confused, I found a converter:

06-07-2009, 05:59 PM
I must say Randi, it has been really cold down under the last two weeks, and i really found it difficult to stick with my programme, i did eat at least one point over, probably every second day or so, but i maintained,this week i am trying to get back to loosing again, i am really pleased with my results, considering it is winter, i am aiming to be at goal for the summer and maybe enjoy summer for once.

Keep at it everyone, it is so worth while, i am very slack on the exercise,although i walked for around six hours shopping yesterday, so i think that must help a little, talk about shop until you drop, literally i just about did when i got home, every muscle ached, i was exhausted lol, still it was mostly window shopping although i did purchase a lovely scarf with small leopard print and tigers faces on it. :)

Maya & Inka's mommy
06-08-2009, 05:04 AM
Like I told Carole....It sounds better in pounds!

Wow yes!! Here it is in pounds then: I've lost 39.68 pounds so far :):)
Hehe, sounds sooooooooo much more, lol!!:):p

06-08-2009, 05:10 PM
That is an awesome result, and i have seen your pics too, congratulations, you have done extremely well, and you keep me inspired, i only have about 12 pounds to go now, but it is a struggle at the moment, probably hit my plateau right now,still with summer on the horizon, i am determined to get there, Well Done everyone, keep at it.:)

06-08-2009, 06:37 PM
Wow yes!! Here it is in pounds then: I've lost 39.68 pounds so far :):)
Hehe, sounds sooooooooo much more, lol!!:):p

And you say the weight you PLAN to lose in KILOS. that way it does not sound like a lot of weight!:D

That rocks.....keep at it!

NOTICE that Carole did not post a picture of the scarf!;)


A woman NEVER tells her weight, age or how many credit cards they own!:eek::D

06-09-2009, 03:32 PM
I'm in the same boat. I went from a size 8 when I got married up to a 16. I am working out now. For dieting I quit the 4 or 5 diet pepsi's a day and am having half water and half gatorade, or skim milk. Also for dinner have a lean quizine(spelling)? meal container for a plate and eat all meals on it, if it doesn't fit then your portion is too big. I give myself a seperate bowl for salad though. Kelley D.

06-09-2009, 09:58 PM
i thought posting a pic of the scarf might be a tad boring, although it is a lovely scarf Richard LOL:)Is there a point to the comment, because i am missing it mate?:confused:

06-10-2009, 12:49 AM
i thought posting a pic of the scarf might be a tad boring, although it is a lovely scarf Richard LOL:)Is there a point to the comment, because i am missing it mate?:confused:

No, no point at all.;)

Since you mentioned it, I thought you may let us see it!

I guess I have had too many women in my life-they all wanted to sit me down on the couch and give me a fashion show after a shopping trip....

I miss that!:)

06-10-2009, 03:19 PM
Oh Ok Richard, i will take a pic just for you matey, but i cannot figure out where to plug the usb cable in the computer, there are wires everywhere lol, so will have to wait for hubby tonight to do that and put it on line just for YOU lol.,what a treat you are in for eh? aww but that is sweet that you miss that, must be time to find a woman in your life my friend.:love::):):D:D

You know when i bought the scarf, i figured it was not going to be a waste of money, as it did not matter what weight i was at, it would still fit, good buying and thinking don't you think lol?

I think i am reaching my plateau, so it must be time to start the new regime, the dreaded and i mean dreaded dreadmill or exercise programme, UGH,!!!!