View Full Version : Cat Shows

Desert Arabian
08-29-2002, 12:21 AM
I just saw a cat show today at the Walworth Co. fair here in Wisconsin- and it was really neat. I think I am going to join the Waukesha Co. 4H So I can show my pretty kitty. No offense- but I saw some really ugly cats getting first place. I mean these things looked like they were dragged around the dairy barns. If those cats can get a good place... I think Dudley can too. Look at the picture of him- and tell me what you think.

Also... if any of you show your cats let me know, I want to hear about it. Thanks!!

Desert Arabian
08-29-2002, 12:27 AM
Here is a color photo of Dudley... he looks even more handsome!

08-29-2002, 12:34 AM
Dudley is a very good looking boy, okay.

I've never shown my cats, but enjoy attending cat shows and finding new treats for my fur-kids. Good luck to you both.

Desert Arabian
08-29-2002, 12:43 AM
LOL! Thanks!! My kids are fur-kids too, and always will be!They are a lot cheaper(!!!!!!!), and don't scream, whine, yell, complain,etc. 24/7! :)

08-29-2002, 06:46 AM
We could probably show our kitties but we don't have the papers to show them with..we have a ragdoll and a birman. You can check out their website to see what they look like. :)

Never been to a catshow..I don't think they have them here in Tallahassee.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-29-2002, 11:58 AM
Originally posted by YellowLabLover
LOL! Thanks!! My kids are fur-kids too, and always will be!They are a lot cheaper(!!!!!!!), and don't scream, whine, yell, complain,etc. 24/7! :)

Hmmm....evidently you have them well trained - or should I say, they haven't been able to train you. ;) :D

My two don't scream, whine, yell, etc. like skin kids do, but they sure do have their ways of letting you know what's on their minds.

Scream - What Tubby does when he's licking Peanut's head and Peanut doesn't want her head licked anymore so she swats him one and he doesn't like being swatted so he screams and attacks her. :rolleyes:

Whine - What Tubby does every Saturday and Sunday morning. First of all he whines to get out in the garage, then when he accomplishes that, he starts whining for milk.

Yell - What Tubby doesn when I accidentally step on him because he has to lay right in my way when I'm in the kitchen and sometimes I don't know he's there so I almost trip and dump dinner all over the place while he's yelling at me to stop stepping on him. :rolleyes:

Complain - Peanut does when we're standing by the counter and don't notice her sitting on her favorite rug - the one she always sits on when she wants treats. She looks like this with those "poor pitiful me" eyes.

And then I have to add Moan - What Tubby does. Don't know why, but he's usually in the basement yowling in this mournful tone of voice as if he's lost or something. As soon as I call him he's fine, but he does this at least once a day. :rolleyes:

So anyway, sorry I don't know anything about showing cats. Your Dudley is quite handsome so I'm sure he'd be a fine candidate for showing, but I have no hints or tips. Joining the 4-H would be a good idea anyway. I'm sure you'd have a lot of fun there, and maybe even win a blue ribbon for Dudley. :)

08-29-2002, 01:33 PM
what a bunch of beautiful cats!

08-29-2002, 02:35 PM
I believe that most cat shows have showings for domestic, non-thoroughbred types. At least this would also interest me. You can click on American Cat Federation Assoc.(?). and get an annual line up for cat shows around the country. I havn't been to one either, but this is about to change.


08-29-2002, 02:38 PM

Cat shows are a blast!! And yes, you can enter Dudley in the Household Pet division. All my cats are rescues and 3 of them are purebreds (American Curl, Sphynx and Munchkin). I've shown the shown those three and another one (a Siamese mix) in that category. Two of them made national standings (MooShoo the Sphynx was named 9th Best Household Pet Kitten for 2001 and Maya Linn, the Siamese mix (rescued from San Juan airport in Puerto Rico) won 13th Best Household Pet Kitten for 2001. I've met some very interesting people and have made alot of friends at cat shows.

Showing your cat can be an expense though. AACE costs about $45 per cat entry; TICA, CFF and CFA are alot more expensive. But once you get into it, you become hooked (I did!!) I finally had to give it up because it just got too expensive.

I encourage you to give it a try. Good luck and let me know how you make out.

Desert Arabian
08-29-2002, 05:54 PM
Thanks... I am going to a 4H meeting on September 23rd. It is some informational meeting, so I will get the low-down on the cat shows.

08-30-2002, 12:37 AM
Dudley sure is handsome. I bet he'd do well in a cat show. I've only been to one but would like to go to more of them. They are a lot of fun. I could never enter my 3 cats because they don't have the right personalities for such a large audience.